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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH To Test and InsistI y Bayer enaee ew I Germany and Ilolland; and MacMillan Expedition Will Study mark, then, crossing the North sea, touched the shores of Britain.- - Besides these Recent Movements of Gla- ciers in Greenland. New York. Is another Ice age coming? Are the scenes of the latter Pleistocene - age the geologic period which immediately preceded our own to be repeated? And, if so, what will it mean to the inhabitants of the ' Ba jer oa .'a yon see tbe name not get are you Le or on tablets the genuine Bayer s product twenty-tw- o physicians over and7 millions safe by proved for Headache Colds Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism Earache Pain, Pain Neuralgia cept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin I Each unbroken package contains ier directions. Handy boxes of cents. Drug- cost few tablets jve 100. also sell bottles of 24 and of mark Bayer trade Is the rin Bufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of jcyllcacld. Advertisement. 1 u Heres a New Word. cant beat the flapper for coln-iDe- w Two and expressions. words W girls were aboard a Waikiki One had on a new dress, the deof which might or might not have She was explain-- p p o her friend that it was the latest ' je. JQuite tootankish, Jnd remarked. Ill her say, scientists, about 25,000 years ago. but the ice has left Its footprints, by which Its advances and retreats and movements may be traced. During the Ice age, or .the Glacial period, there was a marked lowering of temperature over the whole earth, and 6,000,000 or 7,000,000 square miles of the globes surface became entirely covered with ice. Half the region thus covered lay In North America; more than half the remainder lay In Europe. But far away, even to the tropical forests of India Demonstration of Latest Infantry and the mountains of Asia, glaciation Arm at Aberdeen Meets occurred where there had been no Ice previous to the Ice age. On mounGovernment Tests. tains which now bear burdens of snow and ice the snow line deWashington. Every doughboy may scended 5,000 feet lower than it is at be practically a machine gunner In fupresent ture wars due to progress made by Human Beings Succumbed. ordnance experts In developing a Imagine great sheets of ice and semiautomatic shoulder rifle to replace d snow creeping ever so the regular service magazine guns. slowly but surely over the temperate Recent demonstration firing with areas of Europe and America, and the latest postwar model, the Garnnd Imparting to them an Arctic cold to semiautomatic, at the Aberdeen (Md.) which many of those early human be- proving grounds, has convinced many ings, who in their savagery were little officers they are on the road to the better than beasts, succumbed. These solution of the proper mighty layers of ice, miles and miles weapon for the Infantry. In thickness, spread over rivers and The Garand, named after its Invenmountains and plains, filling up the val- tor, John G. Garand, long employed at leys and the lakes and the seas. In the Springfield arsenal, Is one of nuEurope the Ice moved forth from the merous semiautomatics with which Scandinavian highlands and burled army experts have been working. the lowlands of Belgium, Russia, Den It Is approximately the same size of women have kidney and trouble and never suspect it. JTomens complaints often prove to be Oder jhing else but kidney trouble, or Jilt of kidney or bladder disease. the kidneys are not in a healthy the con-jo- n, they may cause the other organs become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of am-Ionervousness, are often times symp-B- 9 of kidney trouble, Dr. pont delay starting treatment. a physicians Jmers Swamp-Rooobtained at any drug store, may needed to overcome If just the remedy ih conditions. pet a medium or large size bottle from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this at preparation send ten cents to Dr. n, con-tinu- al long-soug- Deweys Grandsons Sailors Too pre-tiptio- n, t, ly Jlmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a jnple bottle. When writing be sure and fntion this paper. Advertisement. to Wool. for making litation wool from cotton effects such Jehange in the fiber that the cotton II ns with the characteristic odor of bol, which is owing to the protein th which It is impregnated. I French Turn Cotton A new ng. The whole of the enormous Island of Greenland Is covered with on Ice cap or Ice sheet which, pressing down under the weight of accumulated snow of centuries, Imparts a gradual movement to the various glaciers along Its edges. French process "Rowell Speaking Musically. is always hard up. tastes and a G pes, he has come. B-fl- at Explaining what as much fun as ippen tomorrow. happened yesterday predicting what will JUS. HICKEY WEAK COULD and weight ns the army standard Springfield magazine action rifle, with which all American forces are equipped, said to be the most effective military rifle In the world. The Springfield, however, with operation of the bolt action necessary to reload for each shot, has a maximum rate of Are of about twenty-fiv- e shots a