Show al aaa Ilam mci liam hammer merl flam hammerl merl we to keel telling the b of the be merial of 0 chown biking powder and pure arices 1 until they an are a household hoiu boU ord lo 10 every boin home in the istler country try theta aad and ir be convinced HEWLETT lowll rit BROS CO mars mfr salt lake lak e city utah effective Effect ire at once rou round trip iris 1 II 11 a 0 W will be is old sold from price pt ice W rort am t bound only for ten dany at t rate of one on fare and a halt for the tb roond round trip D B II 11 ageal 1 11 I can say one ahlo flails colic cholera and Its madys 4 tast Is I 1 tt that it cz cacela ts nr medicine dicine I 1 bar have seen on the market kelt and I 1 bare have been la in be the practice of medicine and the be dreg business for the tb pit forty year ream write writes J ai jackson M D bronson Uro neon fla physicians like berl alna colic collo cholera and dia rbra comedy became it ti is a limpek ration and became it alway always gives quick relief aale sale by all medicine deal dealer the chair car tit heretofore operating between denver ani will glenn a ferry tia via D 4 11 0 M 0 W and 0 EL L will hereafter be to operate between denver and portland PortIa aJ via 1 D fc R 0 R RO 0 W and 0 S BL L B DB R mccoa aid agent effective feb 23 22 wet west boond bound an I 1 feb ary sty east bound A sow tourist car will be run ran between st lonia louis and port laud via 1 missouri illie ouri pacific D ap R a IL U W 0 S L and 0 it IL N T bl car will leare leave st louis every tuesday night arriving arri Ting at bait bell lake city on irala train no I 1 t every friday and leave 1 milt lit lake city oa on train no ila 11 0 every friday arriving at portland every banday sanday morn moru ing which will gire give passengers pau enera a ly ir over la in bait salt lake city of about twelve hour east bound thu this weekly tl car a will leare portland every monds night arriving at salt lake 11 train indu no i every wednesday anitis ani Tit atsa saturday Sa morning it U R agent for the annual meeting pf 91 the west em eta federation of mr at salt lale lake city may way jtb a rati raft 6 if lam and a fifth on ou be the certificate plan la Is hereby announced noun ced jamn secretary will sign if a certificates and 1 I A denton will act aa as joint agent if it lea less than fifty delegates bling dependent members of families who bold hold receipted aro in attendance at thie this meeting metting a retarn return rate of one half halt fare will be granted locally in utah if it certificates are pre kenw within ten day days from date of pur chase of all fall fare tickets on going trip A As a pedal special concession conce aelon certificate will wit I 1 bo be presentable for the return rate on or prior to may zid certificates covering coT ering fall fan fam paid on trip will bo honored if it they how show date of purchase of ticket tickets from may ad to may way 9 tah 1 h D 11 R mcdonald agent bridal Hr idal at the lh herd ang a J bogl ibe the idling druggist drag Kit of dr king new 01 it Is the only thing that claret shy coulle a and it li if the seller her I 1 bar 1 3 V r campbell mir marchant chant ol 01 ATIL art ur dr king kings new Dl discor ll 11 ill all tbt that Is claimed for ili lt it falk sad ad is 1 c ant cow care for con cou samp sampsion tion conglis and nl cull cul Is I 1 cannot say enough foi fat its int writ rits 11 dr kings new now discovery Dl florry orry for consumption coughs sad od cold was Is not a I 1 it I 1 has tried wed for far is quarter of a century and ml 1 tandi stands it at the head it never dit disappoints appoints free trial bottle kl at E PTY county co 8 armies 1 8 1 DEBT BEST in the world for cuts craic Lra ic ulcers salt rheum ferer fever sores tetter totter chapped hand chilblains curna corn and all skin eruption eruptions old positively care cures piles or no pay to required it Is 1 guaranteed to gire give turf ct satisfaction or mony money ri funded price is 0 cent cents pet per box for sale al by F