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Show 'W aVJUltl South Cache Courier Published Ever: Fnuay at Hymm Utah. J. A. WAH1EN. Publisher. Buy Your Christmas Seals Early tAtttE UUUKIKK, HYKUM. UTAH MEXICOS POTENTIAL WEALTH Known to .Be Great, Are to Be Subject of Thorough Investigation. . Countrys Resources, GOV. MABEY CALLS ON PEOPLE OF UTAH TO BUY CHRISTMAS Kesp Painted Woodwork GLEAN Clean wooden floors, linoleum, tile, marble, concrete, with In the state of Coahuila, Mexico, a wild plant is found growing, the leaves of which have long been used in boilers of engines to prevent the foaming of the water. Some years ago the of manufacture of a these leaves was carried on successfully, but the turbulent times caused the industry to be abandoned. It has been proposed that Mexico, instead of shipping its hides to the United States to be tanned and manufactured into leather, shall utilize the hides of its cuttle and other animals at home. At present the leather industry is mostly carried on by crude processes of tannotwithning and manufacturing, standing the fact that there exists in the country an inexhaustible supply of wild vegetation from, which tannic acid for the manufacture of leather may be obtained at low cost It is to obtain some definite idea of the resources of Mexico in the. matter of wild plants and shrubs and the products of forest trees, that the government now has under consideration plans for a careful and thorough survey of these native products of the soil. In connection with this investigation a laboratory will be installed where chemical analysis of specimens of plant life may be made with the view of discovering whether or not they may be made of commercial value. SEALS Governor Mabey has just issued a proclamation urging the people to buy Christmas Seals enough to provide adequate funds for reaching every Tuhercnlosis case in the state. said The beneficiary a as state on the Governor Mabey whole and on every citizen in the state by increasing the prosperity, cheer and health of this region would As the ceery acreage in Utah is be felt in a very short time. increasing every year and there are "Tuberculosis at the present time is devel considerable for considered the most destructive dispossibilities a ease of the nation. Its annual toll in Utah, opment of this industry mounts into the thousands and the H. aircular on celery culture by T. most serious sufferers are little chilAbell, Assistant Professor of Horti- dren upon whom the future prosperculture, Utah Agricultural College, ity of the state rest and upon young and women in their prime who has just been published by the Utah men now our greatest resource. are Agricultural Experiment Station, Science has now proved that the which will serve as a guide to new destruction and crippling of human is growers. It also will give the more lives through Tuberculosis itneedless, in time that may he if taken that of experienced producers opinions Ibuilding and that arrested through some of our most successful celery the general good health of the country it may be prevented. This is the farmers. of the rubllc Health Association work most prothe one of As celery is financed through the sale of Christmas fitable crops, it can be raised on Seals. land where farmers are obliged to Indirectly the good health of our means the good health of for water irrigation neighbor use ourselves and when we encourage the purposes. Kimberleys Wealth. happiness and prosperity of those in No. 47, Circular This publication, Kimberley, which m but 60 miles need by offering information and asfrom the new South African diamond of the sistance that will guide them, we help gives a detailed discussion one of the richest mines in the is field, various factors which go toward the bring about general prosperity. world. Its yearly output is placed at s Ninety-nin- e successful production of NA$4,000,000. per cent of all CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE IS in the last 20 diamonds the of l produced deal expermen-taMOVEMENT TIONAL celery. A great to have come from years are said work is yet to be done on fertilAfrica. South per cent of the Although ninety-fivizers for celery, but, so far as is funds raised in the sale of Christmas Heroic Measures. know, manure seems to give the Seals stays In the State of Utah to You and your husband go away disease Tuberculosis, dread best results in most cases. fight the dont you?" summer, Seal campaign is a na- every As pointed out in the circular, the Christmas I dislike doing it." but Yes, world-wditional affair with an almost Then why do you go? celery is a native of the marshes appeal. I have to have Tom live in a stuffy of Africa, of coasts sale Europe, near the At the present time the for a few weeks every year to hotel and Asia. Therefore, it will not Christmas Seals has resulted In thes make him appreciate the way I keep sanator-lumUtah