Show ir aj e MAR hamm llam meri r we lammering bam intend mering to away telling tb the people of be the merit merits 0 of three crown baking powder flavory ra extracts and pare spices 1 until they are a bo household word la in every home la in the inter country try them and be convinced UROS BROS CO mrs salt lake city utah it la Is not often tbt til it a becom deos a patent modi clam when he do you my may know that it to is a good one dr 7 P write writes 1 1 I I have used colic cholera anil and remedy la in my vay practice and it bu hu proven to I 1 e an remedy a thorough theron zb colw of medicine bad failed wital ci I 1 it to my patients every A jm for or and diarrhea lIar many ocliff recommend k atad d two n this remedy because it alray always eerie cares and colea enies quickly ott a bottle aemil yon you till will have an excellent doctor in the bow bouw for or all bowel comp Wats both for childr n and adalae for ale I 1 y all dealer dealers to depend oo 00 mr jimes james jonee of th fihs ihs t drug firm of jones A son cowden ial in peaking speaking of or king new Dleo discovery overy sap that 0 bit last winter bid wife wu attacked with la grippe and her cae grew so eenon serious that physicians at cowden and pan could do nothing for her it seemed to develop into uty hasty consumption ing leg or dr king kings new tn in tore store and selling lote lots of it he took a bottle home and to the surprise of 11 all II she he began be gan to get pt better from first dooe aud and halt hall doz dox n dollar bottled cored cured ber her souad and well or dr kings new now discovery for consumption coughs and colds ie is guar altred to do this abl food good work try tty it fr drw trial bottin at thiery county mer comply a old I 1 plo old people who require medicine tc to regulate the tb bowel and kidney kidneys will 11 fin 1 the true remedy la in electric bitten bitters this ine dicina doea does cot not stimulate anil and contains no to whiskey nor not other intoxicant but act acts as a a tonic and iterative it acts mildly antho abe stomach and bowde adding strength and giving tone to the organs thereby aiding nature in the performance of the be electric bitten is an excellent appetizer appe tiser and aids digestion old people find it just exactly what they need price fifty cents and it 1 l 00 per bottle at emery conmy mercantile M er coul company parly D arole SAI saire tnt BEST DEBT BALTIC iii ili the tire world for call lots bruises Bru isee soren ulcer ulcers silt rheum fever born som tetter teller chapped claudi chilblain chilblains carns and all abkin and positively cures ww piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to gite give perfect gatiss action or money refunded price 13 centa cents per box for kale sale by emery county mercantile company acu I 1 spec trauL magnus expectorant ie Is a pui tire cere care for cough cold la grippe congestion of the inuos and acute ast asthma brna for sale 1 at emery county mercantile company a stores tore use bainge expectorant for pleasant pleA 1 mant prompt and certain relict relief for coughs and coldi wide the tl I 1 tab church and ul it m off of tall sit jaka la 1 city la is now nov published by the chuich atch and farm company as an ia dependent journ journal 10 16 pili taa t ice lots A month and contain contains bolido the cream of farm literature the seri awl du tits courses of lin sideney and appellee apo ellee 0 and interesting missionary news of the mormon hormon charta under ita its cew new man mail argement it is i published at au cent cents a year we can club chirca and farm with this paper at 1123 1 I a to year ir cash ia in ad advance vAnoe Cata irtle C condol I 1 be cared with W ith LOCAL A to a they carnul can not reach the mat seat of tb th catarrh Is I 1 a bood lood or constitutional alii case anil suit in ord r to cure it yon you duft lra abtil A idol cutill care Is taken internally anti act acts directly on ibe the hood blood anil anti surfaces II 1111 alis catarrh var LA L not a quack luiei clue it t was i bv by one 0 of the bt beat physicians la in this country for year years ani 1 a t joeed of the emst tonics known combined with abe lett blood purifiers act ing OK directly on the tati surfaces the perfect comblo all to of the tiro two in gredic ats ie Is what produces pro luces uch such wonder fal III la in caring curing catarrh benj send for fre free F J CO props Tol toledo edoO 0 sold by druggist ll ac hall a family pil a are the best 1110 1 II 11 lotion care magic pile lotion a cure for piles pil tings stings burns scalds painful well