Show PASSAGE OF THE BILL pip pat top MOMENTOUS OCCASION our correspondent ati eye witness THE boulb WE s BEAS BC aft I 1 GARDEN and ont of confusion the linnit infamy y sprang L jan 1887 toe edmund alj 44 today to day passed the house the judiciary committee op 94 monday ware wre givon two days for the consideration of bills which they mitat present to the house and even in t the e assignment ot time reed of maine began rasping the willowy tucker about the urgency ot of the utah bill and wanted an assurance that it would receive immediate attention Tola Tucker could not give stating that his alb committee would meet the day following when an arrangement for foe an fn b bringing forward of bills would be agreed to it was decided that one demanding little if any consideration should first be called up and then tuckers substitute to rhe BILL BEX the result was was that it obtained th the floor about 1240 1245 and by a low few minutes minute past one the discussion had commenced when the reading of the bill was concluded mr tucker stated aly that two hours would b be allowed each aide for discussion discus after which he be would move the previous qu question eption mr long of massachusetts stated that mat he desired to lovoto move to strike out the fifth section and mr collins colling of df the same state said be also had bad about fifty amendments he wished to propose but the disc earner on not however until mr bennett of north carolina stai ted that as asa 1 a member ot of the judici judiciary fity committee we he accepted the beggarly time outdo of two hours for appos ing the bill as a whole because he be could not get more notwithstanding the grave issued involved dreb taylor ohio began the debate debater by delivering a short and very watery speech in favor of it he was listened to witha measure of attention for it I 1 wag wad evident that this bill was exciting more of attention than usual CASSE CAINE then opposed to the bill cje he spoke for inq kibur ana i 4 nah half belig given the closest attention the members members crowding around him his points told well ell and he pleaded ae he sw said pot not alone for his constituents but bait for himself as well pledging hi hia word sword and hai acter that the evidence upon which the bill was based was wais without foundation aaion in fact he showed the u alicy of the involved and quoted liberally y floya tho speech of rand randolph 01 tucker when rhen on march 13 18 1882 he be paa had vehemently con condemned demseR the very provisions he was waa now urging at that time as noy now part of the edmunds bill which was approved and made a law ane days later he ie was applauded w bhea ben he had e concluded and was congratulated generally I 1 beaw b believe e this was mr caines maiden speech in the house and it will be found one which neither V he not nor the people of utah need have reason to be ashamed of or to view with anything but pride I 1 1 MB BENNETT of north carolina then took up the cudgel he fie read extracts from the reports of the utah commission Cominis siou in which they affirmed the success of the edmunds law and the necessity for the lapse of time that the provisions provision of that enactment might have ample op anity tor fm working out the leg legeti ti mate results he also alao made quotations from the report ot of governor west all HB showing bowing that this legislation was not at all needful toe the points were conclusively telling but to no avail he then entered catered upon a discussion of the legal points involved and dealt sledge baummer blows against the oily Tuc tucker kerby by quoting his words as mr caine had also done and provoked not a little lant liter by his bis witty and biting sallies j tucker was waa rest less he be moved about and when the half remained to the opponents of the bill when mr CA caine ane I 1 was through had been c consumed ous umed a member asked unanimous consent that mr bennett be I 1 ALLOWED ALLOWS 0 TO PROCEED 1110 ao ongo on were heard la in all d directions c eions I 1 mr tucker I will take the floor a and aad ad yield the gentleman from north carolina ten minutes of mytice my tny time 11 this remartha was met with a storm of expressions of dissent I 1 no INQ 1 no no coming from all ail parts af the alb floor the speaker put t the question awl and said he heard no ino objection it was then asked how rauch much time was wab wanted and again there was a general response aline all he ll 11 and so mr bennett proceeded for another half hour still exciting ex elting laughter and challenging engin a cat contradiction of the points he belil ate also was applauded atthe at the close he had converted acuti an uri friendly house had the previous question then been put it would have been voted down 1 sr believe the bill have been detested defeated but bat the arrangement ran gement was othe otherwise voise mit TUCKER took he floor he yielded part of his time to mr reed of maine he argued to show that it was not polygamy alone which the bill was designed to correct but bat thatis that it was intended to make maket the heh cormons mormons radions disgorge head he admitted the charge which the friends of your people have persistently advanced that under was the object mr