Show vs the furniture carpets bedland beds and bedding linens dining roo room i I 1 kitchen and other furnishings rl taken aken from fron hotel clarke now being p sold out by the piece some great bargains t PRICE TRADING COMPANY CALL AT ONIE BEFORE TUE BEST IS assy price and vernal stage stad oe and a n d express ex p r C acme line a karic herwitt 4 I itier lt AND alt IN BOTH price to toFt ft duchene duche ne one oem wr way 4 to roun bruni I 1 trip ja hi ush price a to 0 vernal one hii wy way 01 round trip UX rare to any ny way plata ril ii nit the line to luc ali a per r mile I 1 orty of war free kian per eirno PA hatha hatmone KAT MOne to 4 munia ixon 4 X a 4 too in A junda iu nl oci 0 o ti pun I 1 it pound nl orar 3 ofir urian truit trust ice rk e tuti and denial rimal i ir per pound beaded ire price llly daily 8 01 00 0 cl ck wk a in 1 I tort 0 ll dond rk arrive strive ttA sti ernal leip in airn elul rl ul chii su 10 buti iw li 0 clolk xi arrive pries 5 00 0 clock p w B R mcdonald AGENT price utah ride wei a monc monarch Mo arch and keep in front V V MONARCH AND DEFIANCE BICYCLES are recognized the world over as representing represent lne the biff best type ol 01 excellence in bicycle construction 2500 KING AND QUEEN 2500 the best pelf of 0 baydes on a earth tor tbt tb MY MONARCH MONARCH ROADSTERS SO A s a af less DEFIANCE ROADSTERS 35 1 A iss 0 atia wasted in boia berf MONARCH CYCLE MFG CO lake halsted ste ft falton fulton streets chicago bruch YORK LONDON HAMBURG bad so 20 naj instant I 1 a tamp for jali lh ri acCard card 1111 bartlett relt rt lt asman euln rua ow loop czar T lee R n wi alter ute w ALL roans ARE ane TO A JL robert mccune N I 1 TAU rou 1 american woolen mills A company of chicago X to taisa for ur fla rl M A IO sew now lt UBI A mm 8 pa to from I 1 hoo the th new obby nd leown to go out atle in pants Sui tings overcoats bancy vests nedema van save 8 to bia DIA HONKI JIM in to abe 1 clugh lr LI 0 I 1 W V 0 UH LITIn gt Kloe livington LAWYERS manti utah one of the tile firm will attend each cach term of cf district court in price water and mining lit fration a specialty I 1 IT MARK P BRAFF bT I 1 ATTORNEY PRICE CEso t UTAH i oscat 1 1 J W WARF 9 attorney at law and notary public patick special attention gt gix en to collections office W west est of the hotel mathis W WC G RICHMAN M MD vass ph PHYSICIAN a and n d S SURGEON UR will answer call caus from dins settle atlo ansa beenu R A KIRKER M E 9 examines and 1 reports on mines and carbon in est eat em utah western colorado Col Cola arado rados post postoffice office address Add reee urau 11 Cd jd karl Kf rl to all bolets east ria 1 the rio orande welem Wee teni denver rio orand grand and gret great rock fock island rrt parte leave price 1 13 17 X 1111 deverr friday rates V 00 to or kaun KOM city 1 I 1 ua 00 to chi chicago chigo go taw to booton and nil new rew york reserve conr tiona get fat fall it n of agenter aarol i r write wets T i lamir T P A Q I 1 P lir awley we salt wt lake aty utah ejectors EjEct ort I 1 a tire cure for co conglis courbe cold Is griepe of the th antip and acute athams for sale ie at emery county me ClIMP company AUTS I 1 storm i U expectorant for pleasant pro prompt M P t and certain relief for cab congas and ld for the be annual conference of mormon rmon church thumb at 1 I salt lake CUT city april ah to oth the fol lowina rate mica aro ore authorized b the luo braude Ws stern to salt lake all datil am return murn clear creek 3 OS 93 collon it IV 93 1 15 5 cattle castle gulf gate ta 5 ilal r 5 price 5 sun n naldo side 7 0 green rcck aller er tp 50 clfo clot 10 Thomp thompsons Thoin pauna sons 10 fruits cola 10 orand Ju naion nation 10 ticket tickets will be eold april ath to ath In idalie iDt clas lie lc ic limited to april 1899 dont hao bae our bettem sent to the dead lead letter anim 1 when otia can get one bundred with aur name dome and address neull printed on the tile corner comer for tl 1 25 saor or five hundred for two dollar dollars lt 