Show IT avid it oat out ot of lher vond all li Is in lo it IN i a lesson all CS must learn la ili order to i a d u li is call 0 lh seller of 0 the tb united statta the on of a out at li lot Is a dimill rider trader hat the title 14 1 even bis his dadi are re of and nd his stock la in tr ie 16 the tb honor of lit con I 1 I 1 alry fy m I poor ivor vor brann of ot ills tb waco tejas icons out on of the tb brightest and ail most co caus of the abao a 9 lin we comple computed ted his hu labors labori a benj ad pa faiwl sod to the great be b bodil IV or of not hit his ot of dealing with wrong dotre wu was tae too beit 11 an kopea ta etton lie wu awny on the till old of it right and wiled lor for the op ol Inte sed TL tie dearer denver field and nd farm truly L the pro emion ie to passing on clr farm as it is elsewhere in to life and we are arc tita f keeping up tip with it or telling falling many old otmen are pursuing L aaa nir thoda abr fttie 41 na other others are finding new now ono to save time ani nl moner money modern and improved method methods keep out on at the front ot of the oes cealon slon it noff foTt to fell fall tick but to imp well to tbt rant front booi aly ake take exertion ex en the part of the on one who cehi seeks a position senator macona declaration set ct out in the dispatches saturday S morning go to lip the very cora ot of the set 1 oo ogree bo be ayi says will not bo be a party to any tit it rill mill settle the entire debt of WT be lis kingdom of frain upon a people who hare won their upon a field ot of battle this ta U the ot of the th Ant american erics n people today cc ue should be free from both madrid and new york the united beatts will be con dined tol anink toasting sting infamy if it abala do alvr the struggling glinS cabana from the ey if tt spain to the serfdom of wall ivall to simplify matter it cold 1 win that the best and is i oat t etu actori way to artilo ali the question of nominating candidate candidates I 1 for aperio of publio in 1 1 tract i is to follow the law rr gardice t the he AUStrA arrittia aj rittia of voting this MOW hat cad good feltar fe atar get tina the ot of the fahire a populace through the primaries marlea and county that grutly reda clog the work chidi bich it desired to bo wusi illch also will conform to the pret nt system of voting tb the plan which bu lai bern born la in emery county alz nominations f chool school board ani teacher tear litro after wards to by the party or seems eem cumbersome cambe reome and takes 1114 malbur out of the hands of the vol yet er which ie is neither fair norla nor ao 10 with wax our jytte of a popular govern went the currency bill prepared by the subcommittee of the committee on bank lag lug and und cur currency fencl which WM was lat last week introduced ia in the honse follow largely the recommendations of the to so called monetary cuu faience f which met at u att the of an taus and redemption division ia in abe tb department the substitutions for or present lebal tender notes of aa an lame isme to be cnown as a reserve doter and ad amendments to the national banking lian klag t law thu b all II has jost about as much touch charou tc fr beasma a law duriac the life of the as spain hu has to the halted SIB the redemption feature of the 1111 the ley lay reader as beian beto ab aboard oart it thai that the legal tender notes end ani standard atan dard lierer dollar dollan be to deemed redeemed n ia in gold blob lemaxie le de maxi tuan aad then expressly stipulates that silver ahu not bo be aft deemed in goll got bast refer to the fetcu of at a a te and yon you will ee that they wini tent silver dollars dollar de d tied ath the 0 S tr caury and pay abe apu demand to the boiler holler of th the Th therefore ebonie this wise bill become a law all the holder holders of at oil 11 II ter certificate who wished them re to la in gold donld have to do would be first demand alaa euta jard lard silver dollar dollars for or them and tha th a ga go the gold sold for fir to ill silver dollars dol larg A breasure containing a clause 1 so k aboard I 1 Is not olca aed to I 1 lapir ftp public confidence iu ill oli CT fr ladlow where the bould ald not t so readily discovered baton wort tuey were wen ant int tactical Vac oper atlen bat but 00 goose oo tofe tnt ao je dooren 1111 to apai fiMi feS teto deu ideas ul it l not tot ce rutilde 0 me sibyl 4 na L W bondholders and wallets who footed is I 1 till bills |