Show sp special ecial to the tile deseret NEWS a washington 8 the the very emphatic manner in which it luls itis is said that secretary seward in a conversation with certain members of congress affirmed that the late position ta kenby the president was assumed through his influence has excited exe cited much remark raymond in a dispatch dissat eh to the JV N Y times denounced the statement as a malicious perversion at r chicago 9 the pennsylvania resolution contention bentio n on the esth nominated gen john A geary for governor on the first ballot and adopted resolutions declaring that the work woric of reconstruction belongs to congress that the national faith be pledged for payment of the public debt and the protection of freedmen praising raising gov curtin and secretary ls stanton tanton and senator cowan to tu resign the following letter from pres pros johnson to gov sharkey appears in the tile I 1 voluminous report to congress con corning the process for the re tion of df the southern states dated executive mansion august gov william L I sharkey 1 I 1 arkey backson Yack jackson son miss 1 I am gratified to see that you have organized the convention without difficulty and hope that mat without delay the convent convention foil lorl will amend the state constitution abolishing slavery and denying future legislative power to legislate for property in man if you could extend the elective franchise to all per sans of color who can read the constitution and write their names and to all pier fier persons sons of color who own real estate valued at not less than 2 50 and pay taxes thereon you would completely disarm the tile adversary and set an exam eie ele le to other states which they will fol iw this you can do with p perfect berfect safety and you thus place the southern states in reference to free fred persons of color upon the same basis with the free states I 1 hope hobe and trust that your convention will do this and 1 as a consequence i the radicals who who are ar e wild upon negro franchise will be completely foiled in their at attempts to keep the southern states ates from renewing their relations to tho the U union nion by not accepting their senators a and d representatives ANDREW johsson JOHNSON president of the united states uthe the pennsylvania republican platform covens covers IS 18 resolutions the resolutions say that it is a most imperative duty in order to gather the legitimate 5 fruits of the war var that the constitution be puri purified fled flea and the institutions strengthened that the national life may te be prolonged and that failure in these grave duties will be scarcely less criminal than acquiescence in secession and would be an insult to every soldier who took up armsto arms to save the country that they are filled with admiration at the patriotic devotion and fearless cour andrew johnson huson Jo and appeal to hinl him to stand firmly and repose upon of the tile loyal masses thoth resolution declares that the work of restoration nily illy belongs to the lawmaking law making power to deily deny which imperils im perils the dearest rights of representative government that as a preliminary congress should carefully investigate the con eon condition diffin and declare the terms and that we cordially approve the action of congress hitherto on this subject washington 9 A delegation from kentucky visited the president today to day to deliver the resolutions of the frankfort Frankfort meeting endorsing his veto saying that the people of kentucky were impatient under the presence of the Freed mens bureau and nd having made great greit sacrifices during the war they now claim the right to exercise jurisdiction under our laws the president returned his thanks for the expression of their confidence which was pec pee peculiarly gratifying at this juncture which he regarded as the most critical in the affairs of the nation T to 0 attack and overthrow the government lwy by adms arms was no more dangerous to the nation than to attempt lo 10 revolutionize and dud undermine it by b y the destra destruction action of the safeguards thrown around the liberties of the people dople our course is marked out and we shall take no step backward no other or ill lil higher her evidence can I 1 e given than has already been furnished itis it is hoped it will remedy ere long all the he irregularities and annoyances to which the people have been su subjected bj acted again wa we do assure you that these demonstrations rations of confidence and assurance of support PIP ori ort are exceedingly cheering A from the maryland legislature gi slature also visited the president with resolutions approving his policy olp y the president said ne he need not reit reNt reiterate erat his former declarations the people know where we stand it is a most gratify gratifying ing inU thought that there seems to be men that will sustain the country and the principles on which it lives men holding these principles must act together no matter what their starting point the present dangers must bo be met and overcome baroll Too uto 1 A irl tutt rally tinder the call for volunteers 1 lilun exceeds troops over 2000 arrived here last the people are fully aroused no man shirks his duty the most exciting rumors prevail of ealan fenian intentions to invade e canada