Show ret fat ile 11 departs far fr chlea maCa De deaver OTer colo april 23 42 cap capt W A glassford Glast Ol ford wath the algnar corp corps of 0 the department of 0 the colorado X argeaux froia from CaU fornI and from ne ami and all tha the prans tor that work will bo be at Chica maug a 1 pork k by monday eiruing april mill 2 ith mail orders to harry burry tb abo a men to that point whery a largo large part of the regular 1 army it now being mobilized wen were jee yea rearm bythe by abe war department at t washington the execration execution of these orders aras begon this evening when sergeant ber a geant william bwl of price utah ht 1141 donver for chickamauga with fourteen member of f the ignal signal con corsis I 1 abo who bad up to 0 o thia time been stationed at fort bogat log |