Show AND r 1 consula county or tir the nes nattle massed for further information TO ID in the matter of the tb estate of green IT allred 1 Is hereby given by be the administrator t the estate of often IV all red a t c 1 I of an I 1 all per 5 on bin finx cealma against ike the mid sold deti M 1 exhibit them with the nc cary emary voucher vouchers wi within four montet after the first publication of this notice to the said id it at bit his home la in IN elli ellington I 1 arbon county I 1 tali tah 1 U of the ette ot of areen W allm d wm dated t till uta lay of juno isue in th 11 at arenth judicial district court probate division in and ad for carboa county too of utah fUh in the the estate atle of george arand mi wm ded notice I 1 ie that geor 0 brand frond oen n boa h a for or the U lobance 1114 t let of administration to him upon mid inid estate and that rid petition la Is art lor I 1 earing alday at aklu a m in the llo e at mc rrt fix n 1 dounty 10 U 1 1 1 utah W if 11 1 1 1 1 llyle Deputy clerk OTILE FOR publication NO 0 o 3 30 T ind land at salt lake city utah june 8 I 1 liw A jothi notice abere a ritan that tho the toll fol lowin wing named e it ba kat filed 4 notice of his hi bointen intern lion to irhe tooke final proof in our uart 0 ot er h lila claim CWM and that said proof rill will be poad made b before the bouty ty clerk of carbon county etab at price utah on cuir july 3 mm ri vi v i I 1 harin harles W iii cramp i ramp E r no UMI arth or the N 1 1 pec ser ll 11 9 kah 1 1 a names the following witness to prove h lence upon and cultivation of aid land tin a alb lib oades jaw jam b bof ford harm 11 II mckendrick and illiam chace all or of I 1 ri rice utah I 1 lh D HOBBS register U P attorney jv I 1 sit LAND FINAL notice folt publication no noril rl 1 state states land office salt lake uke city rash may xay 7 mk notice 1 hereby that charles 11 II empey ircy of 0 price lailar m L lu utah has died filed dilce t 0 o of bis intention in an make inake proof on hi 4 d ihrl rt land and c claim no tf r for the NB NE 14 1 4 I 1 nto an NW 14 BW SW 14 i MW 14 N IV lt 14 l t sec zt slap tp 14 8 S it 10 A R I 1 before the cun county ty cler idlof of C 4 arto R co 30 at price rig fore lash on a ibe the leth day 0 ot t j june e M fk lie name names the hollowing iol follow lowing lo wi tramm to prove ibe ibis comp complete loto irrigation and of ald said land ernest L S flor at price I 1 tab arthurw arthur if llorlys f price utah pell nan U of 1 ulab utah alpha alphe ballinger of price altah D HOBBS register Bc elter ma J 9 V NOTICE FOR publication nors land 1 office 0 at t act lake flay utah may J 1811 notice to hereby miren that the following barney named i ruler haa has died notice of at his hl Intent intention lun to malle anal proof in support of at his hl claim and that al proof will III be made betche bete the clerk derk of I 1 arbon at pe puce ice hah utah on july a ia VU i munir abra am dell I 1 lil for into 3 ana 4 and s 1111 1 w 14 1 8 a TP 16 P IL it F the following ala his co UN and eulily it n r uld asit lam mt i is lahi LA hi jen je n isaac II 11 it ar A 4 r r rt as david fill and adgar otheya all of ruing U irta tun 1 ial ah r klunk JUNK lk 1 hociy glicr cr |