emery mery county mercantile company illsley all pile lotion car cure magic pile lotion a positive poel tle care for piles alli stings banu barns scalds lk painful well swell tog logo invaluable IB in dittli iris for sale ie a at t emery county mercantile up ys stores tore magic pile loiba Loti loit core cures either ex external exl frol tornal or internal in from 4 to a 5 dy days the tk charel and nu frus of at aalt ik lake city 1 Is now published by the chatt h aal as an n independent journal 16 1 pages twice 0 month and contains the cream of fum farm literature the sermons leroi oal and die dis couram of the th and apostles apo etlee and interesting wintour y new news of the mormon chorea church under iti its new now mn man argement tt it Is published at su ceni g a yer year we can dab club church ind and farm with thia this paper at 11 1 23 a borr cash la in advance FOU 9 ILK LF in spring glen precinct forty acree acres of land under fence with water tester right and twenty new under cultivation for ter apply pp ly to H D gate af Illo game Ma magnaus glaus expectorant Is 1 a care for coughs cold la Is grippe congestion of the lung and acute abma asthma for aale gode at emery county mercantile company 8 toree stores Us maguns expectorant for pleasant ant prompt and certain relief for coughs and cold from all over the country come word of for Chamber chamberlain laiWa congh cough rin rem ely elly here ii is a ample sample letter from mr C hap of little rock ark i 1 1 I waa was offering suffering from a a beverle cold when I 1 read the cures that had b ben en eu by 11 a coalla Retas jy I 1 concluded to gire give it a trial and accordingly alured a bottle bolus it gave me re relief list and I 1 bay ib the a beet bes t reason resso n to for r recommending it avry highly which I 1 do with pleasure plea plo enre asure for aale sale by all medicine dealer dealers acme cares acme L bocra syrup Is 1 the safest and od surest in the world for cholera morlin lihou lilious colo and all trouble of the bowels for sale ale at emery connly county mercantile company stores acme cholera syrup cure cutes colic acme cholera syrup care cures for some time I 1 have ollend suffered with rheumatism anil and tried etry every imaginable remedy without effect M ura to F FOB 0 well wells advised me we to try Chamber lattes pata pain illin telling me m that it had cured many cam of long standing ta like mine I 1 have iud used four bottles and feel are sure the one mora mote betle will male make my care complete A P ko atz claremore Cli remore ark hoi sol I 1 by all Mo 1111 dicino P 0 re is worn out I 1 i do dodou you come to the close of the day thoroughly exhausted does ulm this continue contin uc day after day possibly week after week j perhaps pei aps you are even too ex hausted to futty then some thinie thin is tronc all U these things indicate alt that you are j offering from nervous ex cz 4 lu ha your nerves need 1 feeding and your blood cu i scotts scott s emulsion i M i I 1 I 1 I 1 of cod live liver oil with hypo H apo I 1 1 of lime aad nd contains just the remedia to g meet these wants MAC cod 5 fv 0 liver od gires the needed streng eadd enriches the blood I 1 feeds the nerves and the hy 1 ac them tone and vigor be sure you get p ct SCOTTS SWI as uhlon 40 2 i As drIs sisto I 1 SM a IMM a t SCOTT a ark 6 THAT TERROR of MOTHERS MO THERSe lp how it was overcome by a nova mother who is well known as an author authors of all 11 II iwo h frill ift that flirk thil thildred dres other is mr dreaded the ahr acil cely any y it 0 o oft etaf ll 11 I 1 the tb eight th dror li is to 0 o ale aft t the ell I 1 0 o W J odd dd it Is it is se w woal 0 shot mr tetter kow ader 4 her pew 01 ol stanford calls it abe 1 II 11 d r nor t 0 arof r W c mother mothers sad t ihil 1 a k bitts I 1 1 I apfl lor for the lie 1111 jh hick ch be k be iad I ad both hf ow ons as ichim fi mad 4 lor jar her childre a at 1 ascots ft 1 ite ZT df J C Q ayer pectoral Moory Noory doci nat mot recall the 1 ll