Show ON ACCOUNT OP OF WAR virrl gilles issues tu state of deaths washington march 12 the following statement bu has been issued showing the total number of death deaths reported parted to the generals office between may 19 and slid febra gry te IS 1899 killed la in action died of died of disease I 1 tot 0 say 1 t 1 t I 1 building and pain af up to 10 1 able he cloae a of the academic ca ceralo year W 1 W wu A A fixed at Is the hour house alo also did a big life days work the following bills house bill ho no grouling oro ting that contracts acta for printing binding and stationery coir ocial tracts for ane a tote or any city ty govern government men t ahall hall bf be executed within each tacit of uch such respective districts shepard bill 1111 for a general central lair law on negotiable goti able instruments uniform with the law in oilier other states on the subjects i Ute ls bill to bo relating relative to convict coullet matte triads goods rood the tile senate bill lu creaking crea cres aing altig the examination fee of nin cista senate joint resolution no 10 authorizing the tile state treasurer and find the otate auditor to transfer trana fer the um of bald aad by sevier county into the beneral fund instead of into the school beneral land and 4 lease 1 fund uld avia aim to be bo available for refunding refund ln kh slit pard a home house bill ho no elating CLi allo to exemption of we wages from execution ul salt lake city Utah March 13 the ente senate worked hard yesterday and passed the appropriation bill the total of the appropriations will reach jor kor the national guard gewo wa was appropriated appropriate di for stale e land board contingent ex expense state tation board 3 wo for rent of 1 li ala tite tive hall for the exter mIns tion of outlaws Ss ta tribune job print ire ir compa company for 84 fay for or salt lake site city aalt it pal a 1 ace 10 00 for the maintenance ait of the h state lat board of health 13 83 for the state industrial school tor reunion a motion to insert an 4 appropriation for interest ou ohp the an 1 I t to be borrowed for the alty rity ali carrl rr d 1 ma r wait also one of M tor for the state mate i 9 her of t salaries al artia ot of county officers house bill no relating to fruit tree inspection waa was gaiard L it I 1 a wai was houe house bill no tl ti relating fn i r to th the service 1 of summons LQ lill cor car pora tlona lesa sit than a dozen members roem bera of the heuse congregated in the chamber at 10 cl clock yesterday yeat erday and after over an hour hours a hett for a quorum to ma materially ter alias they sauntered until thia this morning salt lake city 11 tali 11 march 14 the senate put la in a long on day yesterday yeat erday working until fifteen bill were passed and one waa was killed the billa bills passed were aa as follow follows He lating to the probate ofa of ellla ills on dismissal of appe appeal MIS to prevent the publication of names of corporation sg relating to witnesses in criminal cases in justice court courts praying congress to restore to tho the public domain certain portion 9 us of he foresta forestry fore atry reserve in mis t ah county relating lap I 1 lo 10 the method of to the lne court rt in c eluding ludine attorneys attorn aya fee fees in me mechanic cou battles lien ilen casses in the cult cost mill bill relating elating to procedure proc edum for new now trials making ai aries ct ef district attorney for third district as 01 ft for or second district an art ar or the tho other districts pro for revenue for the state for 1809 1829 and 1900 rotating relating to the branding of conT letmade goods providing for punishment for offenses committed at narice revising rev laing the law in regard to negotiable lable instruments tc tb permit th the united ted st state t government gor emment to purchase a alte for the new now federal building prohibiting th 9 adulteration of vinegar ar the tile initiative and referendum resolution and making the supreme court mccurt bold hold four term terms instead of tl three res I 1 he bill relating to the publication of notice notices in ne was killed the houpe passed the directing election judges in the out aide side count counties coun tea les to send election 11 returns by registered mall mail la in order to says the large expense of pedal special messengers relating to abato institutions drawing raw D 1 I their biennial ampro appropriation fix fixing ue the salaries aal arlea of district at attorneys attorn eya authorizing thor izing the th united states to purchase alte site for federal building relating to the records recording dl of maika matka and branda brands on lle live stock joint ai nt resolution for the sub mission of an amendment to the con ution in relation to changing county boun daneo joint memorial relating to the election selection of state school land lands la in fraction fractions of sections ions away from front the original section relating to the duties of the state board of equalization extending from ten daya days to thirty daya days the time defendant to anwer answer when summons la Is personally served outside of the state providing pro Tiding for the pay ay auda ment of expense of assessing and cob electing taxes in cities including cities ol 01 the third clasa class the boase con burred in the senate amendments amend menta to boo bobae bill no 53 relating |