Show notice in Is hereby given alvn that the state hoard doard of I 1 land will at otic its mr res ular to tie to held on wirch ft amk IM confider cotin liler applications for loam tealia of all unsold lands IQ in the state tto of utah which hire bars n not for under 1 I reference fince ro It light land n ave w hibb h cb haro hare not bem been hereto for will not dot be lea alred led tor for a longer I 1 period ihn one rear at all 1 r ti 1 m d m ir t n 1 g to leaf lease ocho I land will ala make k e 1 try ie i e r m p p i to lea iffe at a ai early r 17 a dots arti as a possible appet ent ration ions lor fur leale lease can be procured amm the county treasurers ot of the different or at the office of atthe the plate state board of band W K WALTON ibo the board ot of land corn coto |