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Show 'euenfVor Chamber Voting Are Appointed FOB PLUMBING REPAIR CALL PARADISE with his daughters in Ore !2on ti, , first. of the week. .He exPectat,; be there for several weeks Holidays in Ogden field Of, Oith. - th, Activation Mr. and Mrs. Henry artillery,, battalion., Utah. National have gone to spend the Christ Guard, , has , been, completed, ac- holidays with thier sons cording to Lt. ..Colonel Joe E. daughteres families in o 204th F;.A. Bn. Now Is Activated Paradise Celebrating his 93rd anniversary Christinas , birthday President James O. Stewart of was jjyrums second oldest the Logan chamber of commerce, Julius Sorensen, at the has appointed Jason Beals, man- - ome of his daughter and son' PLUMBING CO. ager of the Western Stores; Dr. N. and Mrs Harry L Whitesides, , , battalion , commander. W. Christiansen, head of the Quality and Service Welch of Paradise, Batteries are . located at Logan strumental music department of birth' decorated and SmithfleldL CtaL-- . Thlteskles beautifully the Agricultural college, and Prin the following , battalannounces cetere1 Logml amm table and red tapers ion staff officer assignments; MaHigh school as tellers to count jor, Ray j Watters, battalion' ex the ballots January 13 for the tree wiht poinsettias ecutive officer; - Major,,, John annual election of five new di- - A lighted rooms. the Johnson, plans and training o if rectors of the chamber. The new graced sved ficer; Captain Lawrence Anderdirectors will be announced at I A t0 son, liaison! officer. h0n!r3,'i S"?8" the annual dinner meeting ot the "It is well to give Mr and 5 Hyrum chamber Friday. January 23, by three Mrs. Marion and Chugg chairman Beals of the tellers. children of Providence, Mr. and Nows From jftr Here's full consideration Mrs. Elmer Mortensen and two children of Bear River, John and Louis Welch and the Harry L. IMPROVEMENT CAR to tho fact that the Welch family. MADE FOR U. P. A social afternoon followed Get New., Care Mr- - Sorensen received Trenton Mr. GordotVii fiecsions mineral industry is For the fanner who can't bedinner. and receivXmla nice Mr. hsm soaie . John and long away from his fields and Mr Sorensen was born in ed their i new . Nash , cars . this chores. Union Pacific railroad an- " in'purchasing nounces that an Agricultural Odense, the isle of Fjen, Den- - past week. mar December 25, 1854, Visits In Trentea Improvement Car, the first of its When 11 years of a2 he with Mr. Newel Ptyne spent a oouple movies kind, featuring agricultural dustry as well as a brother. twoof arJd -- .and will begin a days with his brothers Lewder y,unger speakers left their nafclve land on the and Cecil We will take the finan- - wee tour 5. Payna in Trenton over utahf vessel Kennelworth. The he week-en- d. saUing I cial off your on the Pacific Union source of raw ma Assisting Leaves for State be will Utah the ftrefsa shoulders when personal I project then Mr. J. L. Payne left for a visit Agricultural College, which will llvedJmi emergencies arise. No need provide speakers on such subjects m0Yed t( Hyrum, where he has terials." to worry about hospital as dairying, insect and pest con-- 1 sue resided. fruit He bad the Privilege of see- bills when we can make trol, plant production, Martin Harris and Brigham marketing, poultry, livestock, and personal loans to you to row Young. crops. A good portion of his life has take care of them. toel spent building No red tape every-- ., c ThefoltowingediJor has b J. jounced , AO Sisd rof thing ia strictly confiden- - JMvto, mp better He haa als0 .Made To.Hesrzre tial when you see us. aftolUrV development eng aged ta atop He wa5 a member ofsth(J incite. field, on January 17, band organized in the early 70s ,:u known as the Marshal band. He Co. Awning & was a member of the Silver Grey iZEtAL MINING INDUSTRY Co. I The state. Washington is a fast- - bancL which was organized in Phone 244 OF UTAH growing state; it attracts population 1924. because of its timber productions Mr. Sorensen was able to play - five musical instruments: cornet of appits production outstanding; of Logai les and wheat espLally. targe. In vioiin) accordian, fife an picolo! 29 W. 1st No. PhAno 9Rft . . .. . it the cities of Beattie and Tacoma f nine the .B "ng are Important padloo tredln portal children: Mrs.father Mary Sevy, Palo Alto; California; Mrs'. Viola Welch, Paradise; Alonzo, Alma and EUaa TO of Hyrum; Myrtle Mortensen of Bear River; Mrs. Marion Chugg, WE WILL CALL FOR AND PAY TOP CASH PRICES "GOT Providence; Mrs. Cyrus Hansen, FOR YOUR DEAD OR WORTHLESS Brigham; William ' G. Sorensen, ANIMALS Blackfoot, Idaho. He also has 37 grandchildren, CALL COLLECT LOGAN 49 and 21 great grand children. , I BAUGH " . dpaltoHJ'''thr j . K , . ? I ft'V tltt .TRENTON r s -- . a juary worries n $ I I . I - . STATE - LOAfJ OOTwlPAHY I I I I FflDDEuS HOTIBE istVEUE SHOES PDE8EB nietJT We also pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Wool UTAH t VENETIAN BUNDS ; BY-PRODUC- TS 2 miles south of Logan ... COMPANY on Highway 91 lime Changed MA 3:3 Vo Employees to Receive Bonus Beginning Sunday, THE HOUR OF CHARM THE ELECTRIC 110UH KSL Every Sunday n 3Sgj: - Featuring PHIL SP1TALNY AND HIS ORCHESTRA., 1L-G1- RL I'K . : F7 1 ,3s;: I Broughtfcl you by UTAH P.OlVEfi Ci ; n Because of the increased cost of living, a bonus of one-ha- lf of one months pay to emplyoees with a years record of service was announced recently by Cali- 1 LlflilS CO..a.t Our Prices We Have Kept Our Lines In Sight fornia Packing corporation, packthrough Eames. lfc president, Alfred W. The bonus is based on Novem1947, salaries, and will be paid to all employees who have been continuously with the com pany for one year ending Deber, - We Forgot To Raise ers of Del Monte Food products, i v cember 15. Officers and company bonus. directors of the are not included in the - H r 4 c We Dont Have To Have A Sale Because Our Shoes Are Always Priced Right - c i Alcoholics Anonymous To Hold Open Meeting The Logan Group of Alcoholics Anonymous announce that they will hold an open meeting on Thursday, January the 8th. An interesting group of speakers from Salt Lake and Ogden will talk on alcoholism and the AA program for recovery. The general public is invited to attend. The meeting will be at 8:30 on the mezzanine of the Hotel Eccles. FITTED BY, EXPERT SHOEMEN O O O XD3TT0M9jJ SHOE STORE Corner liain and First North , |