Show good game of tall flail woe a great gainson game of ball en on burjay beaw beewen cu the and nd bartend re r and mind he the blacksmiths which was witnessed bj by a fairly good tired crowd the players for the eloon saloon were fitz raid barton nichol lanceit millburn millard Milla nl law lard fraud wa bryner an I 1 warren wh Is blacksmiths were coropo ced cf of johnson ila willson Wil leoD john L wl WI lion valla alia wy wt willson davi An andeson denon 11 re a annerson An ierson burgess an aal I 1 R ris is fraud the unit omire free were thompson and the resulting in thirty six to fourteen lo 10 favor of the at ailbe the aslor of thia this fame there wr was a game between picked mines the core BOOM being ten to three Conal lerable money changed kaoda on the last game the deposit ot of upon the ute on the border ix tati colorado and new now ha has g fue rolly bem been amsid co Midred red the only deposit of 0 this mineral ral nei but recently rece gool trina veto here li ben lien en found ia to middle park clio the Kilso alle fr arca bee these dero derc ilta alts ia Is said to be remarkably pore pure and to contain from 23 to US 14 per cent c tf cf f carbon of i bleb bich only about 40 per cent ii Is volatile au utah gi boulte heretofore considered the bret beat in the united states coukas alna about tl PC per r cent carbon L |