bennett asserted in so many words that the bill was avasa a lob job and clever as he is mr reed did but affirm it the intelligent house however either could not detect such slight discrepancies or a attached no As importance to them A great deal of both is doubtless the caw casie he charged the mor mons with usurpation of lands and the establishment of of a governmental polity in direct opposition to the united states and said that while he be was indisposed to vote for the abolition of FEMALE SUFFRAGE he would prefer to do so rather than that this bill should be lost he wanted utah made so it could be admitted as a state he had previously previous 7 charged the mormons cormons with going to tio salt lake valley and taking united states lands mr collins asked him Is it not a fact that when the mor mons entered the salt lake Vall valley eythe the country belonged to mexico hew ow then could they usurp the lauds lands of the united states mr reed Ee edWell well that does not make any difference mr collins 1 it t makes a decided difference in your statement mr caswell of wisconsin was the next speaker the speaker could bar hardly di y get order and there was no disposition to listen to ca caswell sw elland and after a futile attempt at hearing mr tucker himself began his spee speech ch to alose TUB TRIM DEBATE the effect of the speeches of delegate caine and mr Bennet jt was gradually wearing off sing singular a r these coal headed legislators who weigh every matter so carefully and d discriminatingly can e an be blown about by almost every breath and become hot or cold as a speaker ot power blows upon them cheze the subject is one in which their constituents are not immediately concerned but when mr tucker arose he attracted the scathe scattering ring legislators and warming himself up until his voice would break and screech and the house laughed again at thet the ridiculous effects caused by its impotence ened to do NO justice tace to the of its possessor Us the thermometers gradually arose in the bosoms of his hearers those who erstwhile applauded mr bennett now applauded mr tucker and when be was of tte ake chest autian cant about the house being ithe nucleus of the government he was applauded to the echo he became QUITE BESIDE HIMSELF when he appealed to td the revealed word of the omnipotent and never was a voice more faulty to the pressure put upon it than when this eminent t mountebank screamed out they futhey twain they twain they twain shall be one flesh the effect became ludicrous and laughter followed from the treachery of nis his voice enot not they bundle I 1 called forth laughter again as it followed immediately after the words faone one flesh or as soon after as tile the crack in the voice would be men mended ded he quoted delegate caine as authority that the kingdom of god had bad ito to be set a IP V at the expense orthis of this government went I 1 I 1 delegate caine the delegate from utah istah made no such as assertion mr tucker 1 I wish the gentleman would tell us i WHAT iffe E DID SAY mr caine 1 made use of no lan ian gu guage age that could i be construed that I 1 way mr tucker but bat the gentleman has his bis speech mr caine I 1 said no such thing mr tucker L did not nean to mis cepres represent at the gentleman I 1 hope bope his speech will appear in the record mr caine it is already in pe the hands of the printer he then described the colonization of utah the establishment of the government of the state of deseret declaring that the act passed by it incorporating po rating the church of jesus christ of latter day saints was a nullity dar lug ing thu the course of his remarks later on he be was com compelled pOled in order to make a point good to declare that these acts were subsequently adopted by the legislature of the territory of utah 11 he then undertook took to clear away the objections to the bill but it was PAINFUL TO NOTICE that be kept shy of the remarks that had been made by him on the edmunds billand bill and against some of the provisions which he now urged the house to adopt it was a matter for great regret to see such a man go back on the untarnished record of a life to win a few plaudits pl audits from persons as piercen mercenary and untrue as he himself he referred to his course to the desire he had to see utah admitted as a sta state t e 1 I do what you believe but I 1 on do not want your belief expressed in overt acts 1 64 I 1 believe that amoni among the risi K generation the dislike of p 0 ay awamy is ii steadily growing at I 1 wa want to sae see utah take tabu her hei position as a state by renouncing polygamy an and d that is why I 1 propose a constitutional AMENDMENT AMENDMENT so as to prevent the possibility of her relapsing or any other territory and establishing reestablishing re polygamy as aa a state stated ap he was frequently applauded and when he referred to the fact that he was about to retire from the house and that his only wish was to leave some legislation after him that would help to settle the unhappy question his bis me mellowing Howing brought down toe the ho house u be the applause had not died away bea before ore he moved the previous question mr scott of pennsylvania asked unanimous consent to