tint time nh ats or df ayt ayers Chr fr Pt floril w d amt r totally melr for or throat sad 4 lung ralf rb lf thil that of sm 2100 C 01 gh st er we t pectoral ina 17 t I 1 had wit 1 alere tf cherry 1 in the ht cef to 0 o the lh hot low water lr both abes r w ilk ith bou plait toh la m lr wrt r st toa form sad d art w 0 e e ace fc oll at of the chonier chokier mr ray hl 4 W point aed sad ge q is ard the til lor ter d t ff h t tarm n relief woo w is lit its cu cou chri mi 0 a W J trl th author ther of 1 I karc Items uce of she 1 r 1 truro if 8 KEEP MONEY AT HOME H 0 M E domms by insuring in the HOME FIRE OF UTAH CAPITAL GRANT CO C 09 gen abts salt lake THE SCIENCE OF irrigation master it by reading wilcox s irrigation farming A book of pages and illustrations bound in cloth price fa 2 by mail prepaid pre paid we print the best agrical tural journal on earth try it and keep posted address FIELD AND FARM DENVER COL pr TUM WEAK at aroa ta to air only za will test CJ c I 1 OB ove of e say r children er tra mit OB 0 0 ri 11 11 ichi might I 1 wa was hilled startled br by f 11 he bildt sad d oo 00 a going to it Is found d it IL mad early ceased tobt etho 11 listing art it of a boullt of ur df ayers arcu 1 I la th hoc 1 if chatty c b e 4 irry do 1 I e child h 1 t three Is the lk Is no results prom sual 0 y waited child 6 afat men t iti pectoral was at rl given lr the and ad Is a abort tin time easier tf brontsis bron this i 1 ie j fault rd breath lair set II 11 we w of flar tb child 4 I 1 clr and nd well til lo lar dair am 4 I 1 do not I 1 1 I tat la to say r tirl that AT ait A it is cherry pectoral it 1 I lilt J these libat 1 it ol 01 1 ibis remedy it ll II 11 or a tonally edic lac 0 that abom Is be without it 11 1 I it rl as in ato hm hoop lar conia S a d all ch itin othree COX in 0 aher aties ct ies el of cob coughs at 1 l it 6 t croup to pat put it within elf routs reach in lf chatry pectoral is now pet put up p to 1 ayer hll 1111 iti 4 bottita bot boltl tIts at t halt se y cents and d read eed r iehl forAy or Ayrl ol 01 other cures ur dr avers C berry pectoral address t la I 1 a J C art aye t co TUB WONDERS OF SCIENCE lung troubles and consumption can be cured A sua kollat lams ork che onles and ad soles eli ties make a arroo pr offer to our Ite aders 1 TN the X new 11 york chemell ch a emill TA A slocum Bloc niD demonstrating his ais dis co cobery rely of a reliable and absolute cure care for cocjin consumption pulmonary Pol tuber cul 11 and oil bronchial throat lung and chest diseases cough catarrhal catarrh tl affection affections general decline and sad weakness wea Knees lose of flesh and all conditions conditional dit ional of wasting away will send nd THREE different differ tnt of his new discoveries to any 1 reader reade of the advocate Adro cate writing for them lilt I 1 new treatment has cured u permanently by its timely me use and sad he considers it a mple p li doty duty to suffering Cering sn li humanity amenity to donate a trial ot of his infallible care science ticie nce dally daily develops dev elope new now wonders won dr and this great chemist patiently ta euting for year years lie produced malt results aa as beneficial to humanity as can bt lx cis claimed aimed by any modern modem genine genius uia ilia that long lung troubles and con are curable ia in any climate is I 1 proven by heartfelt letter letters of gratitude mod ia iz lie american and european laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parta parts of the world medical experts concede that bronchial cheet chest and enog troubles tron blea lead to consumption which uninterrupted means speedy and certain death simply write to T A slocum X U 0 9 pine line street new york giving poet rat ace and express address rs and the free medicine will bo promptly sent buffer en tain of bis generous gene rons proportion pie tell set the doctor that yon you saw gave his offer in the advocate I 1 j L pj I 1 future comfort for present seeming economy but buy the sewing machine with