Show i R I IJ J l lr r i e D In this city Dec Deo 18 1878 of diphtheria FELECI Soy Sr daughter of ol Wil- Wil William Wil William liam tam and aDd Jane Jaae Cowan sued Qed 4 years years yean 5 months and 8 S days das p r At Farmington ton December 18 lB 1878 croup JOSFPH B B soft soo o OJ of Oliver and Anne Robinson aged aled 3 2 Aea s and 4 months At Woods Woo Cross CroM aVIt Day I County Dee Dec 1 Is 1878 of W W n on of O J Jand and Amelia Wood aged ty years rs and 11 months In City Washington County of diphtheria at the residence of t father a father A F P Barron Barren WILLIAM FRANK FRANK- FRANKLIN FRANKLIN PRANK PRANK-LIN LIN son of William and Mary th bf-th th Proctor Born at ar Panacea Lincoln Coun- Coun County County iy ty N Nevada vada Do Dc D c 1887 He Be wa nt ed ed by all it w CoM t Co r rAt At Johnt Johnon U c Katie he Count 5 Bee S II of typhoid fever RUTHVEN WEST WEST- riE aged ged ag d 64 M years 8 moi mo thC and II 2 days i ed was wa b bim irn ip In Perry County Ohio Ib i and od g aed to I In |