Show thereon THERION WHY we lye are ie sometimes asked why we ne do not reply to I 1 alithe all ali the faise false faise statements rits lits and slanderous allegations made against us asat abat as a p peaple that they are are arc almost jn i numerable those who make the inquiry well weli kno W bu seeing how now grossly and unscrupulously out dut enemies depart from the truth and pervert facts with regard to us they fe feel indignant and re bul but every untruth AS ms it Is ditt fitt uttered ered we have neither space time inclination nor to do so 1 to take them in detail would excle exclude ae everything bryth ing else plse from our columns and would require a paper apayer more mord than treble trebie the size of or the news As fast as a naise aalde faise salse allegation is proved untrue it is dished alshel up in another form forin requiring quiri quirl dig fig the same sam e ground to be gone over again TO disprove I 1 them in ili detail would ophy occupy tinie lime that an ean can bl used to much better bettey advantage and thes ibes puree purce from which which they enia enla emanate nate pate is too filthy for honest men who 1 ay va a regard for the y and ancl to dabble abe blewitt with this in general terms isaur answer 10 lo to the question Where leople aref are ared nis ledanc dand do not ivil fully pio apropo 0 gate faie faje I 1 natoni eil epi en as and ana and lihi un true ass asse er I 1 eions with regard hegard to the latter day Saint saints vve are ate willing to set them right t q and e tile their thelm ir minds to tiie tile the as best bof of our ability b but il u t eliere aher i e they recklessly and knowingly as many do malign and slander this people j they are so far beneath the tho notice of truth loving men that no feeling but one which com combines bines bides contempt and pity can be ae enteria entertained lied towards them when respectable journalists have haye tak taken edun up the dior Alor mormon moa mox question and discussed discus discussed sid lter fair fairness though misled by erroneous statement statements so they have been met in in a similar spirit and the ahe errors have been covered by facts betin yet in some tome instances even such jour against our people based an those very points after aften they had been corrected either they would not own that they had been deen misled or they had balled to notice tho th rebutting 0 AvI evidence denee dence and in chary W we er wip wll aup pup suppose pa e iatter latter it its Is to blany who conle come here hero her and are neither df our ih hi any way associated with us the e liy ivy exists which is so sol bitterly nia manifested u against Us they see a people here hete lna ina industrious usurious rIous tem temperate forbearing parallel iii embral 6 pe peace aee ace loving ari all annd arid da virtuous lj they irn ita mawe make the acquaint acquaintance ande of out eminent leading citizens citizen 4 and they find them courteous leous gentlemanly examples orrigh of right minded min dedmen mell meil and patterns worthy af ofte ofie be ing imitated some of them come here with ithie a beelin feeling of tremor asaf the they had enia enta entered e ip 1 a gin where h perils er fia and dan daners dangers 0 ers were arg arp around lind the them in at ey every ery step yet they quickly get undeceived and find that the perils ilke ike those in some romances peg eeg nyer never had an existence anywhere ex except capt in m thee tbt braids of th the ie persons who concocted them they look around them and naturally ask hsk why whys Is it sa so eliy does toes this e enmity n y exist having brielly briefly given the reason why we nye do donot not nob answer in detail the ole ma mai i 11 statements th that abare are bein being 9 cont continually inu ally aily mad made e we will eni en r deavor to shape a reply to the above queries in the first placed as there always ways a has been an hn enmity manifested by error against truth and aa as error has bas I 1 anly one description af weapons vp apons to oe use it must employ them or yield to the power powers of light and truth it follows thab thai they who take twe the fr front ont rank r rhu du k in doing battlo battle atlo for dor error will bc most unscrupulous and reckless in employing the weapons at their disposal and where ca calumny u inny slander false faise alle aile allegations gatli 0 esaud aud vituperation pe ration have haye failed they h have havo aire alre not hesitated to Ito resort to the alost most moat barbarous and nien fien fiendish dish digh acts to crush those who have espoused truth and labor for its supremacy and the good of mankind and oftentimes the latter iatter cours course e ha has been adopted in preference to th the former because became it made shorter worl work ot 01 the subject and effectually qui quieted eted jhc thc voices that were raised in defence of the truth by making them still in death the thib rack the faggot the sword and other lust instruments of torture ani ant destruction st