Show LATEST FROM froah EXCHANGES tim THE bachelors associations are spreading v one or two have been formed in the provincial towns of france and now one is reported in vienna in the latter case however the object of the society is to promote matrimony by keeping a register cfall of all ail m marriageable a 1 I ladies of amiable character te r an and free from extravagant tastes the french societies society 1 e proclaim celibacy as the true means of 0 fTp happiness tiie tire working men of south wheeling va have formed a joint stock company with a capital of twelve thousand shousan dollars for the purpose of establishing tab lishing a first class grocery store from which they are to obtain their family supplies at the lowest cash rates the profits to be 0 distributed pro rato rate among among the stockholders the shares are fix nixed fixed edat at ten dollars no person to be allowed to subscribe for more than ten shares thi THE extensive and costly buildings building 0 erected at ottawa canada for government purposes will be ready for mccu patton in about about a month when the capital ifal ital will be formally removed from que beato bec to the above named city the next provincial parliament is expected to assemble in the new buildings EIGHT hundred navajo indians are settled on a government reserve miles southeast of santa fc fe and two thousand more will shortly join them they are very industrious having built an irrigating canal four miles longi iona and twenty feet wide through their territory they have raised good crapsi crops this year col dodd the government ta agent ent 1 is now on his way to washing ashin 9 antton toj foj t receive 1 a large sum appropriate appropriated bai dby byi congress for the use of thee the tilee e indi ind f 1 1 ans 1 fa i 7 1 ehe dum alm E english officials are zeal weal zealously dusl dusi A kirget in extirpating extirpation III ili in bield nd U I 1 f I 1 bellr thenn thern is a fatal disease ra raging gitig am amon 9 horses honses in some parts of pennsylvania ai at first there is a swelling of the throaty followed toward the last stages by a swelling of the lead head and limbs which proves fatal THE cattle plague in england eon con eon con rrb its iriti ravages ages and agn d was ival spreading in various parts of the kingdom it was disputed that the disease had been t instructed b by foreign cattle and evidence was induced adduced to show that it was generated in england the english channel fleet consisting of about a dozen vessels Inc including ludin iudin iron dads and wooden frigates arrived arrived aCCher bourg on the uth nth of august and was appointed the place of honor in the harbor the lords of the ad virally and many other officials accod a the fleet cherbourg Cher bourg was crowded with visitors and brilliant fetes were to take place IN h north china the rebels have threatened the imperial city seven thousand chinese troops have embarked at shanghee Shang hae for Ti Tl ensten to operate a against M wt Nien fel fei el authorities at pekin applied for british military officers I 1 it is reported that sacked and pillaged aed a ed the city of AN imperial decree has been issued by the czar of russia ordering the tiie reduction of the tile army from the semi war like to the the ordinary peace footing 0 two divisions of the guards twenty two 0 divisions of infantry two briga brigades des jf artillery and te ten nother other divisions will be reduced reduced from the ordinary peace footing to the cadres cadre of their respective regiments two divisions of cavalry are axe to be reduced from sixteen to fifteen sections and two other divisions are to be maintained on the full peace footing A hall hali in the vicinity of mount sterling wisconsin destroyed thirty thousand dollars worth of crops hailstones or rather rocks of lee ice were seen which measured six or eight inches in circumference THE cotton cromwill crop will be almost an all entire failure throughout the rust is destroying it as fast as it matures |