Show freighting FLOUR NORTH the counsel given at the last conference and which we have endeavored to r 1 keep p before the people through the coi col columns U mn S of the NEWS neos for theato them to be their own merchants whether buying in the markets east and west or se selling I 1 ling their produce has been attended with gratifying ratifying results there is a very general feeling to carry it ii into effect and there seems no doubt but if it is wisely followed all the expected good will be realized still some suggest suggestions iotis ha hae have e presented themselves which 1 ch demand the widest publicity we can give them because of their importance particularly in the matter of haul hauling our pro duce to the best markets where it tan ba sold and there disposing of it this age is justly notable for keen and and sharp speculation it is not noi always the most worthy the most laborious nor the most industrious who at present come into possession of the greatest wealth but they who with keen shrewdness can take vantage advantage hd of the necessities of their fellow beings being and oft speculate on their wants are enest those who most rapidly accumulate riches nowhere is this more forcibly illustrated than in these western territories means of transit are at particular seasons very uncertain intercom munica tiou tiow becomes measurably suspended freighting is impossible and then when an article becomes scarce in a particular market these speculators will r run n it up to the highest possible price pricie in one city north of us early last spring nour hour was per hundred ibs lbs the supply was limited the demand great the law of supply and demand however Iio llo wever of which so much is said can be at times evaded A keen speculator in that city learned that a train of flour from G S L city was approaching r ho he laid his plans accordingly and when that train arrived sacks of flour stood outside his store la belled 1500 the newly arrived flour was sold for a little over that I 1 but tut the people there had to pay a much higher price for it we could relate quite a number of similar simi lar instances but there is no need to do so when one trader in this city was asked lately if he would send flour to montana next spring g his reply was no for a great many will be sending flour there then and the speculators will get it at it a low figure I 1 will send whatever is most plentiful there now for it will be scarce by that time we do hope that the people of utah and montana will ao so far take united action as to prevent these keen gentry from taking the very cream of the trade between the tile two territories so that the producer here hero may have a fair price for what he produces and the consumer there not be ski lined in paying for fon what h consumes recommend the establishment of a commission house in virginia montana with witha a branch establishment in helena in which the people of utah could have entire confidence unless there are such places at present that can be recommended by our most reliable businessmen business men some such establish estabi a fp I 1 ments menfus are needed where our people freighting there could deposit their freight sooner than become the tile prey of speculators and where the people of montana could be assured they would not be made subject to the processes of the past we can send flour from utah to supply them which can be sold at what are reasonable rates for that region c if it has not to pass through the hands of traders who take all the percentage of profit which they can get without any regard to the moral honesty of their dealin dealings 0 S we would encourage ge our peo pleto do their own freighting and trading and trust such necessary steps will be taken as will secure all parties from legally honest but morally dishonest dish diah honest bonest onest and unjust speculation |