Show THE JORDAN irrigation CO 10 HAS HAZ 1 good tillable and meadow land with water ter famished to irrigate it for 10 14 per aare acre ran ranging if ing from one to five miles from the jordan bridge rid nid the land 1 Is iveta westward rd fr from the jordan river A canal 16 f feet wide carrying arryl ng the water to a reservoir servo ser voir lr west vw t of th the e e county anty r road oad which covers a surface of two hundred acres aeres from whence it is drawn lo 10 water the land of tiie tile the companas Comp anys survey to the re land has been proved this season and is good for all kinds of grain and vegetables also well weli adapted to fruit growing those desiring ir g land must aebly apply soon as the com company an wis wish to finish the branches ranches of the can an and build bridges and gates between this and winter ter those that have applied for landane land and have not dald paid are requested quested to do so immell immediately tely or it will not at zhe ahe be held hela ld id iri reserve for them the first who come with theay thay th ay will be first served all kinds of produce taken in payment at gold rates ratos or labor if itcan it can be had dimmed immediately tely now is the time for those who have no land to obtain it at a cheap rate apply to G B WALLACE superintendent 49 tit tri nth ward city P loe lot thea THE Y 0 P arf GURNE guree coey LU manufacturers and dealers IN BOOTS hoots gnu ANU ANTI antl SHOES T TAVE AVE REM REMOVED OVED to the storeroom store room formerly H w a occupied bv by SQ DAY fh reo ree doors south of godbeh corner where we wiil wili at all times have on hand A COMPLETE STOCK OF 6 SHOES 9 vasa P makay lagay IG A alters I 1 T E R S I 1 t A daem BAEM orael etc etc of the BEST MAKE and MATERIAL which wo we shan shau offer ollor at the very LOWEST PRICES OR US casu CASH L tor its equivalent in FLOUR OATS OR BARLEY I 1 0 f r r we W e respectfully solicit a share of the patronage azo ago of the citizens of a utah and can assure them that our GOODS will always prove as good as represented STATES SOLE LEATHER fon foe FOR SALE 1 45 43 taj t r FOB por OR SALE 0 o that well weli known and old established brand howards superior CAN BE HAD AT tire tiie distillery at wholesale price exclusive of internal revenue per gal 3 00 revenue tax included 99 5 00 bes wheat and other oti ter grain taken at cash eates safes big cottonwood distillery D Is tillery oct lwft notice to the seventies generally rand and in particular to those residing in this city here will be a meeting of all the quorums of seventies presidents and members atour at our COUNCIL COtIN CIL cin HALL on saturday november lith at I 1 eblock pm p m at which meeting the hall will be discharged from its indebtedness by raising the funds on the spot or by mortgaging it or lastly if both if the above expedients fall fail it will be sold JOS ja YOUNG sen trustee awl osal wa E STRAYS have rave strays la ju nty ray possession S the tho following one brindle line backed COW 5 years old swallow sorte forte in each ear gota pot a calf one two year yea old red ste HR brand branded brande 4 rhion ealon te flae left hip K ono one yearling brown no or brand brands fi k J I 1 work man MAy virgen city aul charles F RJ jones ofies end 2nd WEST gest ST BETWEE ff COURT HOUSE AND OLD FORT CITY respectfully informs his friends and the 0 jcu public lie ile generally that he now possesses poss esses ry and ana I 1 every facility for the Manu fac uro lure ure of first class plass tin xin sheet iron copper ware merchants and others re requiring quiring STOVE FURNITURE or materials made tip up will find it to their advantage to call AZ 6 quality and make of goods warranted equal equal to any house in town sirl int TA PLEm plea 0 old oln AT 0 N LY T HAVE JUST RECEIVED and 1 will offer for W WHOLESALE H 0 L E sa L E ONLY the following splendid lot of STAPLE GOODS 22 bales brown domestic 5 bales baies bleached domestic 5 bales baies prints 5 bales baies ticks v 5 baies bales denims denas 10 bales hickory 3 bales baies Cotto nades 3 truss coats cotton 10 dozen axes 10 dozen scythes 1000 ibs lbs brass kettles SO 30 Dozen jozen spades and shovels 3 SO 30 platform an dUnion bar scales 6 anvils 6 vices 6 bellows with hammers and sledges sacks crushed and powdered sugar 20 chests superior teas 21 sacks prime rio eio coffee 40 boxes stuarts candies mustard indigo nutmegs Nut megs Sale saie ratus rafus tartaric Tartar tartan jc acad acid 5 bags pepper 4 bags spice 2 bags cassia 2 bags