swell log invaluable in diphtheria dip theria for ale sale at emery county mercantile company torce states magic pile lotion cures lillee piles either external or internal in from 4 to IS days tir the ral rolar arged cJ vicia and nd farm of denver contains 31 3 page pages including a ill 11 pago page all read ng etory story supplement making it the be larg larget at and what Is I 1 con COD eldered the beat best general farm and lire live tock stock journal published it is band bond armely illustrated each week and hould should be read by every ran u chuin I 1 the conn try IN e 0 can club field and farm with this paper at fj 50 a year to car curs constipation forever ake cand 10 orca it C Q C C Q tall fail to cure lefuna money MARK P 1 BRAFFET RAFFET 11 ATTORNEY PRICE UTAH OX mil matil BEING EQUIP EQUIPPED PrO for work I 1 atry important fact or first class work Is I 1 tic delred ired I 1 tarn tire ibo the aai d z an wel well au 4 PP 1 rut hull I 1 will doall do kind of TIN WORK cheaply and with dispatch I 1 mike the th manufacture of or tin llouel cn cana follot follow S cans 1 OD 6 3 awon R berron utah utai THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE lune lung troubles and consumption can be cured A oat tan chemist and ad lt make blak a i artes offer to in oar our ne headers aders the new york chemist cheji let T A slocum Bloc nu his dis comety of a reliable reli alle and absolute care cure for consumption pulmonary tuber calisie ca cu losie losis and all bronchial alot tl oat lass lung and chest diseases disca aee coughs catarrhal cat annal affe eions general decline and we wert iw low IONS ot of flesh anil and all con coo ditroi of wasting away will tend send TURFE different ol 01 bis his new now discoveries to any afflicted reader of the advocate writing for theia ills I 1 new scientific Treat mout hat has cured le permanently by tie its timely me use and be he considers con it a professional daty duty to eufie humanity to donate a trial of bil his infallible fallible lo cure blence b lence dally daily develops der elope now wonder und and this great chemist patiently expert for beirs has ha produced nellte aa a beneficial bensfi cial to humanity manity hn as can be claimed by any modern genius UL his a that lung long troubles lee and con are curable in any climate ie im proven by heartfelt letters of agrati tude in his Amp ana earo european es la to thousand thousands from thoda cured in all ietta of the Mci medical lical experts concede that bronchial cheat and lung troubles tron blee lead to consumption which uninterrupted means us speedy and certain death simply bilte to T A slocum U c 9 apine pine treet street new york gilce poet zt office aad and address ad drees and the free medicine will lo 10 promptly sent sufferers should tae taka instant advantage of his generous ge nerona crople tion please tell the be doctor that you saw bis his offer in the advocate doat doal teucro spit sal ra clr jafe 1 ke iq to quit tob tobacco am 0 e rl forever orcier be L mag betic toll full or of life herte nd leur igor take tali no nolo 1 lo I 0 dc D C 00 wonder wo ser cr that wait weak eak men all 4 0 o 00 oo or 1 I cure 1 tel cookle an nil 4 ample free addre Ste rIlas 11 co or new I 1 ork educate your dowels with Ca cao carU carota landy cathartic core constipation to r G tor 10 lofasso it fill wjk ad 4 experience 50 YEARs y t 0 abir k aad amert may 1 n 1 oar lvina rr an fn abet bahr C 1 l U seux beux daena jjr I 1 c I 1 twit sent tr 4 da ancy to or n Pat elit tk t k km mener t reir r time Nr ftc withnol aur 1 americal Ame and ekit d fir ft of aar y tin antni vf twin r U a g co fri U fa fitzgerald X CO GO wholesale and retail liquors wines beer cigars alcohol Alco liol 7 YEAR OLD STONEWALL wh WHISKEY I 1 95 PER CENT ENT C PURE ALCO HOLl ow baroo stock to prom from special attention given to mail ardeia PRICE u UTAH too bad the makers of pride of japan tree tea have advertised that thos price analytical chemist of san francisco and prof J T kingsbury of the university of utah have given 9 ivan them certificates that the above brand of tea is perfectly pure the dor deduction luction drawn from this analysis is that the pride of japan tc tei which you buy in the stores is perfectly pure while mile it U is quite pos possible to buy tea like sahi schillings ll ings best and pack it in pride of japan packages and submit it to chemist chemists for analysis na lysis still we assert that the pride of japan tea sold in this market is artificially colored with coloring matter we dont know how these endorsements were