an iesta hushed reputation rc that guar anthes you long and satis fac tory service 0 j jl A j A j A h e W 7 ITS PINCH gensior AM a TENSION INDICATOR devices for regulating tIng and showing the tile exact tension are a few of the feature t that emphatic emphasize the h high I 1 h grade E 4 character of the white alte send for our elegant acht I 1 catalog CAt WHITE SEWING cc CO ct elfull 0 1 TUI MOUN TRai news COLO tuft 1 l par yea 1 h ad brads tbt the butir toms vt of aberta r in a S aaa laan stack aport a tl thos i la A oPlAS balork i 41 asir News ts laes care csar la 14 te to ineata pyrite tat terris arh the e great silver daily ddn the yen new d e 2 the V antram 0 tours mo stal como mo it every is owr av goisse go IIse lot a lr ua 0 cap copy 7 at f ey y 1 anses address tbt the gaws 1 roma deaver coonse JIL al 1 1 1 in iwo aw east aror irwy with wish ea s cat hante are 1 so Q C fall druggists refund may CLARENCE MARSH MAUP real estate loans insurance lim AND INSURANCE 11 artles wi shins to trel trade ap r make la will do well to atu an inte as doo price cri utah MARK P BRAFFET ATTORNEY adlaw ai LAW PRICE UTAH office ox ON mill MAIN IT atino EQUIPPED for ork J tfx ft or 0 1 I a u t 0 o 1 i e 4 wak k I 1 0 itra A ive b tre 1 I b iraj s a t tb e s p e r 1 1 e war m uj 0 a efell q equipped for vi work I 1 VIII will do ao all kind of TIN cheaply and with disposals I 1 asas the lb wasul of ua U cos by can cans a specialty as follows fot lovit 3 S es aa tam L person experience COUNTS FOR MUCH when it doust to plaster I 1 lu I 1 aate USA twenty ream ear M oia this fine of ot work and aas rua mutes fantl int class work at vary loir low prices ibe you yon are r ry to plaster your house lt lot we wilk you I 1 can make it ila object Cuman litz 1 forron rank PIONEER NURSERIES CO alleo I 1 60 acres of nurseries 40 40 acres of orchard HIGH mom GRADE NURSERY STOCK ONLY the largest growers of nursery stock in utah avent thousand elberta peach I 1 for fall 1897 and spring 1898 1 pioneer nurseries Nui series co SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Pos box lax H C SMITH agent PRICE UTAH WC we 0 RICHMAN MD PH an and it kutlu win will answer calls from surrounding settle dieal THE CULLEN CULL eno SALT LAKE CITY centrally clouted RATES sa and sj 2 so 50 per day so 5 C prop 11 1 1 to call attention to tk alifi vey ve y low price prices I 1 km am fat for bohto and shoe shoes til viz and heeling ng 1 04 tt Ladle soling and neeling heeln ln 7 I 1 ise 1 C F y SENT to any a peon ia in lituack matters atten tn or who aulman 1 we will iu send nil in free upon the alliance the organ of tah sorter la addition to its it intensely reading adloff re it coo talai as a list of th the YAWN 1 and unusual premiums circa by the tb paper address THI tat aint 11 CS tinned united nile les Rall dials rork r ass a candy curtie the meet edelwe wels dellal ludw dw 1 overy of at tax ke ant and PC to tb the tatie fm uy aal and P OD on kido kudar byer ua 4 bow cle cleant anual lof thi endre atea dispa 1 fm cure lr idah fever habitual bt Hul ard 4 balle gaeu buy aa 7 a bez of 1 I Q CL today to day 10 an so cosel humpf d MA cu roana molded teed to can cum by all drel ditcu di teU lats ant rip cpu and J live uh irr away TP to quit scheme city clr sed 4 confer jo t betle betl ou fan or of tite life orve is aad dwor uk no HT not H T 13 dc tt ker tot I 1 iron atlea all Cuse ua doklea sed fro address remedy aa crof cr bew terill r lows THIS p we offer ou on Unar tred dollar dollars reward for amy case of catarrh that cannot be i cared cured by halla hall catarrh care cure CID holzo Tol ZO 0 ea we the undersigned bar have known F S J cheney for the lut last fifteen years and dohara him perfect honorable bon oraU IQ in all 4 transactions ant awe eno to carry out any made w ek firm c wr wholesale druggists 0 VAI MARVIS whole ado lr arnit nIt toledo ohio H N LJ aws catarrh care is taken internally OM elg lag directly upon the 1404 ad I 1 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