Show V MAR 4 I 1 we intend to 0 keep hammer away telling the people of ila tl merits of thircy crown laiking powder maiming ellram Is and od par III im anul ar are a bouse hol I 1 bortl ID in every borne home in the intel country try them and nd be con lacel BROS CO mars salt suit lake luke city utah it Is Is not dot often ht that a phyl clin zam faas ad 1 ft I patent medicine when he b d doar C j 4 you may etow that it is i a good one D J P r cleveland 11 writes 1 I bra have used ej chamberlains Cham berlla colle chole and Diar dirre Di rrt rEce I 1 R anely la in wf MW and it has h stoven to 1 c ao an fair thorough amase of medicine bad had failed with die vis ya I 1 it to my every w gme td for or cale and nd many NW similar progressive pip recommend 1 we hilr becan it agnay alnay aaa 4 calf colts k let at bottle MA 1 Y jw fill WW hy hays an excellent doctor in mor for all bowel complaints both daam med sod adults for salo alexij bs all T C fat loag loa g folks krents I 1 rent bare no moral bor social or rl ni wa altona right to let their children grow UP la in ignorance sam tho the brat best university lq a 4 it you on cant 39 get a laa largo rp on A 4 email small on ono ie is lt L t U mirthan r than holew not note e at and I 1 a only a tew few enung folks would ban hays real use for nay af bat but small 11 one rhese ought to t a be good and a na bem are some as a good ai say saltiel ji smile milen self belt help serif series in volum entitled ifred adf HOP thrift life and labor duty daly and character the set et compete bete for it 1 3 dok of all RtH gous ous froni from the ear aga y to the pre ut tim time through out ont the world n nearly early ax I 1 ll atrat feriv diroa F BOYF fenton men young y folk hook dook of birde 8 arabian nights Nig fata economical coot cool dook book practical latair lett writer each for 35 23 cents n illustrated dictionary elf self 1 orr wort wonie only SO 0 o cents r mry county Merai ulUe company ua achue corr cara aerie caera lymp is the adeeb and surest remely reme ly la lit the world for cholera n autum chobert ch ra orbus billous cojo and od all troubles of the bowel for lalo sale a at t emery county mercantile com stores A tine syrup cures cum colic volle aan Lb cholera olera syrup curee dige rhOeL Ta balea at druggists mr F 0 biff big a prominent drog drug gist of lanci barg va vat bayst aiji oue one our citizens WM was crawl cured of at rheumatism ot or two year years line ling by one lottie bottle of hlll br lians pain balm I 1 this lint lial meat 11 for its j cures of theuma tista thousands have been wen delighted with the pro pt relief w which aich it afford affords for aale we by all medicine deblen the tru tr a W AT repine editor tiskilwa III chief says wo we wont keep hou without dr king kings new now discovery far r or consumption boug a and was ex x with many other but never got the true remedy until we used dr ka kin is new now no other rein rem ody can take its place ia in oar our horn bom a as in ft it ws re hire bar a certain and tire cure care for tigh colls whooping cough etc it 11 is idle to experiment with other rem ediee idies atin yen li if they are urged ill red on yon you an just guon as or dr king nw we disc ery err they are not ae as good became tilia remedy ila ims a record of CUM and beala i is guaranteed it near falle fails to satisfy tiffy fy bottles free al r ery county mercantile cantile company rise I 1 lit end your address to 11 II E bucklen co cl chicago and get a free sample 1 box of dr kings new ew life pill pills A trial will mIll convince fince you of their merit merits thee pills are easy ia in action and are parti cu barly effective effect ire in the cure of 0 convirs lion and sick U headache neathe for malaria and liver troubles tron blee they the Y bare baye been in lorla amble able ther are guaranteed to be perfectly free filin every delf delp terl one ong and to be purely gets ue lis they do noi exzea by their action tat but by firina tone to stomach toi and alla bow el elf greatly the syleem beg reg alar war lie size per box sold by emery dounty mercantile company com Ilar klea arlea 1 sive TUK THIC DEBT in the world for une CU 5 brul Ura itee bore bores ulcer ulcers silt rheum ferer fever wres tetter totter chapped hands chilblains acrus and ana all abkin eruption eruptions and positively vely cure plies or no do pay re quiren it ie Is guaranteed to give berf ct fis faction or money rt price ia cents per box I 1 or SAN al by emery county mercantile com company panr discuss lf air at magans his guns expectorant Expect oram t la is a tire cure for coughs cold la