the government has taken possession of the tile bellgraph tell teli graph lines preparation preparations are made to move troops by rail rafi to any point of danger at a moment s notice Ch chicago chiango iengo 10 no negotiations have been fully concluded concluded bior for the consolidation of the american and western union onion and united states telegraph lines u under n der one management papers apers to that effect havin haying having been signed sealed settle and delivered at new york boiz on the ith this consolidation sw sweeps every everything thing from halifax to new orleans and san francisco except some small local lines washington wahington 10 clark dark attorney general is ma making cing ling king a 1st ast of the pardons in answer to an inquiry by the house it will show about pardons of the clause sew new york 10 the fenian excitement runs high fabulous sums of money are pouring in from sale oki ozi of bonds of tile the irish republic chicago 10 the tiie union pacific railroad will be open to ft riley niley miles on the ath of july with a special cial clai celebration of the event T the h e leavenworth brancu branch joining the main line at lawrence will be completed during may buffalo 10 the tiie canadian government has instituted a strict surveillance sur ot of all passengers baggage and freight coming into the provinces province the excitement cit Is unabated bishop lynch catholic has denounced the feniane Fen ians lahs it t is expected thal that that tile the government will forbid public celebration of st patricks day fr near fear of ai ahi chicago 11 the shenew new york legislature voted down iha tha resolution solution favored navo favo favoring rin riD the tile eight hour mo movement rement liverpool feb 28 fenian afna afra affairs irs irr are unchanged arrests continue plentiful in all directions and arms and ammunition are frequently seized the tha military in ireland will be further augmented the english government has seized two vessels at london which were fitting out for the tiie chillian government the times rimes bitterly denounces the bad taste ot of Ban crofts oration the government has received a telegram 4 21 41 1 hours from irom india announcing the settlement of the bhoola affair chicago 12 Ma atje JEW W Win koops mission to the hostile indians has hag been an entire success he has succeeded in getting them all below the arkansas river and procured from their chiefs and head men agreements to abide by the provisions of the treaty re a ty 0 of f last october putting an end to all indian tr troubles and mai mat making an travel safe across the plains 1 1 washington ton 12 seward officially lally assures tile the tho Britis british li minister hll hii nIster that any attempt of the tho to invade canada or violate the neutrality laws will be promptly punished sir Fre fro bruce replies that lie has no apprehensions of ot any trouble believing bell beli eying eTIng that the movement it Is a scheme to enrich certain lc le adars adors at tir the expense of a few dupes C chicago h 0 12 11 the e new york yorm legislature has ado adopted gt g d resolutions e lut iut fons ions by a strict party vote that congress congre sr h has a full fuli fe 1 power to determine the readmission of the so southern 1 states and to nix fix the qualifications of its members and that whatever differences m mav may exist between the executive and legislative departments in measures necessary to attain the great ends which peace should yield they are of opinion that there should not be such d diversity I 1 ver sty either on general results or the method d of attaining the same as should produce hostility or sever political relations new york 12 the p platform I 1 atford of the renn penn pennsylvania republican convention excites much comment it Is generally approved proved by the party press of that state the N sew new york yore arx H berald herald erald emald says the platform platforms js bold bola and startling 19 placing acin the party arty indirect in direct antagonism with the e A administration 9 min bin Et Is ratIon the new york tribune says it will be gettysburg over again itt bit it applauds applauds the convention for its boldness but ut fears ears for the result the world says say the convention was careful to praise the press bress president only for things he did eid previous to the beginning of the great work of reconstruction fon ton on which his fame will rest if success successful fult fuit and by which he will be blasted if he falls the resolutions convey the implication that c consistency with his past record requires johnson s on to renounce his present policy one of the r resolutions puts its left arm around president johnsons Johnson neck and calls him bl bt other while right it thrusts a dagger under his fifth rib i I 1 I 1 r f chicag chicago ia 12 the tile most extra extravagant reports continue to prevail about the extent of fenian preparations for an attack on canada PARIS GOSSIP the whole ideal world in which live and dream the authors artists poets and intellectual men of paris has risen with one loud burst of gratitude to sardon for hi his s new piece of the pamille famille Beno iton 11 the ideal world is revenged at last the gross and g greedy reeds speculators panting after money and trampling apling