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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER Seics Mteciew of Current Events tax bill not signed President Lets It Become Law, Calling Attention to "Unwise" Modification of Profits and Gains Levies American Pilots Accused CATURNINO CEDILLO, who start-e- d an agrarian rebellion in San Luis Potosi state against the Mexican government of President Cardenas, had two airplanes and used them to bomb several towns which were occupied by federal troops engaged in suppressing the revolt. The Mexican war minister, Manuel Avila Camacho, asserted the planes were piloted by Americans, but did not disclose the source of his Wage BUI in Conference wage-hou- r LONG battle over the house was the by passed averted when the measure was sent to conference by the senate with the southern opposition given representation among the conferees. This compromise also probably headed off a threatened filibuster and led to belief that final action on the bill would be taken in time to permit the adjournment of congress on the date set. The chief fight in the conference was to center on the demand of the South for wage differentials as provided for in the bill which the senate passed. These were rejected by the house. The measure establishes rigid standards for certain Adolpho Echagaray Somohano, commander of the Mexican federal wage-hou- r in all industries in in of the San revolt workers classes Luis Potosi led state suppressing troops engaged by Saturnino Cedillo, is here seen, right, giving orders to two of his officers. operating in interstate commerce, regardless of prevailing sectional scales. It fixes an initial wage of 25 cents an hour which steps up to 40 cents an hour in three years, and a week graduating to 40 in SUMMARIZES THE WORLD'S WEEK two years. Western Newspaper Union. A coalition of farm state repreand of obstructing and harassing sentatives and the southern DemoTax Pill Unsigned But Law counsel and witnesses in the very crats put over a drastic amendment POR the first time since he entered heat of the trial of a crucial con- offered by Mrs. Norton, exempting " the White House, President Roosethousands of employees engaged in stitutional case. velt permitted an act of congress to Former Chairman Morgan told the processing of agricultural commodities from the provisions of the become law without his signature. his side of the long, bitter controverHe took this course on the first day of the inquiry, measure. sy with the tax revision his fellow directors with bill in order to em- charging dishonest management. He ex- Lewis Backs Barkley phasize his objection plained he did not mean David LilJOHN L. LEWIS, C. I. O. chieftain, to those unwise ienthal and Harcourt took has asked labor to support Sen. Morgan parts of the bill bribes or stole money, but that they Alben W. Barkley of Kentucky in which removed all deceived the President, congress the primaries August 6. In his cabut the skeleton of and the public; that they covered pacity as chairman of Labors Nonthe undistributed up facts tending to throw important Lewis said of Barkprofits tax and dras- doubt on the advisability of the gov- partisan league, ley: modified the tically ernments huge social experiment; He is recognized as one of the levies upon capital reported a false electric power yard- nations leading statesmen, liberal gains. stick, and were subservient to polit- in his viewpoint and in The President an- ical and other special interests. in 'his attitude toward the legislation nounced his action Concerning the Berry marble interests of labor and the common in a speech delivered to 148 mountain Lilienthal said: Any as- people. claims, families of the New we (Harcourt Morgan sertion that Harry Hopkins, WPA administraArthur-dale, rehabilitation community of and himself) by word or attitude tor, found occasion to say a good W. Va., at the graduation exercises of 13 high school students. His encouraged any one to pull punches word in favor of Rep. Otha Wearin on Berrys claims is an outright of Iowa, who is seeking to take the words, however, were carried to falsehood. There was absolutely no Democratic senatorial nomination the nation by radio networks. evidence upon which any charge of away from Senator Gillette. I call the definite attention of fraud could have been For this Hopkins was denounced there the American people, said Mr. were only rumors and based; senators who were demanding by suspicions. Roosevelt, to those unwise parts of the relief