is grippe congeal conge ilion ion of the lung lang and acute asthma for sale we at latry county mercantile company a form use magnu expectorant for pleasant prompt and certain relief for coughs Q and cold the altu I 1 tab church and rat of or halt falt lak like city Is now by toe tas cetinich abul ch and farm company ae as an independent dependent ia journal jour nil 16 twice a tn mojir 0 pit and bes beside id ce t the h 0 c cream re am of farm litera inre f ke sermons and dis courses of the pirtel leacy and apostles apo etlee and ana interesting missionary newa news of the mormon church under Us its new man at HAM at au cent cents a year we can dab church and od farm with this paper at 11 1 13 a year cash in ia advance ad Tance colart la C cannot I 1 be b carl care with LOCAL applications as they cannot reach the beat eat of the lue catarrh Is 1 a blood or dit mr uj 4 tu lu urd r la li curs are it yea yra rt r sst t take internal remt dic mal a catarrh core care Is 1 taen taken and is ts direct ly IT on the blood and mucous surfaces mill 11 a catanh catan h cale Is not a quack quick tn medicine it was w b by one of at the best physicians in bli this country for tears and nd is i a regular it is 1 com joeed of be the abst tonica tonics known corn lined with the beat blood 1 act ing aa directly on the mucous the perfect of the tiro two in gred lents Is what pro produces luces such wonder fol ful results 10 lo curing catarrh send for free F J CHENEY fc co CO props tole toledo d 0 0 sold by druggists csc hall a 8 pill mile are the bait 11 1 lie letlon lotion carts if abc pile lotion a positive cure for pile piles tins barns burns scalds of ewell swell togi logs invaluable ia in dip diphtheria theria for rie sale al at emery county mercantile company stores magic pile lotion cure piles either external X or internal in from 4 to 3 5 daye days tb the lulled Lul rg red 4 field 11 and r of dearer denver contains coot alna 33 page pages including a ili 14 page all reading atory story supplement opp lement making it the largest and what ia is con eldered the I 1 beet 9 general fain and lire live it OC k journal jou I 1 n al p a b limbed it L band bomely illustrated each week sod nd should be read by every ranchman it io the country we can cina field and farm with ibia this paper at 12 3 av a year T e car care constipation rodefer take cavat Cath cathartic artim lo 10 lOc e t ac 11 I 1 Q a C UM fu to cure druggist d W con e y MARK P BRAFFET AT LAW PRICE UTAH ON 01 MAIN BEING EQUIPPED for work if it very important fac of 4 deoca a Z artt st can werk N I 1 n I 1 I 1 il and an it equipped tor for my work I 1 will do til all kind of TIN wong cheaply and 01 ol with witts dispatch I 1 fallt the manufacture of tia lin honey cn a a as follow follows 1100 gallea ga lloa LADA M berron utah THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE lung lun troubles and consumption can be cured an eminent kw new lark chemist mud ad elf belts list hake makes a rise offer off r to oar 1 the new now york chemist T A slocum demonstrating hi his dis caret covely f ot of a reliable and absolute core cure for COU consumption pulmonary tuber cral cul oele and 11 all ll bronchial throat lung and client dwares Jlee wee st u abbou c catarrhal catan hal affection 1 decline anil and wea weak knew neoe low too ot of flea fleu ud lad all conditions of treating away will end send THREE FREE BOrr BOTTLES LESII all different ot of hi new discoveries to any afRic ted reader of the advocate writing for them III new scientific treatment hta bps cared cured permanently by its timely ose use and be LO considers coo eiden it a simple professional profesa ional duty to suffering inSe humanity to donate a trial ot of hie his infallible cure care wence dally daily develops dere lopa new wo couders won dere and thia this great chemist patiently esperi for fur years bae has prod iced results na M beneficial to humanity as can be im claimed by any modern genin hie his fiat lung troubles and con luany proven by I 1 heartfelt lettera letters of agrati tade filed in his american an and d enro earo pea n laboratories Is bo ra to ri es I 1 in 12 abo thousands us and 3 fro from m those cured in ia all parts of the world medical ll edical experts concede that bronchial cheet and long fang troubles lead to which uninterrupted means speedy and certain death simply write to T A blom I 1 n U C 91 9 pine street new york gwng SIV I 1 n g poet office face and express address ad dree mud the free medicine M will be promptly sent sufferers ld tike take instant adran advantage tAge of his proposition prop please