tra beneath their club feet all sentiment and delicacy into the gutter from which they have just been dragg dragged edby by chance and fraud are unmasked and bunn eted back to their proper place by the most biting satirist of the day the piece has made a greater sensation in paris than any which has been produced for the last dozen years and even if it should not actually produce the reaction all are so anxiously waiting walting for it cannot full too toc to create contempt for that that which has hag been bean so long adored the Famille Be Beno nolton iton has burst upon the brokers and speculators like a thunderbolt they feel themselves discovered at last and were paris in the days dabs of the Regency Ee gency they would have got sardon clapped up in the bastile or have proposed to buy the comedy of the author so that it might never see the light the whole purpose of the work is 1 to display the tile utter misery to which those hose t poor rich people are condemned who pr pretend e tn e I 1 to scorn the resources of intellect te telle telie 1 I 1 act ct and to cry down all those ideal delights I 1 which come direct from heaven to coni comfort fort man amid the brutalizing influence flUence of his worldly cares the Be Beno nolton iton family have obtained every worldly blessing for which they have striven the father has made an enormous fortune in the iron bedstead line libey and to his sons he inculcates but one principle learn how to reckon while to ills his daughters he is cont continually in u al y saying get a rich husband beca because u s e tile woman man is the happiest who has the finest lace and diamonds the counsel has brought its fruits the eldest son cheats his father in the purchase of a house honestly declaring to his face that although as the author of his being he is bound to venerate his parent yet as his competitor in business bustness he is justified in robbing him the eldest faugh gaugh daughter ter married marrijo to an architect gives herself up to the maddest extravagance in dress and manner while the poor husband exhausted with the hard labor of supplying ng the means of satisfying her caprice is reduced deuced re to imbecility and the other two da daughters gaiters run their wild career of that eccentricity of toilet and behavior which the loathsome influence of sudden wealth on vulgar minds has served as substitute for the retirement and dell deil delicacy cacy eacy of the young ladies of the old regime e in e the great trait of satire in this t h s portion P of the comedy is the a absence I 1 e nce nee of madame Be Beno nolton iton the tife mother who is never at home and is it therefore not seen seon seen only alluded to throughout the tho piece As for th evoys bys the education they teloy have rec received elVed elvea is more fruitful in result the second son is still a schoolboy but fors for forswearer Y eares latin and greek to gamble on the turf he goes to the tile races in a dogcart dog dom eart cart wih wit wib several knowin knowing blades of tha same age as himself himsel fhe he smokes he va talks of cora pearl re he is occupied Q in fo foaming cind a club and a journal which are to reform the universe and prepare it to T r the great destinies to which ft it will bs called if once it submits to be led by such bold spirits as this fanfan as he is called by the co cottes of the quartier beda which lie he already frequents q u ants and whose langua language ge he already r ead y speaks more fluently fluently y than his own it is grevious for the future welfare of the country to declare that this character is hit off to the very life then comes the youngest boy of all a mere child whose heart is aheady rotten to the very core with the passioni orgain of gain he already tramm traffics mes les in postage stamps and is proud of cheating tt tle little girls in the Tuille ries by creating 9 an artifice al rise and fall in the of these delectable articles he has also by dinhof dint of great observation and perseverance discovered the secret of the iron safe cafe in his fathers study this character is so wonderfully played by a little girl a youthful prodigy that alone it would be lelent sufficient to make the fortune of the piece by the side oft of liese these parvenus parmenus par venus are the Fre michels who are determined to arri arrive veat at the same result they are horrible in their reality of selfishness greed and brutality 1 it y the arrangement of a marriage be between veen young youn Fre michel and one of the Be Beno nolton iton girls iris lils is the most powerful and hideous picture of modern french life ever exhibited of course a corrective lies amid all this it takes the form of a real gentlemen well born but sunk from his honorable poverty into this mass of rich corruption in consequence of imprudence and extravagance va the contrast between the courteous indulgence of one society and the brutal cupidity and selfishness of the other is admirably done of course all ends well by the marriah marr marriage barriage lao iao R odthe of the only reclaimable scion of th the e Benoi Benol tons to this fallen gentleman but no further punishment than the total misery of their own making is inflicted on the odious personages who appear in the drama sardon has evidently sounded the battle battie cr cry y |