have been employed witha with a ferocity more in consonance with the savage nature of the hye hse nathan the tile generally recognized 1 iced irum humanity of beings formed in the image of tile the great I 1 parent of marl mati mankind kind T this view df 0 tre alq subject being accepted and it ia la incontrovertible the causo cause ausel of tile the enmity manifested against the latter day saints is clearl clearly explained pla pia ined joone for a mome niom ei nt t wilf I 1 suppose that the tho advocates of error and gil gli W the they y are e wrong or own the e causel caused cause oj of their heir bitter animus the jews did not crucify jesus they ibey declared because he was a good abood man but because he was a blasphemer and a dangerous political aspirant if we let iet him alone said they all men will vill follow him and he will take away our name and nation and so to secure his conviction they suborned sub bub orned witnesses as their prototypes have done at a very recent date and succeeded in securing 0 his deuth death his apostles and followers were adre not persecuted and slain because of their religion oh no the honest politicians and pious priests of that day would not be guilty of such a thing the they y were the objects of attention because of their political heresies her esies and because of their pestilential course a as disturbers disturb ers of the public peace alli and early christians who are now name named d with reverence by palpable photographs of those who murdered them were charged with the most bosc terrible enormities sueh such as killing an infant every sabbath that its blood might be used for i by those who were opposed to truth and aud eo eon con tended for error again the shafts of or mailee malice e we were re let fly with the them nie fie fiercest roest v virulence I 1 rul rui against the men who stood in the front in de fence of truth and righteousness 1 following lin ain 9 up the policy always acted upon i by the tools of the adversary to strike at the head as its the surest t way t to kill kil kli the vitality of the tho body if they sue succeeded then it was waa not because thel thea then cause was good nor their policy wise but jeca beca because 1 uso use the people who had hadre re the truth departed from its ltv it I 1 principles 1 I 1 1 1 11 we have referred to that period not because it is a solitary illustration i tion but because lt it is ge generally best known r men have come here bloated with pride and swollen with vanity y ex trava gantly overestimating ove themselves and ridiculously underestimating under andor estimating us filled with the spirit of evil they davd have foppishly inia lnla imagined fined it would be bean benn an easy I 1 task to leduce reduce the IN mormons cormons Mor L mons to a condition of civilization 1 which assorted with their depraved minds and ap up petites pet ites undeterred by the failure of men their superiors in everything but wickedness who have sought to ac aci i comp com ilah llAh tile the name nane object they have commenced their labors certain of speedy success but they fooled them i selves and when they found t their heir task more diff leal meui t than at first was imagined they wave have g grown ro wn as wickedly unscrupulous as bad men always become when I 1 their schemes scheme s are foiled every malig nancy which could be concocted has hs been published astrue as true every overy means no matter how vile disreputable or wicked that could be devised has been resor resorted t e to every act of every scapegrace grace desperado or villian in the territory that could not b be e directly traced to themselves they have sedulously sought to fasten upon our leaders while pretending a hypocritical friendship for the people at large they hae have bae aWn slandered dered them in tile the grossest and most virulent manner As fast as one species of attack on a peaceful industrious and law abiding people has failed they have commenced another and if they had the power as they have the will they illey would I 1 exterminate us root and branch i t or bend us to the most oba object act sl slavery avory outrival ling the fiercest persecutions of the dark ages we wedo weda dof doo not make this last assertion rashly for we are in possession of facts to prove it lit and this in the the enlightened nineteenth century and in free america Americal t t they have not succeeded thus far nor will they succeed if the latter di day y saints are true to their god to otheir th air religion and themselves if they would like to know the reason why we e will tell them if it is because they fight not against man but against the eternal arbitral a r of events and the judge of lil lii all 11 the earth his purposes will not be overruled by such puny atoms a as they are he hei has set his hand to redeem his people and obtain dominion a aver over v e r the earth and will not pause pailie pattie in the fu fulfillment fill ment of his pur purposes potes until th eyare fully consummated |