Show stam SIAM SENDS ENVOY till LC lection tin at SI IEt A afier clr IA LiMp p of orInc I 1 car nor or S 8 the st scire cretaro tary ustate has ha been informed that the siamese e government Is I 1 about to re its it legation la in the united states after a lapse of many yen luring time all of ite its diplomatic or 1 will tills this government has ba been con ducted through its it lea lega lion tion kt at 1 ondon the tile newly siamese minister to the L cited mate states arrived in new ew I 1 ork saturday and ivill come within a few ita a to present his ere lenti als and apen r personal diplo liitle relations between the united stat stance and oa biani slaw hie file name is chya among ills tits titles is coin man net of the most noble order df t the white elephant he ile la Is tea jointe to rest britain and the united jolted states aud and will make his headquarters in london visiting this from time to time iio ile sue eeds chya maha opha who tho al at though similarly accredited remained almost exclusively in london and never took occasion to visit the united states |