Show awl mississippi aven 1 0 O flow 1 the rak ro k sod 4 farm of 1 I ral arai ata the burr ahus of the tb mississippi fiver river below new now orleans are llotd with gar dena dens in which crow stow luxuriantly a myriad of fruits and this it Is accomplished by a err very odd add of irritation irrigation near the mouth of the river 1 oa an the souta bink bank la to the th delta country sale 71 the th kansas city star li Is a narrow trip strip of land not more tian vase a thousand yard yards wide in place places in which it la IS ald said the th beet boot oranges in the country may be b irown grown there li Is no levee but the tb waters have a wid wide an expanse that the th annual fre shots do not cover the landai landa a would be b the case higher up where the river 1 li Is narrower and where the levees att are a vital necessity beyond the narrow trip strip of land that marks thie this side ide of the river ahei are innumerable bayou bayous anil and cane cans brakes and swamps in thru thew bayou bayous lurked the lone low r rs ijohn aih crafts ot of the pirate labette in the good old daya days the country la is in b A cited by carrolea ot of the most prim tite five type who live by raising fruit fishing and nis narrow strip of orange country ta to worth 1300 an acre up the river on the same aide side aa as new now orleans la Is APP approach ed eit are ar miles after mile miles of truck gardens and mall fruit farina blooming end and freeh fresh and arrn from the water drawn to them from the mississippi river 1 the method of irritation irrigation it Is by from the of the river 1 which te Is hither blither than the land on the other aide side of the lerea the levee 1 la Is from twelve to fifteen feet hith high at very every little farm la Is a o bl 0 black iron pipe straddling the levee 1 one end in a ditch on the land prom from this ditch other others lead to all parti parts of the farm some of the little farm firms tato lava as crier tha 1 leaca m the land because of its it contiguity la to the river li Is very valuable the prod uta of the farm firms are taken to new orleans and landed at the french mar ket by little steamers and barges that ply up and down the river 1 the con vengence ven lence of the gardeners nard enera |