Show th the 1 field aad nil fares ct of coat contain ains 83 8 paga pig including a 14 page all 11 II reeding lory glory king it the target largest and what it Is considered the th lct lest farm arm and cd lire live tuck journal it Is U bani bant amely illustrated tied each aad and should be rei re I 1 by aery arm ranch atrin la in the conn coun try we can dob club field aud and farm with thi this parr paper at tj J 50 a year yi ar acid 0 cafe ta vy i up ad llo barest fal aua ua a arest armaly ran ly in the tb world for cholera In tam chovers choi br bilious col c anil and all tiou troubles bles of the bovry lt i for aal sale at eatery County Mercantile coin torn stores acine acme cholera syrup core caree bolle acme cholera syrup caree the utah church and ad farm of 0 fait lake cly city Is I 1 now published ty by the church and farm company as a an independent journal 10 16 pages twice a month and contain contains besides the cream of farm literature the sermons nione and anti discourses of the presidency and apostles apo etlee and ad missionary inWon ary now news of the mormon church under its it new now management it la published at CV tv cent a year we can club church sinal farm with thu this paper at 1123 a year cath cash la to all advance evers won ur LV ala te abere Is 11 a A goad 1 there is I 1 nothing just as awl as dr king new now discovery Die covery for t coughs and coldi ro to bemand it and od 10 lo do bot not permit the dealer to sell yon some substitute ho will not tialin claim there i better but in order to make more profit he may claim else to be just a as good yon you wast want dr king a now discovery because you know it to be safe and reliable and go granteed tran teed to do goldor good or money refunded for cousin coughs coue and for au all allec eions of throat cheet and long lung there Is j nothing so 0 goud good ae as I 1 Is dr king kings hew I 1 ow trial bottle free fre at ettery county mercantile company regular ize size 50 rente cents and 1 00 alae ir magnue expectorant is a poel tiTe cure ture for coughs cold IA grippe eppe congestion of the langi longi and areto asthma for eale sale at lutery county mercantile company a toree storm ue use magan Mag utts expectorant for pleasant prompt and certain relief for coughs and colds Liec trie kittli electric ditton is a medicine suited for any season but more genci goner ally needed when the languid exhausted feeling pre rail when the lier liver lj is torpid and sluggish luK gith and the need of 0 a tonio topic and alte rati 0 Is felt A prompt us uw of this medicine has often averial lont lon and per balm fatal billon borers no f medicine will ill act more purely la in and free frebine inse the system from the taema wa arial poison headache conti conati 3 beld id to electric bitten bitters me we and tl 1 IM per bottle at emery county tile company THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE lu if Z troubles and consumption can be cured new novi york chemist 11 and ad It lea elest Hs a fro fr offer to I 1 oar out readers the distinguished new york ast 1st t I 1 T A blockum demonstrating his discovery of a reliable and absolute for consumption tuber tu tunisia kisia and all bronchial throat lung and cheat dieuw cc congh ablis catarrhal catan bal affections gerneral decline and a d eak news low loss of and all con ditkus of wasting awny will enid solid THREE k REE BOTTLES all different 0 of f his bi new now to any 1 of the advocate writing for them hi ilia I 1 new treatment has cured liy by lie its timely tue and suit bo be considers it a simple profess loual duty to buffering suffering Lum Ln manity autty to donato donate a trial 0 his infallible cure daily develops der elorie new wo niler and this creat great chemist patiently expert mentloe for fordean fo years ryean baa has produced prod aced molt results ae as to hu maulty aa as can U b claimed by any modern genio genias uia his asser asserting tina that anop tron blei and con tump tion are ar curable la in any climate ie is proven by I 1 heartfelt letter letters of gratitude filed in his bl american and furo laboratories in thousands thon sands from ataee cured in all U parta parts of the world medical edical Id cypen concede that bron culah cheet ut icing tron blea bles lead to consumption lon uninterrupted meina speedy ans certain death simply write to T A ocum 31 C OA pine street afew york giving poet post office and express aa addren droes and cud the free medicine will be promptly ent sent suffer en tra take instant advantage of bu his onerous proposition I 1 cleme tell the tb doctor that yon you law saw bb bib I 1 ia 12 the advocate Adro cate i rk f ah dy CATHARTIC CURE constipation j j 0 4 AU 1 agibe r tf ml wal less U r 1111 G sr 0 0 rr r lent be J ad bemp I 1 art fj ra U tark III ATTENTION A IN bet Is I 1 an