ginger the above GOODS I 1 wish to dispose of previous to my depart departure on the ath november W H HOOPER awl tf wa 11 l BUCKEYE no W VT ERS 0 o A FEW OF THE celebrated buckeye mowers and readers yet on hand and ua cl X at 4 5 X 3 M I 1 0 OATS I 1 I 1 barley BAKLEY AND FLOUR FEOUR RECEIVED IN PAYMENT apply to W H HOOPER G S L city sep 25 1965 52 51 if it E 03 I 1 in n the ascendant I 1 T bodd AT ST GEORGE lining ing jast a fine aud and varied as assort 4 I 1 I 1 anent of i D B TT GS A AND general dietl merchandise chandise wo we to 11 the same to to the citizens of 0 the COTTON COUNTRY at rea reasonable rates ner fer i 0 40 X t isla 0 C 0 t t C 11 I 1 ann and crnek we will wui endeavor lo 10 heep our so sock well su 1 supplied p and hue ahe we e retain bur bun thanks for ast favors we hope to merit a continuation ot or pu public pa t BENTLEY GODBE ile liv I 1 THEATRE GREAT CREAT SALT LAKE CITY manager ii li 11 B CL CLAWSON ANiSON stage iana er JOH T CAINE THE IMMINENT EMINENT ARTISTE JULIA hgan BEAN HA mei in her great of the charach character arof of LADY eveline EVELINA 0 4 S saturday eve IN NoVi ov 4 65 log 0 s will be presented the beautiful new play in 15 5 acts entitled t T THE H E SECRET LADY EVELINE julla JULIA DEAN hithe HAYNE supported by a full cast of the tho company 0 to conclude with the new laughable farce THE moi toi QUEER unpin characters by the company age box office open on FRIDAY and SATURDAY for the sale of tickets brunsi drumell DRUM ASS and SNARR DRUMS MADE HADE REPAIRED BASS and for SALE by JD B huntington ward G S L city aty BOOKS FOR sall SALE the following CHURCH publications are now for SALE at the LOWEST PRICES is IN THE des deseret eret book store and bindery DESERET NEWS BUILDINGS buil digs diga 1 1 BO BOOK K OF MORMON full pull cali calf cal cai gutsy gut GUtS 2 25 full foil roan 1 25 DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS COVENANT Is full calf gilt glit 2 00 full roan loo 1 00 JOURNAL OF discourses half cal calt aa cloth bides sides 2 00 half calt calf paper sides lao iao 1 50 ORSON PRATTS WORKS half calf 1 1 50 POEMS romis by E R t SNOW full morocco gilt 2 25 fall calf gilt 2 00 full fall cloe cioe cloth cioth gm glit gl lt I 1 so full fall cloth 1 00 HARP OF ZION full fuli morocco gilt 2 25 full fuli cloth cioth gilt gift 1 hii full fall cloth loo 1 00 1 VOICE OF WARNING fall morocco gilt iao lao 1 50 full fall calf calfi I 1 0 75 15 full cioth clothe I 1 0 0 50 compendium ful pal full fuli morocco T 2 00 full fall calf gilt kilt 1 50 14 full roan 1 W SPENCERS LETTERS F pull full 11 Clot citi clotell hlL D 50 millennial STAR start 1 fail fall calf calt half calf I 1 4 HYMN hyun BOOKS ta 1 fuli full roan 0 50 CAT FOR CHILDREN alth 1 I AI 10 paper 0 DE MORMON pap paper er kit kir 1 I ait ai t PEARL OF GREAT PRICE PRIC paper government OF GO I 1 i 0 50 ni ai TE testaments stallen chotu 1 LATEs LATEST r OF T halkin BOOK PUBLISH I 1 sal full morocco gilt to fult fall u I 1 I 1 cal calf f gf gut i az 2 full pull call cail L ia aw 2 W fu U roana I 1 divine AT al 1 f t nali OALI COAL CO k A diew KIEW mew NEW COAL BANK ron ten miles hearer the chy city than any otaw oilier BLACK COAL for house us use also f mor for vat blacksmiths one mile southeast oot oft of too toe silver greek dreek creek Kanyo nand s north dorth mst of three mile kanyon situated on the t sido side of weber river aa di kinds aken taken at market price pries for coal at the mine cash not refused swe 4 va wi 1 st at WM WN 1 CO NOTICE t ILLIAM T DENNIS and othen others citizens inte wa YV of pond town and payson haying having prem dented d a petition to the cou gou county n court of utah county U T setting forth t that h there Is a surplus of water in n the spanish fork riter river which oon con be taken lutat out at the ther mouth of spanish Sp arlish artish fork kanyon and thrown on to tracts of land which can be put under cultivation and made of interest to the cause causa of agriculture also praying to be organized into an irrigate irrigating ng district pursuant to an act to incorporate irrl irrigation companies approved jan W a lma 1865 wi with the privilege of taking out and stig using gid lid a said aid surplus water this bi to give notice to all parties interested that the same will be taken into consideration by the said county court at its next regular session on the monday of december IM by order of the cou con county JOA court t L I 1 JOHN NUTTALL 0 clrk cirk county clerks office I 1 provo city oct 12 itz atz J wa 8 |