Show abo tk rat rotate arn there an are three thing about the dog potato market to tr be considered by those alio who so are ar holding their stock for a high price in the spring the total crop of the country ie in mail small lu in ordinary yean years farmer farmers do not ship large quantities of second tiled sized potatoes pota toen ex thin year your small potatoes hai ha a e found a ready alo sale ond and thousands of bushels that I 1 lu to other years would not liate been cut sent lavo have been old sold early at fair price thousands of barbel that in other year years were fed to or thrown euay have this year been eared saved aud and for home coin ciny tion thus leavina 11 free for market an many note bushels of good Vota all over be the louth south farmers and garden en era ore are planning for an all immense early crop which will begin 11 to rem before the old stock li Is fully cleared op tip the chance chances are fair therefore that the th fannen who are holding their potatoes pota tora in exportation of a high price in alarce or april inny bo disappointed 11 ditora arm new yorker |