appropriations be earthat Chairman recessed the Donahey the bill I have talked to you about so they cannot be used for marked until after the adjournment today one of them which may re- hearings purposes.t political of congress. store in the futute certain forms of tax avoidance, and of concentrated Ickes Weds In Dublin investment power, which we had be- Oil Group to Pay Fines gun to end, and the other a definite TT WAS announced by the Depart- - JJAROLD L. ICKES, secretary of the interior and PWA adminisabandonment of a principle of tax ment of Justice in Washington trator, put one over on all but his policy long ago accepted as part of that 14 oil companies and 11 execuHe our American system. secretly tives awaiting trial at Madison, closest friends. from sailed New York to anti-truThe President declared that he Wis., on to charges, plan Ireland and in Dubhad no objection to removing any enter nolo contendere pleas and pay lin was quietly marobstacles to little business which maximum fines and costs totaling to Miss Jane ried might be contained in the revenue $400,000. of MilwauDahlman laws but he reiterated the adminisThe department said that the - five kee, twenty trations determination not to allow pleas, amounting virtually to pleas years old and a the use of corporate forms to avoid of guilty, had been accepted by clerk in his departwhat it considers legitimate tax bur- the department. ment. Mr. Ickes, dens. who is sixty-foMr. Roosevelt made plain that he Boosted Pensions War old, lost his years hoped for a future revision of the first wife nearly revenue laws in line with the objecPRESIDENT ROOSEVELT signed tives he seeks. Such revisions, he a bill to increase the pensions of Harold Ickes three years ago in an automobile accisaid, should be designed to encour- certain soldiers, sailors and nurses Southwest. in the dent age new investment and the entry who served in the Spanish war, PhilThe new Mrs. Ickes, red haired of private capital into new fields. ippine insurrection or China relief and pretty, is a niece of John CudaImmediately after the address, expedition. Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt left for The act provides a $60 monthly hy, American minister to Ireland, and sister of Mrs. Wilmarth Ickes of Hyde Park, where they spent the pension for veterans sixty-fiv- e years 111., widow of Mr. Ickes Winnetka, 90 week-enMemorial day old who served at least days and step-soto those who served less than 90 Minister Cudahy did not attend days and were discharged for disStrike Back at Morgan the wedding, but was represented in incurred service. ability S. J. Shattuck, an attache of the & by 'TESTIFYING before the joint ' The couple left Dublin by legation. congressional committee of in- Nazi Inquiry Voted automobile. v t vestigation, David E. Lilienthal and 'T'HE house voted for an investiga-tio- n Harcourt Morgan, directors of the of propaganda Bomb Canton; 800 Dead Tennessee Valley activities in the United States fol- Japs accused authority, war planes rained bombs APANS J lowing a charge by Representative Dr. Arthur E. Moron Canton for three whole days, Martin Dies of Texas that a memgan, their ousted ber of the German-America- n bund killing at least 800 persons and incolleague, with tryhad the advocated assassination of juring a thousand. Flying low over ing to sabotage the the Wongsha railway station disPresident Roosevelt. TVAs legal defense who the Dies, trict, the raiders shattered hundreds resolution presented in a court case infor an inquiry, said he based his of buildings and then machine-gunne- d volving the constituthe fugitive citizens and the statement on affidavits which he had tionality of the aurescue workers. They then bombed seen. The suggestion that the Presthority. They said, ident be slain was made, he said, the central district and the Tung-sha- n too, that he had enresidential suburb. in a speech at a Nazi camp. gaged in a camChinese reports said the Japanese e. David paign of dissent and back in a fierce battle were driven Here and There Events Lilienthal obstruction. of Lanfeng on the Lung-hthe for city These charges, together with a (CHARLES YATES of Atlanta, Ga., railroad, and thus Kaifeng, gatewon the British amateur golf general denial of Arthur Morgans to Hankow, was saved for the way accusations against themselves, championship. time being. constituted in the main their defense Floyd Roberts of California won statements. Inthe automobile race at Referring to the trial last winter dianapolis, setting