Show RELIGION AND BUSINESS ri I 1 I wish to ascertain your views vies vi vs regarding the closing of business Louses II of day theater the day l-day Saints during dur- dur lag ing the meeting hours of fast day r general eral Mineral and Stake Conferences At the aae same Mime time I J wish tog to gi give ve a few Of my own ideas in relation to this t WK 3 People from Mexico Art Art- Ari J 5 aona Idaho and other parts of the J entry appear to place everything t 11 on one one- side Bide for the pur purpose ose of attending at- at attending and h tending Conference and l viewed t a business or financial standpoint stand stand- f point make big sacrifices Busi- Busi Busis jm s B men of the Jewish persuasion r s certain periods of each year close t their places of busin business tor for a week at k a time merely from a sense of f J religious I duty It will be m- m mc c red b by many that last April one of the leading mercantile in s lens tI of our city closed during the S sheeting hours of Conference e thus dring the of that estabr r Ji went an opportunity of meeting W h h their breth brethren ren and sisters in int 8 t en ae assembly This Conference it 11 1 y Was 88 noticed that this same remained open during the J hours I well remember while in the old country looking f fO ward ani with considerable pleasure te p the time when I would be ed to meet with the Saints of Conference Th Thus iF IVA y id O In general us a IVAa j Sr I have not realized my mr antici- antici antici-a antici y- y ons on account as I have been h of busi business i r a r 3 ow while I can readily see that woold Would be impossible for all busi- busi busiS F legs houses to adopt any custom of 1 sort I firmly believe that bat many TV S I do ao so with no material loss or o Ii OF rance to their business Spir- Spir Spiro Spir 1 o Erance 1 things first temporal things z r wards Trusting these few l bt w- w will ill receive your early earl I tI n 4 I lam am t- t k r 8 SALT T LT LAKE CITY Oct 7 1889 1889 X ff r ft It is B only necessary to state thai thai- that t z views are in harmony with sr terse c ex expressed by our They They have been enunciated or less leBB frequently in the past ought to be well wen understood NEWS could not consistently ii y r other position on the sub sub- Jia ih poi point at Business interest yield to religious dut duty and ire e reverse Ed D E N s st t |