secured but it is a pity that the name names of such eminent authorities should be used to back up statements made in the advertisements of pride of japan hillins best tea js bot only guaranteed pure but it is such tea as you would drink yourself if you knew all about it besides it is money back and that is backing enough in the long run sin san francisco Fran cuco 4 schilling company all PIONEER NURSERIES CO 01 established 0 o acres af nurseries NUrse rips 40 aeries af HIGH G GRADE D NURSERY STOCK ONLY the largest growers of nursery stock in utah twenty thousand elberta liberta peach for fall 1897 and spring 1898 pioneer co coll SALT LAKE CITY UTAH postoffice Post office DOS box 1401 H C SMITH agent PRICE I 1 UTAH experience COUNTS FOR MUCH when it oon a to satisfactory tit factory ri duter mater las 1 have had twenty yn years experience la in ul U tt Is l line of work and nd CAD in Sug rt arst class work at vier very low prim wb u you at re ady to plaster youa house let me acute with you I 1 cm can nik mae it an object L THOMAS 5 ferron utah SENT FRED to any renon interested inter eted tn I 1 humage matters or who loru loves anim kle a we will sead send free upon a application a copy of the alliance Alli anre aba th a organ of this society I 1 in a addition to ia its interesting Inte rotting reading rea Joff it cont alua talus a lilt list of the valuable 1 and unusual premiums given ba th the a mcp r addam lit tug NATION baited 1 NOW fork to st for ritty tobacco habbit care makes ak ben aoi blood pan ool CLARENCE MARSH real estate loans insurance FIRE LIFE ure AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE tates partie wishing to 0 o tro tr I 1 sea or i II 11 loir kau w will tp 14 do well weil to du 1 one gme H laitres W WC RICHMAN 9 M des D PHYS CLIN and UTAH will answer from estla intents men I 1 COAL MAL I 1 s COAL 1 we are prepared to deliver coil coal from fron the grundvig Tig min mine ner near W at t PER tont TOM AT PRICE OR we pa alkis to a rood good ap pp w pun 1 be bed hati in the valley our charge fl for coal a tte tr mine is t per par ton top puaa geln etc 1 will tk to to ig in payment GRUNDVIG ALLRED wellington UTAH THE CULLEN SALT LAKE CITY centrally located RATES 32 a and 9 2 so per day 5 F prop AT ATTENTION MW I 1 deagro to cull attention to the very low price prices I 1 am m charging for fo repairing boats and shoes vii 1 00 to or as ladle ldla boung find ab J M a r r pile c mr F Q bf a prominent drug gift of lynchburg va says one of our citizens wu was cured of rheumatism a 0 two years standing by one on bottle tit poin balm this in mant Is 1 ramoni famous for its it curee cures of rheama cism thousands have been delighted with the h prompt relief which it affords for ale sale by all medicine daalen 14 1 4 1114 11 14 for rot I 1 aulks parent parents bare bave no moral or religious mona right to let their children grow up io in ignorance glad one BRYN aay the best 1 is 1 a library if yon you CA U t get a large on cu a small one la Is bet ter nore bod and only afew a few young folks aik oik would bay real 1 aee use for any lot but a small one on three vioght to bo be good and hen here in are some u As any samuel smile smilee self help serica series in a 6 volumes 1 entitled self alel belp P thrift life and labor duty and aud character the ut 1 complete for I 1 1 1 is 3 dook of all religion from the ag to the tim tj jwia jo u ib out the world containing neary nearly axi illustration fir oc fenton 8 boys famous urn men of BW arabian hight economic economical cook C k book practical lotair writer each for 25 23 cent cents Well aters illustrated Illustrate ld dictionary elf self pronouncing containing oyer word words only 20 cents r amery try county mercantile company at cu acme C cholera Cli oera syrup ie is the be a brest and in the world for cholera antum cholera borbas bilious ciola I nd d all 11 of the bowel for ealo sale it almery emery county mercantile comp company anys stores acme cholera barup cures col colv acme cholera syrup care cares di hosa trans at drugg Is aft 0 ogg chamberlains cough R lj is the hi bt hist st cough syrup we bare ever 00 ed 1 our eire or la conr V 11 II kittle isaac P king salt many olben others lo 10 abi 9 y bare have aw 10 lo pronounced it the tb last alt all we want 1 Is for I to col Is I 1 to try it and they will be c 11 upun upon honor there it 1 no to letter utter tbt that we bire boys ever tried aad and we bare hare is aej many kinds klopell klo lell it A blust growl general 1 tre hants big a va suld by till 11 II mo medicine dicine dealer dealers |