n for it it is a not to draw the attention of the public this Is I 1 my wy I 1 alue tl ue but I 1 want tj to know that I 1 wn m not ao awo elated dated or connoted with any one in ibe the lani ian I 1 buil nem I 1 DO MV MY OWN LAND SS and guarantee ua its when yon you wat want to FILK FILE on land under the it OnEST BAD fr cr DESERT LAND ACTS or make FINAL proofs call on the fou YOU DO io NOT bare to in leave hoine to do this if it A citizen at orangeville Oraa Orang eville I 1 huntington ferron emery or moira molea warts to FILE or make FINAL PROOF on land I 1 hlll take filing alila or proof nt at auy any of ib ito above nitrated nita ted plaats the fint first fire fireplaces at regular prim k effot atad aaa boleo X olen it 1 and th emery 1 11 l 0 extra parti or Orren river ca can learn leave price in the come comet to huntington and do land butress but mess ua back to price th the it ame day or I 1 will rill take a filing or flail proof at place with only railroad fare are extra interested ia to SCHOOL OR OTHER STATE STATH LANDS or government lar it will 10 lo do well to consult me we for information all preliminary limi work can tw oe done by by enclosing startup for reply ju I 1 am with A KINO kwo of provo la in the law Dusi nees in ibe the seventh jud caal district any person wanting ulrice advice or help in law matter matters cannot do bolter better than consult w m oar our term are reasonable WM HOWARD huntington utahn 4 4 44 4 restaurant AND LUNCH COUNTER I 1 hare have opened no up a restaurant and lunch counter at the back of saloon anil and solicit the up r t of the people of price and surround roani lag ing nt irementa lunches will be served at aitay itay a will cf ef the day and antil until U 0 p in P quare meals will alao also be kmil I 1 guar a antee antie fair treatment trent ment ani an I 1 reasonable prices MRS ti WORLD proprietress t hta at I 1 cat WEETER LUMBER U MB R COMPANY have flave just opened a wholesale and retail tuo Y A FUD WITH WITIE A FUU LINE OF sash doors screen doors building paper Moul dings casings blocks redwood and pine finish builders hardware glass class wire cloth iron roofing nails barb wire combination LATH FENCE also a com complete P lete line of buggies spring el wagons and m ill handle all kinds of aarm implements we represent the COOP CO OP WACON WAGON MACHINE CO of salt lake C city ity if in need of anything in our line call and see us or write it will be to your interest todo to do so J C weeter lumber company abl MA le aw ALJ ELU I 1 1 l CIO 1 ike wild t d CIO consumption ON KEEP MOWEY MONEY AT HOME w by insuring in the HOME 0 F FIRE UTAH CAPITAL GRANT CO gen abts salt lake lale fitzgerald ERALD CO 0 I 1 wholesale and retail liquors wines beer cigars alcohol 7 YEAR OLD 0 LD STONEWALL WHISKEY I 1 95 PER CENT PURE e learge stock to from war special attention given civen to mail orders orden PRICE as as UTAH wa MATHIS a JL HIS HOTEL newly furnished throughout clean and neat rooms and cuisine unexcelled under new management brates RATES AND PER DAY MRS G W BODLE proprietor PRICE utah ia i a W M mcguires maguires McGUI RES NEW 0 0 IA 0 rice F Us TAH always supplied with the choicest fresh meats your trade is respectfully solicited soh ted shop on main man street DR we 0 DEALER IN N DRUGS ID it us eia 11 ennines eD I 1 toilet articles candies and kigais UTAH so SMITH AITH W HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY GENERAL blacksmithing ALL WORK a w PRICE UTAH rol 5 in act gently but promptly upon the kidneys liver stomach and j ts cleanse the system effectually dispel colds heda fc aches and fevers cure habitual constipation nuking king essmus i W annece unnecessary try arc are ar acceptable to the stomach and truly bene tl I 1 f cial in effe CIS A single talen after the evening mca ll 11 oriest or just before retiring or better sil 11 4 at the moment when the first indication is ia noted of an cold head headache achet any e 1 symptom of indigestion or depression of spirit will remove y a the difficulty in an hour bout L 11 without the patient being conscious ij of a any aher than a lightly 0 2 effect ct and that the expected 1 illness failed to mamerid H y ize or has disappeared yS ri pan tabbits are prepared J from fro a prescription widely used jl 1 L by the best physicians and are 0 y presented in the form forra most ap J proved by modem science dache ve vataer s H 1 IOU orba tax tj 1 Y z as P ea gaa offensive ilia Aos sail 0 meta tree TE p if it given a air trial ripens are in n cun cure they coe tain 1 tn larion and me ar aa economical Rf fled ONIS EASY TO TAKE QUICK TO ACT GIVES rs f me rlph us re old br by or orby bv MAII I 1 the price pice bo 50 cent cents a box boa Is cat sent to th alx DPI rp r cipan ripan P ch kd co panr no 10 alace street new york ste sau blat to cents EeSS E Ss |