new record of Auto Makers Indicted of the suit of 18 private utility 117.2 miles an hour ENERAL MOTORS corporation, average. concerns against the TVA, Liliend Body of Peter LeFord Motor company, Chrysler thal said: It is a record which vine, kidnaped from New Rochelle, corporation and a number of the suggests that he was seeking to find N. Y., February 24, was found in officers of these automobile manua way to obtain a judicial decision Long Island sound, mutilated and facturing concerns were indicted by against his own agency. It is a bound with wire. a federal grand jury at South Bend, record of tampering with prospecFour winners of Canadian stork Ind., on charges of conspiracy to tive witnesses for the government derby received $100,000 each. violate the Sherman antitrust law. ASK ME ANOTHER 7 are Frenchmen called so quaggy that the French court in derision called the inhabitants frogs? on won 2. What battle was May frogs. 2. The Battle of Manila Bay. By 1, 1898, that gave the United States the treaty of Paris, December 10, an empire? 1. Why 3. What does the German word Heil mean? 4. What town is the oldest in the United States. 5. Which language is older, Latin or Greek? 6. What does Eboracum mean on the seal of New York city? The Answers 1. During the early years of its history the streets of Paris were 1898, the Philippine islands were ceded to the United States. 3. Hail. 4. St. Augustine, Fla. 5. Greek is considerably older than. Latin. Latin was profoundly influenced by Greek during its development. 6. It was the Roman name applied to York, England, in the days of the Roman conquest of Britain. The crochet is done in No. 50 cotworked in ton; the cross-stitc- h lovely colors. In pattern 6038 you will find a transfer pattern of two motifs 3V2 by 12 inches; two motifs 4 by 10 inches; two motifs 4V2 7 inches; two motifs 4 by 12 by inches; a chart and directions for crocheted edgings 4V4 by 15 inches; material requirements; illustrations of all stitches used. To obtain this pattern, send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) to The Sewing Circle, Household Arts Dept., 259 W. 14th Street, New' York, N. Y. 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Sending the razor as requested and hope it will prove satisfactory. P.S. We forgot to enclose the razor, but no doubt a man with your cheek will have no need of it. v- - HOTEL Temple Square Rates $1.50 to $3.00 has a $ The Hotel Temple Squareatmos highly desirable, friendly phere.You will always find itimmac ulate, supremely comfortable, and thoroughly agreeable. You can there fore understand why this hotel 1st HIGHLY RECOMMENDED You can also appreciate whyi ft's a mark of distinction to stop at this beautiful hostelry ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. ur Each Week $250 to Consumers act n. - ai 500-mi- le twelve-year-ol- T QUICK! Everybody can enter this simple, easy, FIA-VOR-AIE- an M $250 to Retail Grocers Men - Women - Boys - Girls Heres YOUR Chance to WIN $50.00 this WEEK if you d. vt- Iff D NEWS ITEM CONTEST Easy! If Loll CASH will of Fun! No Special Writing Ability Necessary! be given FREE each.week. YOU MAY BE THE LUCKY WINNER OF $50. Ana remember! Whatever prize you win, your Grocer gets a duplicate award. So here's your chance to help your Grocer also. SUGGESTIONS TO HELP YOU WIN is the favorite Hot Weather Drink of MILLIONS! Comes In 7 flavors: Strawberry, Raspberry, Cherry, Lemon, Lime, Grape and Orange. A Sc package makes 10 glasses of delicious, cooling refreshment or 20 Frozen Suckers. READ THESE EASY CONTEST RULES 1. Clip the most unusual, unique, original, or comic News Item or Picture from your newspaper or magazine. 2. Then complete this sentence in 10 words or less: "The One Thing I Like Best Is About .. from a Sc package of ? or facsimile. a,r,aPPer 4- - WRITE THE NAME AND ADDRESS THE FROM GROCER WHOM YOU OF, PURCHASED YOUR (This is important.) 5. Sign YOUR Name and Address plainly. 6. Mail your entry fo the JEL SERT COMPANY, 1020 S. Central Park Ave., Chicago, III., not later than Wednesday, June 15th, 1938. You may send in as many entries as you desire, but each entry must be attached to a wrapper from a or facsimile. package, of All entries become the property of the JEL SERT CO. and the decision of the judges is final. In case of ties, duplicate prizes will be awarded to both contestants and grocers. Enisr Today! Act Quick! You May Win $50! THE JEL SERT COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS del!-cio- ui JEL-SER- T J) MACAMIX |