Show T 0 W R R A ill N commissioner TAWES increasing THE SUPPLY d if tapo to 11 Int lood a or r fl Is Torra pla 1 t in tal ft d T th TC rog r og se no cohl Ct hl out nat aran ibe tb lintig o 0 tw two 11 terrapin reloads rel lads crisfield Crit field mil WL built ou cu oyster shells ie fe the seat ct of the terrapin trade of the tole and sma of state FM james 0 tawes who is I 1 to put lu in operation a plan for restoring the luppi supply of the toothsome tooth iome diamond tuck ijo in confident that tb terrapin can be with ease and ond surprising aad and that with the aid of the state abe tb supply may easily bo be maintained the cau the rapid inc in uie the quantity of terrapin is 17 tho the 1 to aadne b due to the of tho the terrapin tempt 12 agga theae are laid in high sandy plane places and moores of people petrol patrol tho the undy sandy beaches baity IL camou lu in ach of them they carry the them inoff off to be eaten aa as table luxuries just aa an hen hens egia cg arc am they aery and delicious delle loua corn com taw pro posies it be he rece receive I 1 yes a appropriation to it to a number of la in a state pound or pound pounds aud and to hatch batch oat out young cue cues from the cs L terrapin berin begin lay lag 1109 about the middle of may WRY and the tile eggo batch lu in afoot 80 day chefe abo fe male scratches a hole la in the sand her eggs from 13 18 to 10 19 in it andusen andU ien covers them up and al low iowa tho the boat of the inn sun on the band land to batch hatch them they are not ranch much bigger when hatched than a man thumbnail thomb aall and bie ale a 9 6 beott 0 lory craw 1 around in a 11 lively v ely way and bee beg u to hant for their food obiel ot of nuell fish crabs eto etc lu in the first they are quitu quito mall small and about NOT I 1 they go into their winter quarters qc artera theeo 0 bof ud holen iu in the marsh or on the botto bottoni of aonie some stream hero they until about tho the ri middle liddle ot of april or lat latr jr and nd when they corne oot out they aro are about four inches lu in breadth ile next year they lave luoren ed to fix six inches and the third to BUTCH luchie cr er tawes that fitere are several varieties Tarl etlea ou on the coast but that la in conio of tho couther U them states they have ly tho the mine variety as in marylind the only difference being that li ki this the ho period of hibernating la longer thai than it ie in further mouth gawen is 1 of the hplu ion that bo be could anale a decided tin 1 pree pres eion siou upon tho the terrapin epply in a 0 short hort time titue lie ile woul I 1 do this not IH 6 cause tho the tan Is a luxury but lo 10 cause it is used to bo beaud and can a a a in become a pourch of groat great profil to teofe who wao catch it open upon tho great marchee of the chesapeake bay aud cud its arit ut aries A T lavallette of ha ban au at terrapin ter h li Is se aurely feuel ill lit nil to i tho tile e es capo of tl 1 igli I 1 rin d haf nt at present about terr terri ia riu in most of which however are nor in tho vii tera tern deep sleep not in the roc poad id art la I 1 bige aig cellar ellar thie this 11 dept dark and abort tho the freezing point hot not too warm tho in re b have ve en cu trad in terrapin iu in vt philadelphia rud new lork orb they to 0 o olio one order for worth of ter on tho occasion it lf the bikit of LI afung chau to new lork ork cud and they supplied cup plied tho the terrapin for the cradle bartin lail ball they also malo male largo 1 ELIP ia othe the ferrarin terr arin ariti thip pers aro are oplin opposed ced to the bill now ilow in ILI tho le il aturo by ite its provisions the c athir cf ilia ila imond back ter april 11 I 1 and NOT nor I 1 is la prohibit d caudr a pen ally of 10 fer f cac every y terrapin barynt trapped cr or at no time tinie arball the terrapin caught roca icea jus than tire inches ou tho the no person ball shall have hagain in lits his pipii ivl n u expose for gocr eslo or boyduy loy any of the afore aforesaid eald fiu boa during tho closed clo cd fed george another largo large deiler de iler who baa has a and 10 obo 00 lemi terril tit amys the fill kill rill have tl 9 tn in destray orr Ins Litsi lueta nud cud throw the trado of id dealers into the tile lands LUK of virginians watlo at tle s kauo time it will instead of pramot ing a tf of terrapin alo I 1 will bo ba caught jn IQ t tho the filene pad Just instead carl of briny rol re alto I 1 plied theli in prow frow and fatten athly will be dept iu lu barrels nud boxes until t th opens they will vill be placed upon the market in a it bad condi tion ebeo TB eo e I 1 la ut n gleat 1 ditl ong tho rho majority lf cf ie le as a to abi yf pf a terrapin which measures c rag crout u is arvi the mider hell oni out arab we val greatly mist alcia in the eaino same fact bon we wo started to ralso terrapin from ardt rs wo have lenc bed r 1116 abu chudd front that an eight inch terral lu tu muke be 60 50 year oia would grow about nn on aix bilut avery li tery year there would be a fortune in rating them their growth torce cr four year yearn ia is ra rapid pid bui balt atter ehrk it Isal ujust in perceptible ten year to year 0 o bare have been at t a great ucal of in fitting up our dovd and have tu to develop tae th terrapin Juda itry the dav also to sides that hat the destruction of dia diamond tuond flot terrapin eggs if absolutely aw t the be penalty for till this pru vw being not icse less than 2 ircy more it to DS as that tha the let lest way to I 1 tho de st ruction f if f tem terrapin pin epe eggs is I 1 I 1 ir X tle tute state to A good price for tasu end and let theux be hatched out la in fao otWe tate after yoong terrapin bato have a cermath age tak dixy Y can be liberated without dang danger or their baing cherb woid be no clela to catcher ao to use alm eggs for food if they wen were assured of a good price tran fro the ash ahw W york |