Show OU 1 oil NOE jan janat 27 the people of this place the of u one of their number 1 to lie the miss lonar field SI silvester vester II 11 cox cov on monday ee evening ning by a grand tile parta par tj thu tile two hails basis of the town wem crowded and a time was ira bad bid the suir of was rahul to help him t t lie his ex on the ll 11 we baj ILI it it an bues tues tu lay elay morning I 1 he lie union clib clab baa has in murse of ich earial the melodrama of the loit lost and the fane fame of tb absent man nan under the lite lagage ment of the iloner dramatic corn win pany of hiner count counte school house building Is I 1 row being talked about on an exten she for rot ibis this part of the count A inert meet ing was wa lidd belt on tile 21 at not fur for the purpose of on ft a school bouie house bite site tile next in arder will be a pc citti tax of at least 2 per cent for two years to build a school bouie house arth shout 1000 our north worth bishop la Is coding spending the winter la in the attending alle to bla his dullea qs a representative to the legle attire from kmer haler munt the Is feeling a than be did a few weeks ago merit of enow no BOW now the tile lick nickocas ocas that rots w a prel prevalent aleut a bort short time ilme ago bar hap abated ancille and abe health Is I 1 generally neally gc good snow liaa has piled plied up in lit the tile moun tatna and the farmer farmers butir auppl for the coming season is assured aliu asiu red Orang orangeville eville can boast 0 of f being the tb borne home of iha common sensa and la on off machine which graygo dc cn co of this place bate bale in tented A patent line imen applied for A founder and anti cholm lie a been fur for the of I 1 this machine the dunand lias fins be gun ordera orders have bien licen lied from sevier and jannete counties count iee and five or six men are now employed in lit their tu to lobe be read fur for the eca sea eon son of 1899 ali re Is talk of a creamer being leing built hero till this cason shenew abe new state roller mill continues coutin to roll out for the people although the witter pt are frozen all it that eme kmen want to bring it to the front la Is rall facil atles what with our large co coal sl deposits and anti mineral minerals of all kinde kinds and the tile great grain fields and anti fruit latida to any ay nothing of our manufacturing enterprise enterprises no we aru are sm ccone ond to don none in utah wo lve bear rumon rumors iu in the air for it rall railroad roal boom in WJ 19 and emery taunt is walling waiting for it |