Show A PROPER AMENDMENT THE proposition to amend the city ordinance in relation to elections seems to give some concern to certain lainof of our friends the enemy they need not be alarmed neither need eed they anticipate finding something in it to criticise criticism critic ise and carp at As we understand the matter the proposed amendment is necessary and pe perfectly loyal 12 and is prompted by a de ire to conform to not conflict with the laws of the united states As the matter stands now dow the city ordinance requires a bona fide residence of six months in this thie city to qualify a citi citizen ze n to vote at an any y municipal election the territorial statute requires a residence of six months in the territory and thirty days in the precinct this relates to elections for territorial county and precinct officers the respective city councils are authorized to paw pass ordinances substantially in accordance cor dance with this statute the edmunds tucker antso far as it relates to this regula regulation tion fol follows lofs the form of the utah statute there therefore fore a residence of fix months in the territory and of one month in the precinct is required before a citizen otherwise se qualified can vote at any election municipal elections are understood to be included and the commissioners have so inspru instructed acted the election officers in order to avoid any appearance pe arance of conflict between che city ordinance and the act of congress and thus prevent any difficulty that might arise over ita it alderman has presented an amendment which will harmonize the three enactments that is all there is odthe of the matter and sensible folks will see that this is a proper thing to do and one that gives no room for objection unless it is to pesky people who are on the look out for flaws that have no existence except in their own un unbalanced bal mental organs |