tell the doctor that you saw bis his offer in the advocate paul spit gak ft oki y IJA bwy alij to quit tobacco easily ai oj forever bo n CIA full 0 of ut III cebre 0 and vicor take loto N lo O 0 to T D bt dak the wo her that binak makai was h k mex font it all A U coc or 1 cure rura lel eed t and enal tree addrean sterling aft or nw aw bofil ed cats your dowels with case arsta candy cathartic cure constipation to lono if 10 kruc money rarer ASO YEARS 1 experience TRADE MARIU MA at KO 4 8 AC aade ung a 4 nd 41 mt kirkly it o 0 opinion r faw jtb fr u bly mh k d 1 a 1 l pst ja WA rm mt amcy for lanu mane i fc cS colw lw alc cearn te hr v ji A W chumly huM 4 asly ly rn sWed cakl hr miguol 0 cantue annul a Ter herrem reM SL so 47 by n ad 1 WU NN ca adea new york branch a 05 r bt st LWON IL t FITZ fitzgerald CERALD CO 00 wholesale and retail liquors wines biers beer clears cigars alcohol I 1 7 YEAR OLD STONEWALL WHISKEY I 1 95 PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL j jk learge vol Lar stock to v special attention given ivan to mail order orders PRICE an se UTAH too bad the makers of nf frida of japan tree tea have advertised that thoi those price analytical chemist of san francisco and prof J T kingsbury of the university of utah have 0 given iven them certificates that the above brand of tea is perfectly pure the deduction drawn from this analysis is that the pride of japan tea which you buy in the stores is is perfectly pure while it is quite possible to buy pure tea like schillings schilling r best beit and pack it in of if japan packages and submit 1 it to chemists tor for analysis still we assert that the pride of japan tea sold in this market is artificially colored with coloring matter we dont know how these were secured but it i is S a pity that the names of such eminent authorities should be used to back up statements made in the of pride of japan schillings linZs best bert tea is not only guaranteed pure but it is such tea as you would drink yourself if you knew all about it besides it is money back and that is babkin backing enough in the long run sn san francisco A 4 schilling of com company pan NURSERIES PIONEER vp CO I 1 a established lly sop acres of nurseries 40 40 acres of orchard HIGH GRADE NURSERY STOCK ONLY the largest growers of nursery stock in utah tent tient thousand elberta peach for fall 1897 and spring pioneer r nurseries Nurse fles co I 1 SALT LAKE LA KE cl a ry UTAH Poil INlo oace irce DOS BOX HIM H C SMITH agam age ent PRICE UTAH COUNTS FOR when tt COOK i to ater in 1 I twenty years tip noela this line of work and can ean arst fertl CLAS work at t very low you kf are read to li Plaster your house tot let me flaur with you I 1 can make it an object THOMAS ferron ref roel utah SENT to any la in hu or who loves ant alls we will benj a rise upon application a copy coff of the alliance the organ of thi this society ewt in addition to vi its late neely wely interest feeling rc dine tt contain a list of the valuable Tal nible and 1 unusual prem loaa miame siren given 07 the paper address tm TITZ CLarit ial K wr rork or k UM fur gr fifty abt c men straat blood tobacco wh tou him one r mites weak li I 1 put par no ft AU CLARENCE MARSH re real a I 1 estate loins insurance FIRE liiri AND ACCIDENT bartic part wishing to trade sell 1 or mii make lout 1064 belee pelee utah we WC oe me MD da 1 yand SURGEON 1 UTAH menta will ell calls from surrounding wit COAL COAL we W prep prepared to deliver 1 froni frona the Grundy ls mine aw wellington at PER ta T a AT PRICK OR ingcoy 1 we CJ Karn flutts tee to furnish as tood ad w al cabb n 14 bad had in the valley 11 oar our chig charge for or coal 1 at atthe he dain ie is sia 1 l per ina t prod M grain etc will aul wul to taken for payment vt GRUNDVIG ALLRED willington UTAH T H E CULLEN calir 0 EN SALT saly LAKE cori 1 centrally located RATES PATES and 32 so 50 per day SC EWING prop NW I 1 dealto to call attention to of tb very low price prices I 1 am charging for fa L repairing boob boots and 8 1 ment mens bollog boling and sod 00 of 9 7 ladle soling Il etling ji 0 ft 60 6 0 i 1 ayub a X WAB to nor callesem calle 1 mem chamberlains cough remedy Is the tb beet bough syrup we baro ever 0 moil oar our selves 1 or io in oar our families fim VC IV 11 kloy king isaac P king and many others to in this Ti cluty kr have alo also it the tb bet beat all we want i is for to try it and they will iv I 1 1 upon honor there IS 1 no DO better bit that we bur have ever tried and nj we bare bud used m ana kinds R A merchants mr chant big tuan tunnel Vs V sold bf h all medicine des desters terp |