Show HOME fUS bus SMS SA batir 11 IV Nals bett refe lo 10 his Illi late journey to the east to tile hie r feelings e blib sexist existing ing among those with lie he conversed on the subject and bare bore testimony to tile tilo truth elder hider B J am spoke of his mission intia lon ion to europe giving givin aa a brief account of while there hud and expressed hia hla desires to td con inco faithful faith falth fur to principles ot the gospel i elder eider F aiso also falso spoke or his bis mission to 0 o of his labors in england and ind bore boro to the crork of goi gol loii lJ ii afternoon elder eider HB clarrson referred to tha the ti II 11 e evidences of increasing degradation which a are te to be to witnessed vIt nested in the world and to iho file peace happiness and enjoyed by bho tho saints who a here to the counsels of tile the servants pt of cou cod sr lils pu honre at tetu ruing tobis honie home the tl esai esal nt ampre cratt crating ng the tho pence peace and happiness that exist hefe licie alithe aalthe all ail the more from bau ban being thrown in th tb and aud strife so man manifest in tuc the H hooper ilin lira in very interesting of the present blessings enjoyed by the saints sainta and of the power of faith in fix god Ata obtained tiled by ill living illing ing in ift strict conformity principles pies if tile the gospel day bore to the tho truth and to the thi ont which he had received ples ir C leball lm ball bail dave gave some tery very kind and fatherly tatu fatU erly instructions to the saints on an various points of doctrine urging them koteek to seek beok and ob tain faith that the sick inight bo be healed by bythe the laying on ot of hands and relating w veral several verai iastan lusta Z ces ol 01 mim miraculous culous healing heating by the owen pret dh 11 CALENDAR ron eor the kindness ol 01 eider elder I 1 d er win gln claton clayton ve we are enabled to pre ire present sent our readers with itha ltha a ninthly cal Ci lendar colendar we direct ac atlon robert macaire and As like as two peas ware were performed on wednesday night to a ch very good house the first act of the drama went very nicely sandwith and with a good deal of spirit the second was rather quiet quiel for a stirring piece the sonata for violin and piano forte was very admirably executed though the style of music which it represents is too classic for the untrained ear car to properly appreciate its beauties the farce was a success there was a good house on the evening of saturday last and most excellent playing time tries all was the first piece and elicited the most unqualified commendation all the characters being sustained in a highly finished manner and miss adams as laura jaura leeson leesola surpassing the expectations of her warmest friends in womans homans love the same superiority of playing was manifest the entire evenings performance was an unqualified treat the following telegrams have been received by president 13 youn young denver 21 arrived here at 1230 1236 1236 leave at 2 pm hot rot met r F D richards oscar B young and nicholas groesbeck hat kat at river station yesterday all well JOHN joun T CAINE calne alkali 21 my train Is isail isali all ali well traveling fine J S rawlins sweetwater 19 we laid over yesterday to hunt for a lost man by name of robert doble could not find him all is well S D WHITE platte bridge bride brid e 21 23 passed here today all well stock look 16 ifune efine nine fine getting along better belter than expected CAPT cart carman south pass 23 my ily train passed gassed here today all well S SD D WHITE fort mitchell 23 I 1 arrived arria ed at this place at noon today allwell all ail well weil with a few exceptions none seriously ill fil stock stoa ston in good condition nia making M ung ng good time J D HOLLADAY alkali 24 CM C M gillet died on the we are nil ull well weil passed scotts train at plum creek tues bues taylor TAILOR fremont springs 23 25 my train passed here bere ili iii all ail right today y 11 SCOTT SCOTTA A sweetwater 26 20 passed here today all well W ir curn cupi ux three crossings 23 2 W we arrived alrh ed here all right W ff finst FIRST anjo jo thal THAI We had the pleasure of meeting col coi COIT TE EL ricks hicks on monday ho he having ha ving come in ln to the city citrin in advance of his hig train of immigrants which camped at grass grast creek on sunday night the colonel was well weil and hearty and truly glad to be home again Hs ills train had a very capital trip from the missouri there were six deaths in the company on tho tile journey but those who died had been much worn norn down by sickness before starting t to cross the tha plains br leicks started back on monday afternoon to meet his was vas hourly expected as we went to press the following are pire the names of those who died Benji benjamin nin meek meck from weston hereford shire england susannah cook from morton worcestershire osbire mary J cunnington from oakham Rutland shire sarah jane ih infant fant faut daughter of W L and M u waiters walters wal wai jers from llan lian llan elan elly wales hannah and caroline the one 6 years ad and tile the other others 3 months old daughters of ulrich and Ha hannah Had erue crUe from zurich switzerland I 1 t i LE there ii avery a very comfortable lumber structure erected in the yard of tile the general tithing store for the incoming immigrants with ot other ll 11 er accommodations for lov their use bishop and counsel have hava been beell moving energetically preparing for their comfort bishop J C little alding aiding co directing rec roc ting and laboring with ilis lits accustomed zeal real chis this with the promptness manifested inbur in furnishing a train of mulo mule teams and supplies tp to go east and meet the tho saints shows the interest felt in their welfare I 1 DISTRICT COURT count tho the district ilie tile third tho judic judicial aai lal district met on thursday morning his honor hanoi r judge titus presiding