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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH South Cache Courier Get a Good Nights Res; Published Ever; Fimay at Hyrum Utah. J. A. WAHi EN. Publisher. Ban state Sleep is just as necessary to health, as-- food. The ability to sleep depends on the condition of the nerves. insures a good nights rest. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM It will help any nervous condition from sleeplesYour sness to epilepsy. the first money back if Keeper request we publish the Rates East Dr. Miles Nervine Ass;avn;a My Brothers By Low Excursion , bottle fails to benefit you. Youll find Dr. Miles Medicines in all drug stores follow- ing editorial taken from the Box Elder News. The article bears on a deep subject aad is worthy of eon sideration: When Cain asked the simple ques tion of the angel sent to make inquiry concerning his brother Abel, after that brothers blood had been Am I my brothers keepspilled fighting shy of putting his money in industrial undertakings with attendant risks and tax burdens, when he can invest his funds in various forms of government. state and municipal bonds and secure a net return of from 5 to 7 per cent absolutely The day labarer, small town merchant, or city banker have a equal interest in a tax reduction program and correction of such evils as the bond has become today. While the lumber industry or any other industry is being strangled by excessive taxation, the workman and business man go on short rations and minus profits. If we would help keep lumber and other payroll activities on a sound operating basis, we must all join in the fight for a business administration in governmental affairs, and a tax reduction. the investor is tax-fre- grains. At the end of July 100 grains were sown separately. At the end of September the grains had developed an average of 12 shoots each. These were cut and transplanted and by the end of October each cutting furnished an average of eight shoots, which produced G5 ears each, and each ear gave an average of 50 grains. A simple multiplication sum shows that each of the original grains planted reproduced itself 12x8x05x50, making a total of 322,000 grains. e. tax-exem- pt Every man, as he advances in the process of manhood, becomes the He may become ideal of someone. the ideal of more than one but that some one looks upon him as an almost perfect type of manhood, there can be litte doubt, The course pursued by each of us then very na turally affects the life of him who looks upon us for his ideals and so of a truth each and every one of us becomes our brothers keeper whether we will or not. But more than that, if we actually went about the task of becoming our brothers keeper understandingly and in all of our action in life sought to influence our brother for good, what a mighty power even one sucK being could wield in the world. A kindly word spoken here, a helping hand extended there, a word of encouragement to the oppressed, low spirited and tempted, the bestowing of a blessing insted of criticism or a course and in short living to scatter sunshine and do good upon every hand and endeavor to do as little harm as possible, how much more enriched would become our own lives and how the world would engrave upon tablets of eternal duration the achievements we had wrought. To one oppressed and beset with temptation, one kindly spoken word of encouragement oftentimes is the small margin between complete and the revival of to push on and a kindly strength spoken word costs only the effort to utter it. Taxation and Prosperity Following Fares apply from Utah 'Points north of Ogden 322,000 Grains From One. An experiment to show the fecundity of a grain of wheat has just been concluded at the official school of agriculture, Vallodolid, Spain, with the result that one grain produced in a year 322,-00- 0 he sent thundering down er, through the ages a declaration of fact the importance of which he undoubtedly failed to fully appre ciate. That mankind since that time has failed to appreciate this fact and thereby failed to discharge the obligation, is patent among us today for the spirit of the age is one of selfishness and men are annoyed at being disturbed by a recital of the tfia'ls and tribulations of their brother. The ills of the present day would be very largely overcome and the danger from wars almost wholly dispelled if every man felt sufficient interest in his brother to sympathize with him and extend the WITHOUT STREET ADDRESS hand of help and charity in time of YOUR MAIL IS DELAYED need. Excursion rates east this summer will be cheaper than for many years past. Tickets on sale May 25th to Aug. 31st. Return limit October 31 st. Stars in Daylight. recently found that photographs of stars down to the sixth magnitude (degree of brightness) can be taken in broad daylight, so that astronomical photography need no longer be confined to the night. The discovery follows Lord Rayleighs finding that the color of the sky is caused by the diffusion of sunlight by the atmosphere, and that the quantity of light dispersed is different in the case of different colors. If the stellar photographs are taken a very deep red screen the through AT OFFICE OF DELIVERY stars appear with distinctness. Experiments on these novel lines are being carried out at several observatories. Office In The Dead Letter has been existence ever since Ben Franklin Brooklyn Eagle. started our postal service. Even then A Nature Lesson. people addressed mall to Mr. Ezekiel Marion is an observing child. ReSmithers, Atlantic Coast, and expected Ben to know Just where Zeke cently the family jnotored into the lived. country and was caught in a rainWhile waiting for the rain to storm. In