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Show SOUTH South Cache Courier shows ones love capacity Published Ever; Fnuay at Hyrum Utah. A. J. WAHiEN. Publisher. UTAH STATE g5 I I "Tetegraph.one May Be Used in the Future to Prevert Possibility of Unhappy Marriage. One of the innumerable ues to which the telegrapnone. an intention announced by the Society of Electrical Development, may be plaeerd is that of preventing unhappy marriages. The inventor himself, name not dis closed, lelieves that if it can be ad justed over the heart of the girl, hei doubt-torswain will be able to tell wlutlier she is telling the truth or not. He had not invented a way of making the giil put this lie detector oh. The records the telegruphone breathing and heart beats. It magnifies irregularities caused by emotions and is regarded by criminologists as a sure method of catching lying witnesses. The lover suggestion is put forward by the inventor merely as an exa.ipie of what science could do if permitted. When John grows doubtful of the reality of Joans love for him, he says in ids di'y, academic way, he can satisfy himself by hating her heart flutters measured. If the girl puts up a struggle at a suggestion that she wear this harness during an evening of courtship John may he sure that he is going to get several hours of lies. In that case there is nothing to do but doubt everything she says. Thus will unhappy marriages he prevented. CETTHB ASSKIAKEt For Better n Farming i The illustrated agricultural artr ties which appear in the Courier from week to week are for the most part prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture and embody knowledge resulting from innumerable experiments, tests and developments, in some cases extending over many years, and accumulated data of the department, to give farmers information which only could be provided by this branch of the government with its staff of scientists and practical men. No doubt our farm readers have read and enjoyed these articles during the winter, but with the coming of spring, farm information has an added interest and value, and we trust that any who have heretofore overlooked one of the best departments injthe Courier will now mak-i- t a point to give it the attention it deserves by its timeliness and pract ical worth. highly-organize- d Big Saving For Thrifty Housewife Few homes indeed do not feel the need of economy. The necessity of making every penny count touches the purse of every housewife. It is doubtful if there is a single article employed as a food or in the preparation of food that demands more buying wisdom than Baking Powder. Upon its quality depends the success and economy of the bakings themselves. Calumet Baking Powder enables! the housewife to make three worth while savings. She saves when she buys it it is moderate in price. She saves when she uses it she uses only half as much as is requirShe ed of most other powders. saves materials it is used with it failure. Any never permits bake-daCalumet with absouse women can lute certainty of best results deli-cious, tasty bakings that are pure and wholesome. True home economy of time, ma- terial and effort is completely handled in Reliable Recipes, the Cook Book and Household Hints. A copy is vours FREE for the askAddress Home Economics ing. Depl. Calumet Baking Powder Co., 4100 Fillmore St., Chicago, 111. ad. 4 y 1 r 1 76-pag- I t i 3 Strawberry Plants t r i i - p- r , 5 i t ! OF MIDDLE AGES English Clergyman Likely Will Have to Stand Trial on the Charge of Heresy. Charges of heresy with the possibility that England will have an ec clesiastical trial uch as it has not known since the Middle ages have been hied 'against the Rev. II. D. A Major, piiucipal of Ripon hall, a theological institute in Oxford, by the liev. C. E. Douglas. Further action rests with the bishop of Oxford, with whom the charges have been placed. The action grew out of an article by the Rev. Mr. Major, in which he said that the resurrection of Christ was a spiritual but not a physical The Rev. Mr. Douglas happening. charges him with publishing doctrine contrary to the teachings of creed and of holy scripture, and also oi importing into the Christian religion the teachings of the eastern mystic Buddha. The Rev. Mr. Major holds no benefice, so the case can not, be tried through the bishops court. The procedure which must he followed is the old procedure by inquisition. Under this the bishop having received the information appoints an inquisition of priests to hear testimony. The Rev. Mr. Major, since the filing of the charges, has announced he will defend his position. He Was the Goat. One day last spring I attended a circus, and while looking for my seat prior to the start of the show, I chanced to walk through the arena. blonde lady came to me and asked me where the animals were on exhibition. As I pointed the correct directions she fell in a faint, right into my arms. I was badly confused and started to carry, her to one of the platforms in the center of the immense coliseum. Then I heard roars of loud laughter. I dropped her and started to fan her with my hat, when, with all eyes on me, I realized that the young lady was a clown who had been amusing the audience before the start of the regular show and 1 was the goat. Exchange. A young ri ' t Husehold Remedies 1 't i I ? Another Film Sensation For 3 Days Commencing Thursday Priscilla Dean and Lon Chaney i In the Greatest Crook Story of all Times A sparkling: stimulant, fuh of wit Free copy will be sent npon receipt of your name with address Write to G. complete. Good stock or your money back. Standard varieties $1.00 per 100. Mitchell, 397 Pearl treet, Brook-lyn,'Y. ad. Progressive, Everbearers $1.50 per) 100, prepaid. Everbearers will produce fruit from July until frost the same year as planted. Cuthbert NOTARY PUBLIC and Victory red raspberries $3.00 Fire Insurance. per 100. Also St. Regis everbearing red raspberries; these do not The 'Home Insurance Compauy as well with me as fall bearers. New York. One year grape plants 25c each. Jas. C. Jensen, Box 165, Hyrum. ad r FREE HUTCH and Humor. CLIFFORD WARRl 4 . e REMINDER Also the First Chapter of Winners of the West Unexcelled Service to Policy Holders.1 HYRUM, UTAH Dr. D. D. TEBBS For good service and quality of Household Remedies, Spices, ExOffice at Elite Hall, Hyrum tracts, Toilet Articles, Polishes; Hog and Stock Tonics, call on Res. Phone 17. Office Phone 163. J. D. JONES. Office closed Wednesday afternoons. Rawleigh Man, Hyrum. . h Block East of District School, ad DENTIST A Great Picturization of the famous g Expedition of Capt. JohnC. Fremont in 1848 to the California Gold Trail-breakin- Fields.' ADMIXSION PRICES: Evenings, Children 10c. .Adults 25c. Special Matinee Friday 3:30, 5-l- Oc. r |