dg A few dv U cases occupied the attention odthe of the court during the day dar 0 oa a friday baard L flynn flyn n charge with larceny pleaded guilty i to tite tife charge and was committed 1 to the penitentiary cn fa for three months tin until fit voneeda Vo nesda gie gle fie at 10 clock in the morning i 7 ta t rew 1 SOUTH WALES vales by br dellno whose 0 r r 1 al was waa noticed in our iasi jasi as IE STO we learn that therol therel therosa small smail branch of the tha church in new south wales vales with its headquarters at New newcastle castl casti ej numbering aboa 30 3 members presided over by br broadbent the though but few enjoy the influence of the ilot noly holy spirit br milne sailed from new now ne zealand in junes june 1865 1863 for fon frAust australia raila ralla where helmet hel several brethren ile he sailed from melbourne on oct nth for newcastle which ho be left on nov esth in company with a few saints from victoria australia australla they arrived in 14 san francisco F M jan after a pleasant passage of sixty six days remaining there until july ath part of the small company started on eliat date for this city and arrived in st S 14 lul lyl MH wi rn A ItE boit bolt on saturday night P W finnegan and janies sinith smith were arrested by the tho police for robbing a mr hamblin of 80 and a gold pin at an examination before justice clinton on monday morn morning nig hig smith turned states evidence lind and the case casse was continued until saturday next fennegan giving bonds for his appearance and smith being remanded in custody not provid providing ing the tile necessary securities on saturday night an n inai InAl individual vIdual on a tight found himself an object of interest Int erest to the police who furni farnI furnished shed him lodgings lodging said individual tendered blo bio 10 io to the city on monday at the request of justice clin clinton ton A discharged soldier named keller of denver notoriety tired at a pip air mr hellander hollander sunday evening while the latter was going to kneet knect meeting ing and threatened td blow a bullet through a it person who interfered keller was arrested agreste d by the police pollee and aud on oil tuesday morning was vas bound in I 1 n M bonds to appear before benore the probate court at its first rc regular term A couple of indians were locked up on xan day night for being drunk the evil of giving liquor to indians cannot be too severely cepro bated and those doing it should be made to know the wrong on tuesday an old veteran was round found by the police lying inside the tile doorway of the club room toom too tight light kohold to hold hoid by the door step sep lep and labeled president of the club the police were under the necessity of hiring a job wagon to haul the dormant president to te the ichabod ch abod when the the master goes to the dogs will not the he servants be found in the kennel GOT mackour BAC bace KOur mour our friend br C it 1 savage of photographic fame returned to ty on saturday afternoon from ills trip across the continent having journeyed west to the pacific and after crossing to the atlantic west again to utah he crossed crossell cross eross etL ell the plains in a very pretty photographic perambulator taking scenes and views by the way of the Over oser overland lahd route which he has brought with him stepping in on monday be he showed us a few of the views which her he had taken and they speak strongly for his skill and ability as a photographic artist the effects of light and shade are finely shown and there isa Is a clearness of outline a sharpness and tone manifest that evince a high degree of excellence in the artof the few which be he had then prepared a camp of immigrants at wyoming castle nock hock and devils gate and one or two other were especially attractive these vies will recall many a scene and hour bidden away somewhere in memory to those ohp haro hare spent weary days and ani weeks journeying across the vast plains which lie ile between here and the themis river br savage has also brought along specimen of photography in the very highest style of the an by the most eminent photographers in this and other countries Charles Charie sj 4 yon you are welcome back scalp plunder and all accidentally bupt supt on thursday last bishop G W wilkin of fork favored us with a call and gave jave us a good account of matters and things in general under his lits purview lie he informed us that br late of this city and formerly froin from denmark bad bud got accidentally shot on the previous saturday at night the ball entering and fracturing i the shoulder hould dr dr lane e extracted the ball a and attended to the wounded man who isie Is reported as getting along nicely AltAI VALS sva INA iders J elgain franklin merrill and george gain arrived from europe on tuesday last lastlo in excellent health ins and ind spirits the iwo two first named danied brethren start star frani arbra this elty city on a to europe in the spring spying of 1631 63 br G d left lu in the spring ng of 61 brog bros merrill and G tri trl ngam fe returned turned to the thy states last winter and remained there until the present season they crossed the plains in company wih wun br BJ who had bad sailed called from liverpool Iver pool pooi on the doth soth of adai ASAI april lasij lat on the ship they are u all ali gladany gla gia glad giad dand and thankful ance to meet thein their fr I 1 and acquaintances in 1 the ahe mountains 11 s if busk BUSY r There was buch much more than a lat int late average of teams teamsters and moving kopul i tion on the street on ozi saturday an indicative tendency ol 01 of increasing busin business ess egg I 1 tue TUB CROPS crom good news from nearly all parts parta bathe of the territory concerning 7 the present presen seasons sea soa sons sona crops ropy while present JAes ldes sinla sinia per pez yade vado the public breast do not foet forget ta the tho source louroe from whence they come |