offer an amendment immediately the wildest disorder prevailed 20 or so 30 shouting at once regular order re regular ular order mr tucker with a bland smile and with both hands extended as though in the act of pronouncing noun cing a benediction said my ismy dear friend I 1 would like and the rest was drowned in the noise mr scott thin then appeL appealed appalled led to ta the house only to atlow allow his I 1 AMENDMENT TO BE READ BEAD I 1 I 1 but no not even that tha house clamored with arduous wrath against the mormons cormons Mor mons the speaker hastily put the previous question and it was carried with an lave aye so vehemently that the like tit of it has hag not been heard for years then the amendment offered by tucker which is intended to vacate all the offices immediately and make the municipal OM offices ces also appointive was put and carried with another assenting acclamation so strong and unanimous that a mormon might have cut it while the three ot 0 four noes that arose faintly afterwards only served to heighten the effect of the preceding aye I 1 would wager anything that not ten men in the house had any conception of the nature of the amendment I 1 1 1 I demand demand the kyeo aye and hays 11 sang out a voice in an instant ALI ALL WAS N I 1 no no ah no sit down sit down keep down 11 aad kindred sounds sound rolled rolle dup up to the galleries while the speaker was looking with an lye eye to se see if enough would keep their feet to carry the demand but three gentlemen vote for the ayes and nays said the speaker rais ing his voide voice above the din going on in the deu den of legislators the motion to accept the substitute as amended was also carried by a resonant aye while mr bennett raised a lone lon ebat but determined no and them the motion to pass the bill drew out the loud approval of many lusty lungs and abd when the chair announced that the bill had passed ased there was some applause which I 1 IV I 1 noticed was industriously a bet et in motion by no less a person than he ae wo has so signally disgraced an hon ored name and the record of a long life mr randolph tucker acker the house at once adjourned GENERAL NOTES 1 throughout gho u t the day clay the were inthe in the H house 0 use and a smile ual satisha sat satisfaction 41 on played about the features of ous bennett as hep he through the rotunda re he should be a proud man his success would be considered a defeat by a more scrupulous man speaker carlisle anid and governor west marched from the house arm lu in arm both smiling aidy number of members declare that Speaker carlisle has bull bulldozed oozed this thing through eh and the like has rarely if ever tf before afo ir e beep known his change of heart hortis Is undoubtedly u n due to fo governor Gb vernor west I 1 have said all along that his presence here was a menace to your peo people e I 1 am led kd now norto to belleve believe that I 1 spoke hot but too truly 1 I 1 rode from the capitol in ia the same aane car with mr tucker liki like a new bride he be was 8 bathed in bluis blushes hes and spoke constantly of the bill he had bad just bulldozed through congress A smile played about his bis ruddy mouth month buit he be seemed too anxious to learn of the approval of his bis course by those about rim him to the possessor of a conscience satisfied with the course he be had pursued WALTON WOLD the amendment is as follo follows ws ewt at this act shall not take effect till A six after its approval by the president and there baw shall DO be an election held in the several precincts of said territory on the third monday iu ra march 1887 at which the electors of the said territory may elect from each legislative district double the number of delegates they are entitled to elect of councillors councilors councillors councilors Counci lors lors and representatives to the legislative assembly of said territory and the dele delegates gatek so elected shall meet at S salt t lake citron city on tile the first monday of april 1887 dt at 13 12 noon and shall term form a constitutional convention and if U said convention shall form and adopt a constitution ution republican in form boim and which shall prohibit polygamy in said state and the same shall be e ratified by a majority of the votes cast by the qualified electors elector fc at an election to be held tor that purpose in the several precincts of that territory on the te first monday of jule june then the provisions of this act sha shall L I 1 continue to remain inoperative until such constitution shall be presented in n the usual manner and acted on by U congress s the elections herein provided for are to be hold held conducted and returns thereof made in the manner now provided by law for the holding of elections for county and precinct officers in said terr tein 1 tory and all acts and parts parta of acts in conflict with the provi provisions of this section shall angwill and H ill remain inoperative until the fi CX pi ration of said six six moullie mon llie and in the case of tha adoption and ratification of said ran on ution as hereinbefore herein before provided the said and provision shall r remain pain inoperative until k action on said constitution by congress congro Cong rb 11 |