minute, while the Garand developed a speed of sixty shots a minute during the firing at Aberdeen, Like 1903 Springfield. , In many respects the new gun Is an exact counterpart of the 1903 Spring-fiel- d and it is lighter than the modified Enfield produced in quantity during the war. The automatic device applies only to the breech action for the purpose of ejecting shells and reloading. It is necessary to pull the trigger each time to fire. In the tests at Aberdeen a War department memorandum says: .This gun was fired with great success and It at once became a matter of great Interest to those who are watching It because of Its possibilities for rapid, accurate and sustained firing from the shoulder, though being at the same time a light, portable gun which can be carried without fatigue to the Individual soldier. At another point the memorandum said the performance of the Garand under severe tests as to endurance promised to fulfill the many requirements that will be imposed upon It. Still to Be Developed. Results thus far, concludes the memorandum, justify the belief that such a weapon (a semiautomatic' shoulder rifle) can be suitably developed and manufactured to replace the n magazine-fe- d hand-operate- d shoulder rifle. Semiautomatic guns have been used for sporting purposes for years, but no mechanism suitable for military purposes has been produced. The Garand is still In its development stages; but there is no dcubt that military experts expect it ultimately to replace the Springfield. What changes in tactics will result have not yet been worked out. With the infantry equipped to deliver nearly three times Its present maximum volume of fire, however, and with Infantry companies relieved of autothe Job of packing present-dafront to the and rifles matic being to ambitions capThese two grandsons of the late Admiral Dewey hue boys are greatly slowed down In movement ture an enemy fleet, too. They are starting at the bottom. The of Columbia thereby, it Is obvious there will be Richard and Orville Dewey, both of them members of the District radical changes In battle tactics when on a reserves left the Naval reserve. The photograph was made just before the new gun Is Issued. practice cruise. y LY STAND hD How Lydia EPinkhams Vegetable Compound. Restored Worcester caused Her Health Mas8.. i bv a had female weakness and got so n and weak from it that I could hardly stand or walk across the floor. The doctor gave me all kinds of ills, bat nothing ielped me. I happened to meet a friend who had taken Lydia E. Pinkhams run-dow- Vegetable so would dnowWi6 Com-un-d, Are Also Lured Traps by Use of Oil. Wildcats and coyote, nor to ful In bgan to ?ne and am sew-cleani- aI Text-Boo- have we been success- luring predatory bears. We started the experiments last November with the state board of We anticipate usof stock Inspection. Denver, Colo. Catnip, the delight In our work on a oil monuof a catnip ing the parlor tabby, Is proving and more extensive scale." mental succees In luring wildcats The 40 bobcats caught by the buColoramountain lions In the wilds of were trapped on the South Park reau huntof do to their deaths in the traps and the sheep drive north of ers of tjse United States blologica range animal Frulta, Colo., while one of the lions I thought try it. After survey, bureau of predatory improve, my doing all of i ing anhMifa ,mclfding washing, I have iecom- dIamwinLmdlcme 10 friends, 88 teatimrl1 or ?ou to use this letter Would lik to help weSHW1 wa? 1 did from such s;Tnd!owL mrs Deua Hickey, 4 oreester. Mass. Lydia e k Private pn will be innts Peculiar to Women honooi, CATNIP PROVES AID IN TRAPPING MOUNTAIN LIONS control. of tbe buStanley P. Young, chief reau In Denver, In announcing the success of tbe experiment, reported two the trapping of 40 bobcats and oil of use mountain Hons through the of catnip, diluted with oil of petro-vaseline. latum, which Is liquid In Few members of the cat family have who caught wilds the Colorado have the scent of our catnip traps have We said. passed ns by," Young attract not been able, however, to wolf the as kin of the dog, such tbe was captured In the trap of Bryan hunter, near government Morrison, Dolores, Colo., and the other met Its fate when the steel Jaws of a trap closed over Its paws near Sallda, Colo. every day brings morning lameness, throbbing backache, and a dull, tired If you suffer thus, why not feeling. find out the cause? Likely its your dizziness and Ileadaches, kidneys. bladder irregularities may give further proof that your kidneys need help. Don't risk neglect! Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands have been helped by Doan's. They should help you. Ask your neighbor! A Utah Case I. W. Finn, 119 N. Third St. W.. Utah, Brigham, My kid says: neys were sluggish and didn't act often enough. The secretions were scanty and contained sediment. My back wasnt any too strong and when I stirred around, sharp pains darted across my kidney. A doctor told me to use Doans Kidney Pills and I took his advice. Doan's removed all kidney complaint. Get Doans at Any Stora, 60c a Bos DOANS KiSSS? CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. N Unfilial Either Way. Is it possible, gasped the indignant parent, that you would dishonor my name on the boards of a theater? k But, father," returned the asan youth, I would take sumed name. Ihdeed! And supposing you were to succeed, much credit I should get If no one knew I was your father." stage-struc- well-know- I Summer Find You Miserable? Its hard to do ones work when FOSTER-MILBUR- ew U hard-packe- SWAMP-ROO- T NEED earth? In an effort to determine whether there is any likelihood of such a cataclysmic occurrence the MacMillan expedition recently left for Greenland to stndy the recent movements of glaciers on that Island continent The great Ice age ended, according to great continental Ice sheets, large individual glaciers formed In the valleys of the Alps and spread out in all directions. Separate glaciers joined on the plains of France and Italy and In the Rhine and Danube valleys. Four times the enormous sheets of ice advanced and covered the land. Four times they retreated after uncounted centuries, each time leaving a terminal moraine of boulders, earth and other debris which serves as an indication of the route of the tee on Its advance southward. The second of these four glacial advances brought the ice farther south. In North America the terminal moraine of the ice can still be observed, and followed. In a roughly correct line, over Long Island through the town of Jamaica, as far south as Perth Amboy, N. J. The line then runs In a northwesterly direction through a point where the town of Morristown Is now located. The smooth, low plains of the upper Mississippi valley were covered with Ire, while the Ohio and Missouri rivers owe their beginning to the glacial advances of the lee aga Leaves Its Mark. Not only by the terminal moraines, which Indicate the extent of the various Ice advances, can the route of glaciation be read. The passage of Ice over the hard, rocky floor of the earth leaves a peculiar kind of marking. This erosion, due to the work of glaciers and Ice sheets, Is of a smooth, rounded nature imparted to the rocks which contrasts decidedly with the pinnacled, Irregular surfaces which are the work of ordinary weatheri- Dog Battles Rattler and Saves Boys Life Holton, Mich. A big shepherd dog probably saved the life of twelve-year-olCorneUus Willis, son of Ambrose Willis, recently when the boy was attacked by a large rattlesnake d while herding cattle. As the snake struck at the boy, the dog gave battle, and finally killed the snake. The dog was bftten by the snake and a veterinary was called to treat It The kill of predatory animals by obwas the biological survey during May was the experiment for Catnip tained from the government experi- the largest of the year, Young anmental farm, conducted under the bu- nounced.- The total of 249 predatory reau of plant Industry at Washington. animals killed included 243 coyotes, one lynx. In addiA ton of the 'plant was grown and five bobcats and were taken, along the oil of extractounces badgers eight tion, about thirty 18 were with allotted the porcupines. The total kill of Two ounces ed. so far Is 8,500. animals Denver bureau. BABIES CRY CASTORIA FOR Prepared Especially for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletchers Castorla has been in use for over 39 years as a pleasant, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcotics. Proven directions are on each package. Physicians recommend it. The genuine bears signature of Burden of France. According to the French ministry or the liberated regions, France has already spent in reconstruction work almost half of the 102,000,000,000 francs, representing the amount of property damages in the area, and has received less than of that amount from Germany. Indianapolis News. war-ravage- d Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp. On retiring gently rub spots of dan- druff and itching with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make them your everyday toilet preparations and have a clear skin and soft, white hands. Advertisement. Baltimore's Bus Traffic. quarter of a million passengers are carried monthly in the busses of the Baltimore Transit company, Baltimore, Md. The company operates 40 of these vehicles, which have an average seating capacity of 133 and a total scheduled daily mileage of 2,097. More than a AGENTS SALESMEN Sell or Apply GLEAMO AND PROTECT!) 100 Profit on Sales Applied. If owner, 800 Every automobile housewife, auto aupply atore and garage BUY ON SIGHT. Out new, guaranteed polish and transparent finish which gives and maintains the original bright luster on nickel, silver, brass, gold, etc. $40 Profit on any $5 Outfit. Write for particular or save time . and send money order today. GLEAMO MFG. COMPANY Bonnell Bldg. Newark, N.J. VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles are most dangerous because of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking LATHROPS &0MMM HaA.f a ir The worlds standard remedy for these disorders, will8 often ward off these diseases and strengthen the body against furtherattacks. Three sizes, alldruggista. Look for tho narna Gold Madal on ovary bos and accapt no imitation 820 ACRES I1LACK SOIL Fen, ad. wat red; U miles from Le Wigtown j 10 per acre. ED. eCK |