1111 1 11 1 1 1 Y 4 1 1 Z einera county mercantile co GENERAL merchandise AND A FURNITURE 00 11 1 j complete stock in ever V cry line P prices rices is h and n d G goods cods ALWAYS RIGHT I 1 i i J V n 4 TORES all i 14 A 0 O 1 price v 11 J ferron an and d j f castle dale 4 A cir 1 ado e C am 0 C X teo 4 L hovels bicycles r u if moi a w t M 11 fc K 1 CYCLE FAI failed it 40 4 0 kw to 1 N atom f a W 0 11 wab a 1 I 1 rt J I 1 t 8 ass 4 as nd to ta 11 ll 1 0 T 1 b 1 M almi IM iba rm 1 ua 4 W A 1 ff k to in 0 9 16 11 1 ab y 11 L 0 11 15 1 I 1 r MOMU ft 1 4 Zit jy MK I 1 1 raf 04 a 14 1 laim m hm F W arm 1 SEXI w V e 0 to atit I 4 tit OVIA i L it lat 1 Is a M tw W i mt fl ft 4 1 1 f M 1 4 4 14 ftc uk I 1 all ak MW WE WIE HAVE HAVIE BICYCLE W I 1 TM ap i sisa 4 am 4 th emif W 1 MM ins tr r nw aub w faili mk w aw am W chii mH essau Ii 1 1 ad 4 1 ba ch ft ft F oro 00 ohms ab nb auar deolmo A irso abiva arx entry gentry cotner want the poo boie ale to know they carry la in their new now market fresh meats I 1 sausages 1 vegetables butter eggs la in fact Evat everything hlas a fint first clau eta markt arket should have attention given to the 1 trade of 4 we cater to please q 4 4 t r IT T IN evve gireth va a trial roil od yon you will come agin again special attraction w 1 irl s IMPERIAL lUPE HIAL COMPANY AT PRICE TOWN halb brids or 2425 9 uta iday I 1 I 1 I 1 a brand orand doable double dm the Aint rican 1 WI dnny r L was ff r I 1 I 1 t f I 1 the volunteer of and the dreal Cit nedy I 1 bourm saturday night the jefto domestic dra drama tog J 0 0 lav T BAD B AD MS V thecae hurtti v aj beats 5 bic jeneral Adm belon ac children sc W A rob BAIX OR OU TRADE fine farm firm of 20 acres I 1 miles from rom castle dalu date one hundred acre inder under cultivation and balance graz log ng and meadow or will take part cash and anti a mailer smaller place splendid range for block stock address andrew nell sells olten often castle costlo dale utah l TO one six hole as ROOI as new majestic range suitable sul table for famiie 11 or mall small botel hotel uee use for a good milti cow apply to C W spalding at the hotel clarke acme cholera syrup ie is the safest and earest surest remely in to the world tor for cholera antum cholera borbus billens colo colle and all trouble lesof of the bowel for ale sale at emery county mercantile company stores acme cholera lymp curee cures colic acme cholera samp curea cures diarrhoea take taka your produce to the price trad ing company and get the highest price tyrice i full fall flock stock ot of ammunition and gum inC including lading COWs kooij marlin and remington Phot gu kept la in stock by the J C weeter lumber lamm cow yany price prices utah it willbe wilt be to atle ot anyone who de dairee stares good goa underclothing for grown wu peoli or ar child children muto to come aad and mine our remnant eating fl annele annelo we have just received a whole cam it coca liot bloj to exam examine loo but yen you win will arely surely boy buy emery county mercantile coul company pany mairl 1 i cares or magic pile lotion a pasture pori tiTe can care for piles stings ting ban burn ocla well swell ing toga in diphtheria dip therla theria for sale aal at emery cocia co banys torea storm A magic pile pilo lotion care cures pile piles elten external or internal in from 4 to A 8 day days e oar ot or lampe bear the cast t inspection inspect loa we invite comparison aad and solicit the opinion of the bet best prices range from 43 centi cents to IL ibe benery county comp aisy TUB titz antoc am lass a UW stock tod of stationery tat lohery nud DW lw print i aul atal to Is pam prepared pared to furnish anything ie to we job une on chort ked md at ewt price pric 11 f 3 to 00 la 10 at prica trad tog 1 there will be 8 a grand bais baliet kest hall gate next Sat erday s sow q thirty irm junction n it mi the ball at helper A to tho ball ate M dhar on title titles one to free amrit ing the ride fross gnaw er salt lake bite oe abat at soot caa can aford |