Perhaps they had Zekes address letters up In the garret, maybe a chest stop the family, safe in the sedan, was full of em, but then It was easier to watching horses in a field nearby. let Ben hunt Zeke. Today people are Isnt it funny, Marion observed, addressing letters to John Smith, New when it rains the animals always turn York, N. Y., or Chicago, 111., thinking in the opposite direction. And friends Uncle Sam can locate him, which is of animals will agree that most ' of just as incomplete as was Zekes ad- them, at least horses, do not face a dress of yore. The Postoffice Depart- storm, but turn in the opposite ment asks you to put the number and street In the address. It helps you. for Him. Is your husband much of a talker?" Really, I cant say. I never gave him chance enough to determine. No Show rJZMudt tX. Slow. young man ever attempted to kiss you? No, and Ive given him every opportunity, too. Tanlac is the peoples medicine and the people themselves have made it what it is. Hyrum Drug Company. BUSINESS GOVERNMENT This apt phrase was used in President Hardings first message to ConFREE HUTCH gress and applies particularly in postal management where postmasters are being impressed with the fact that they are managers of local branches A Sparkling Stimulant, Full of Wit of the biggest business in the world. and Humor. Free copy will be sent upon receipt of your name with address complete. Write to G. HERE COMES A STRANGERI 397 Brook- Mitchell, Lets make our post - - $61.00 71.00 - " - - 66,50 Corresponding low rates from all other stations and to many other eastern points. Plan Your Trip Now. Attractive excursion fares will also apply to North Pacific Coast and California. See Agents for details D. S. SPENCER, General Passenger Agent UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Salt Lake City, Utah. Are you making use of the preeious moments as they come or are you just waiting for better times? Perhaps you are one of the thousands who were not prepared when last winters slump came on. You can look back and see where you allowed yourself, to spend much money unnecessarily. Dont let another winter get you down. Make hay while the sun shines. Resolve to follow the path of Thrift. Your first step is Skaggs Cash Store. Let us call your attntion especially to our Wednesday and Saturday inducements to early morning shoppers. . Some Every Day Prices Beverages New shipment Bass Island Grape Juice just arrived. None better. Quart Bottle Grape Juice Pint Bottle Grape Juice.... 2 Bottles Nekto for Hires Root Beer Extract.. Budweiser Malt Syrup 3 Star Malt Syrup 3 Star Hops, package PearlStreet, lyn, N. Y. look neat, Mr. Postmaster. Straighten up the rural letter box, Mr. Farmer. Tidy up some, Mr. Rural Carrier. First Impressions are lasting. Maybe Mr. Stranger, taking notice of these improvements, will come back, bringing you benefits. Start these with POSTAL IMPROVEMENT WEEK May office ad. CLIFFORD WARR NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance. 65c 35c 25c 20c 65c 65c 15c Butter nas that IIow do you expect the Postal Clerk to know whether you mean Trinidad, California, or Trinidad, Colorado? ALWAYS SPELL OUT THE NAME OF THE STATE IN FULL IN THE ADDRESS. IN - Chicago St. Louis - - - It has been j MORE ... Omaha or Kansas City Very Best Fresh Creamery 75c Butter, 2 lbs for Bread 2 Loaves American Maid for 15c Canned Milk Large Can Milk for 5 Small Cans Milk for Eagle Milk, can 9c 23c 20c Jams Large Can Genuine Raspberry or Strawberry Preserves for Large Can Apricot Jam.... Large Can Peach Jam Large Can Prune Jam Large Can Apple-Berr- y Jam 49c 29c 25c 25c 20c Small Cans Assorted Jam 10c 1 Small Cans Phez Jam, 2 for 25c Jar Pure Raspberry or Strawberry Preserves.. 29c Jam 45c Large Jar Berry-Appl- e 16 Oz. Canned Pineapple Canned Pineapple is becoming scarce and higher. Lay in a dozen cans or a case at these prices. 29c Large Cans Pineapple Large Cans Pineapple, $3.23 ....dozen Large Cans Pineapple, Case Medium Cans Sliced Pineapple $6.23 25c '. Medium Cans Sliced Pineapple, dozen Medium Cans Sliced Pineapple, case Medium Cans Grated $2.90 $3.73 20c Pineapple Medium Cans Grated Pineapple, dozen Medium Cans Grated Pineapple, case Small Cans Sliced Pineapple, can Small Can Sliced Pineapple, dozen Small Can Grated Pineapple, 2 for Small Can Grated Pineapple, dozen $2.25 $4.3o lc $1.7o 23c $1.4a Brooms Dont forget a new broom 5 Tie Polished Handle Broom Meat Market at North Main Street ' The Home Insurance Compauy 1-- 6. New York. Unexcelled Service to HUMANIZING THE POSTAL SERVICE Policy Holders. HYRUM, UTAH The qestion of taxation is a probThere is no unimportant person or lem which bears heavily upon the part of our service. It is a total of lumber industry. Is Increasing, tax human units and their 3 burdens have reached a point where the key to its success. In Its last postal duties are accommoit is almost impossible to hold tim- analysis, dations performed for our neighbors ber for future catting. and friends and should be so regarded, This condition discourages the in- rather than as a hired service per- j formed for an nbsentee Office at Elite Hall, Hyrum vestment of capital in the logging Postmaster General Hubertemployer. Work. Lumberand sawmill industry. Res. Phone 17. Office. Phone 163. men are deeply interested in a proFOR SALE good house andjot Office closed Wednesday afternoons. gram of retrenchment in govern- half block off Main Street. Apply Dr. D. D. TEBBS c TWO LOGAN STORES WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT EIGHT OCLOCK P. Opposite Postoffice and M. Opposite Interurban Depot, Logan DENTIST I j i mental expenditures. at this office for particulars. ad. $ JOB PRINTING at This Office ' N Promptly Done |