Show SPANIARD STAKE THE OATH porte porto mean and swear aurlie AUr Alleg lae lanee to 17 1114 lit flat latteo teo san sam joan porto rico oct ocl 23 six hundred soldiers uld lera and officer officers otheral ortega who who was ciccold in command ander under captain gen aral macies have embarked on oil the spanish transport montevideo which rill will let set ball today then there will then remain only a few spanish officers who have personal onal business Lullo et to attend to the administration of local affair affairs in san juan Is progressing as a before or dr brechemin chemin who succeeds dr la Is vigorously taking hold of mattera relating to public health ind sanitation A system of street stemming lle aning will oon soon be inaugurated the rhe oath of allegiance to the united stales states hare have been taken by five judg a f the superior court of porto rico who later will administer admi nitter the same lath to their spanish judges who do not denie desire to foreswear their allegiance to bhain will be re horned to the peninsula peninna AL |