has the establishing of tuberculosis Boston Transcript. house. tolerate a dry soil. in more than seven hundred hoskind of soil upon which celery thriv- pitals in the United States. The Literally. es. This, together with our climate, funds have employed more than three are now building France In nurses they and health put thousand public gives it a peculiar crispness and of out pressed straw. In Kantm. nearly one thousand fresh air schools homes sweetness unknown to other variet- in operation. During the past fifteen houses of this kind would merely show blows. Los ies. years, approximately one billion piec- which way the wind Times. French vs. level planting and es of educative literature have been Angeles distributed throughout the country, single vs. double rows are thoroly paid for by the sale of the little Christdiscussed, the advantages and dis- mas Seals. There is an active tuberrublic Health Association advantages of both methods being culosis or state with 1,100 local soin every of pointed out in each case. One with the work. affiliated cieties the big jobs in celery growing is and preconservatively Carefully are three There each show that year the plants. pared figures setting GO .(XX) lives are saved in America ways fully described in which this of vigorous health as the result largely may be done: (1) with a dibble, (2) campaigns financed through the sale with a trowel, and (3) with the cf Chistmas Sq,als. In our sfate the work is in the fingers. of tlu Utah State Health Assohands the to is Considerable space given officered by such prominent ciation, methods of irrigation and qoluvat men as E. O. Howard, Gov. Chas. ion. This an important phase of R. Mabey, Senator Reed Smoot, Tres. the work as the ground must be Hebert J. Grant, Dr. T, B. Beatty Dr. J. A. Widtsoe, Dr. H. G. Merrill, kept moist and free from weeds at Mrs. VT. C. Howe and James H. all times. Celery cannot compete boiler-compoun- Iniormation on Celery Culture high-price- n, Makes all house d cleaning easy. Large cake No waste . i . v ? v , - t - Hi-- rs Sclt Kinufactarrs Eocch Hsrgia1 tic ns Co. v NevYiA U.S.A. Your Eyes Are The Gateway to Your Mind Through the precious gift of Vision you view the beauties of nature and perform your daily duties. Are your Eyes doing their worh properly, without 6train or discomfort? If you have headache red, inflamed or sore eyes, they need the help of properly fitted glasses. Consult Dr. F. R. Parkinson ' d OPTOMETRIST Office Over Utah Power & Light, Logan, Utah. Phone 764 first-clas- e Mr. Chester Petersen of Ogden Is in Hyrum for a few days and is prepared to repair broken window glasses or glass doors of any kind in the city and vicinity. vLeave orders at or phone 49, Pioneer Hotel from 5 p. m. to 9 p. m., any day during the week. e - with any kind of weeds. Probably the most important phase in the production of celery, aecording to Prof. Abell, is bleachIre ing of the stems. This may done either with boards or with earth. However, the method wdich gives the Utah celery its excellent flavor is bleaching with earth. Boards sometimes impart a resinous flavor. Included in the circular is an article by Dr. I. M. Hawley, EntomolExogist of the Utah Agricultural and periment Station, on insects There pests which attack celery. is also included a survey of celery diseases by J. J. Taubenhau3 taken from Diseases of Truck Crops and Their Control. Much of the information contained in the circular is the result of the experiences of some of our most successful celery growers in Utah. Other information is the result of Prof. Abells own experience and that of authorities on celery growing- . whispered Mrs. John! John! Wake up! Congressman Squibbs. Im sure there are robbers in the Robbers in the house? house! Absolutely he muttered sleepily. There maybe robpreposterous! bers in the Senate, Mary, but not Ex. in the House. Bring U3 I am now glazing the New High School Building. AH Terms Cash Work Guaranteed. the News. i- - E5YUlCuiLra2a like Castor OH? then why make them take it? Why cling to the old idea that a medicine must be unpleasant in order to be good? Dr. Miles Laxative Tablets TASTE LIKE CANDY ACT LIKE MAGIC The best authorities say that their main ingredient accelerates the peristalsis in the same way as castor oil. Good for children and adults. , Get a box at your drug store. Z i. Unit -- Jttu w For Growing Manhood Students Clothes! RIGHT-POSTUR- E Between school days and manhood, there comes a times when the Young Fellow is mighty fastidious and hard to please when it comes to his clothes. RIGHT-POSTUR- E STUDENTS' GLOTHES are made expressly to fill that need. They perfectly fit his slender figure; they have that dash and style he so wants; theyre carefully tailored and give him long service. We have a wealth of patterns from which to select. Economically Priced- $25.00 $30.00 - $35.00 Thatcher Clothing Go LOGAN, UTAH O |