Show UNPAID UNFED I 1 AND WEARY the rille are a H 0 1 9 DI X nl d di alad london leb 15 itea ter a telegram company limited has received ad the following dispatch from manila k dated ia tb 11 13 3 15 p m atter after the capture of Calo it spaniard who had been a prisoner there came to the americana americans holding up his hand hinds and aid said that the filipinos bad had offered to release the spaniard spaniards especially the artillerymen artilleryman artillery men 1 K they their would undertake to fight against the americans at it a day most of the spaniard spaniards reused refused and tem those who accepted the offer did 0 so o in the hope of effecting an escape the rebel rebels accordi cir to abl this inform ant are discontented unpaid unfed and thoroughly the talismanic talt manic wafers being of no avail a galinat gali tat around hunger and fatigue on friday aguinaldo Agul naldo vi sited polo a few ml mile lei north west of at ca Calo lofcan and addressed the kill pino troop troops there claiming that ballad be bad lonsk won a victory and asserting that 2600 americana Amer leans had ad been wn killed L |