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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH The New Happenings of Seven Day Paragraphed J I- - The Shantung controversy is setted. The Japanese and Chinese delegates announced that they had reached a? agrement, and they have cabled Toki and Peking for authority to sign th Tour little one will love the fruity taste of California Fig Syrup even If treaty. -- ! discussions of th Preliminary Muscle Shoals question, involving the INTBRMOUNTAIN. disposal of government properties in million six hundred and fifty Alabama to private interests, eithei iTwo dollars is liie total amount by stale or lease, were held betweet issued againslt Elko county Secretary Weeks and President Hard ranching properties during the latter ing. " part of 1921. The Washington negotiations foi On the Tahoe naitional forest ianos limitation of armament reached thcii 9100 cattle tand horses and 50,300 consummation when a plenary session sheep and goats "will he allowed to of the arms conference gave definite graze this year, according to notices and public approval to the two treasent out to atockmen by the forest ties limiting navies and restricting use of the new agendes of warfare. supervisor. S- ' - MOTHER! te History of Past Week The work on fhe Pipestone Pass in Montana, has been completed and it fs now open for traffic. The grading had not been completedly finished, but as soon as warmer wheather arrives, will be placed in such condition that he engineers may make an inspection and accept the project as completed. Glacier county, Montana, will irrigate 20,000 acres of land In the vicinity of Cut Bank, if congress will only give permission for use of the water of Cut Bank creek, according to States Senator J. W. Coburn of Cut Bank. Under his plan not a dollar of expense would be charged against the government. or before July 4, next, Las Vegas Nev., will have one of the finest pleasure resorts in the country. There will be a lake, 10 feet deep 1000 feet long and 450 feet wide and this lake will be stocked with black bass; win have row boats and canoes ; will have an island in the center covered with unbrella and palm trees and on a peninsula at the end will have a 5000 club house where meals will be seven. On Packages such aa those used for shipping vegetables are being collectel by the commercial truck gardening class under the direction of the professor of vegetable gardening of the Each Oregon Agricultural College. package will be labled with the dimensions, capacity and the name of the vegetable to be shipped in it and will be used for instructional purposes at the college. appropriating money to combat the spead of white pine blister rust has been prepared for introduction in congress by the pine blister rust committees, which recently held a convention in Portland, Ore. This money is to be used to prevent the spread of the disease from sections around Puget sound to areas of white sugar pine valued at $250,000,000 now threatened. A bill Railroads were in better physical condition at the end of the period ol federal control than they had been when taken over during the war, William G. McAdoo, former secretary ol (the treasury and wartime directot general of raaloads, told the senate Interstate commerce committee in giv ing an accounting of his guardianship of the properties during 1918. Light wines and beers would be legalized and taxed to pay the sol diers bonus under measures! advocated by Representative Brennan of Detroit and Representative Hill of Baltimore before the house ways and means committtee. Mr. Hill estimated that the proposed tax would yield between $500,000,000 and $1,000,000,000 a year, and heis confident the tax would, produce a sufficient revenue in four years to pay off the entire cost of the bonus. Cheap and faulty construction, and not the heavy snowfall was responsible for the collapse of the Knickerbocker theater, Senator Frank R. Gooding of Idaho, says I am now convinced that congress is in part to blame. Congress makes the appropriations foi the District of Columbia; it provides meager salaries for building inspectors,- with the result that incompetent men are hired to inspect just such buildings as the Knickerbocker And to that extent responsibility foi incompetent and inefficient inspection can be had at the doors of congress." FOREIGN. It is announced that more than 12,. 000 troops have evacuated Ireland Most of the auxiliaries have gone, and the evacuation of 5000 black and tans will begin soon. Durham, Eng., can claim the unenviable distinction of having the worlds greatest housing problem. An investi. gation revealed seven persons living in one room, eight living in two rooms and 20 living in five rooms GENERAL Revelation at a recent medical meet-inmarketing organizatthat there are more than 40 lepers ion of prune growers is being put in caused a public sensation England under way in the Walla Walla valley. The government has received many letters demanding the removal of all Announcing himself as unqualifiedly opposed to any form of compulsory victims, unemployment insurance, Samuel s France stands ready to restore t branded unemployment conditions as they exist China the leased territory of Kwang-Choas today Wan, irrespective of what other premeditated and avoidable. countries may do with reference to The average value per acre of 10 leased areas, M. Sarraut, senior French crops, constituting s of all arms delegate, stated recently, crop production dropped from $35.76 to $14.48, or 60 A dispatch to the London Times per cent, during the two years 1919-2the United States from Helsingfors, Finland, says: Boldepatrment of agriculture has an- shevik troops today recrossed the nounced. This decline is unparalleled frontier at Soutjaevri and advanced within the scope of records of the de- eight kilometers into Finnish territory. partment dating' back to 1866. Fighting is proceeding between about one hundred bolshevik! and the FinnThe police department of New York ish frontier guards. asked the board of aldermen for tear fras bombs and Four natives were killed and six gas masks as aids in capturing criminals and breaking up wounded by the police, who fired on mobs. Inspector General Thor ap- a crowd which had declined to dispeared before the board and The urged the perse, near Pabda, Bengal. appropriation of $4200 for the pur-- c trouble had its origin in the arrest 'ase of 500 tear gas bombs for the of two' noncooperationist pickets. A ( epartment and 100 gas masks for the mob estimated at 2000 attacked the Police bombing local magistrate and the police squads. g A 1 ji ; II WASHINGTON. The bill authorizing the refunding of eleven billion dollars foreign debt into securities maturing in not more than twenty-fiv- e years wat passed by the senate. OPEN CHILDS BOWELS WITH . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish, or full of cold. A teaspoonful never fails to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the sour bile, and undigested food out of the bowels and you have a well, play ful child again. Millions of mothers keep California Fig Syrup handy. They know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for genuine California Fig Syrup, which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother You must say California or you may get an imitation fig syrup. Advertise-men1 t. Aim at the top. It may help you to land In the middle. IN BUYING ASPIRIN ALWAYS SAY Look for the Name BAYER on Bayer Tab-let-s, Then You Need Never Worry. Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" can be taken safely for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Joint Pains, Neuritis, and Pain generally. To get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions in each unbroken package of Bayer Tablets of This package is plainly Aspirin. stamped with the safety Bayer Cross. The Bayer Cross means the gens Aspirin prescribed uine, by physicians for over twenty-on- e years. Advertisement. world-famou- Cap or Skin? In probably the last speech Booker T. Washington ever made, an address at the anniversary exercises of the American Missionary association in New Haven, with that quiet humor so characteristic of him, he satirized the prejudice against his people. A member of my race, he said, wanted to go from New York to San Francisco. in a He wanted to travel Pullman sleeper. He bought a red cap fez, I think you call it forgot the English language, and went as an East Indian, and no one objected. It appears thatjt is not the color of the skin, but the color of the cap to which The Outlook. you object. first-cla- ss Expressive but Modern. Mother had just brought Judy, age three, some candy. As children usually do, Judy forgot her lessons in courtesy. What are you going to say to me her for bringing you the candy? mother asked. With a grin, Judy threw her arms around her mother and exclaimed : Ill tell the world, mother, youre some kid ! Hll PEOPLE I Hundreds of Men and Women All Over America Appear To Be Physical Wrecks Simply Because Their Systems Are Starving for Nourishment, . nervous men and women There are hundreds of thin, all over the United States who should be strong, sturdy and vigorous, with rich, red blood tingling through their veins and feeling brimful of life and energy, if they would only profit by thd experience of others all over the United States and Canada, and assist nature to digest the food they eat, by simply taking Tanlad. run-dow- n, Millions of people have not only been relieved of the most obstinate forms of dyspepsia and indigestion by Tanlac after other remedies have failed, but large numbers of them have reported a remarkable and rapid increase in weight and a return to normal health and strength by its use. In fact, so phenomenal have been the gains in weight by thin, frail people through the use of Tanlac that this remarkable preparation is now being proclaimed everywhere as the Worlds Greatest Tonic. The food people eat does them absolutely no good unless they digest it properly. When you suffer from indigestion and other forms of stomach trouble, the food does you harm instead of good, because food which is not digested stays in the stomach and ferments, causing pains, swelling, gas on stomach, shortness of breath, bad taste in the mouth, dizziness and many other disagreeable symptoms. If this condition is permitted to run on for an indefinite period the entire Pithy Paragraphs. Thousands of men are striving, with their best light, to Introduce Christianity Into their business, and you and I are not helping them by shouting J'greed into their ears. Marion D. Shutter. The new church will be founded on moral science. Poets, artists, musicians, philosophers, will be its prophet teachers. The noblest literature of the world will be the Bible. Love and labor, its holy sacraments. Truth its supreme being and instead of worshipping one savior, It will gladly build an altar in the heart for every one who has suffered for humanity. Ralph Waldo Emerson. The piling up of armaments is causing general bankruptcy, anarchy and perpetual and universal war. If governments, after the lesson of the1 war, do not agree simultaneously to limit their armaments, they commit suicide. Baron dEstournelles de Constant. system becomes saturated with poisons, the patient becomes thin and pale and in time various complications are apt to result. Tanlac is a powerful reconstructive tonic and quickly overcomes this condition by aiding nature to eliminate the impurities from the system in d natural way and enable the vital organs to properly perform their functions. That is why it is called Natures Medicine. In fact, there Is not a single portion of the body that is not benefited by the helpful action of Tanlae, which begins its work by stimulating the digestive and assimilative organs, thereby enriching the blood and invigorating the entire system. Next, it enstomach to ables the weak, worn-ou- t thoroughly digest its food and convert the nourishing elements into bone1, blood and muscle. The result is you feel strong, sturdy and well' with the proper amount of flesh, as Nature intended. Sold by all good druggists. i NOT BEGINNING OF ROMANCE Beautiful Girl Mistaken in Thinking She Had Made Impression on 1 Attractive Stranger. They sat together; total strangers, Fifth avenue bus. She was beautiful and conscious of it. And she felt his eyes upon her. She turned her lovely head and met his gaze. He was good to look upon, dark and virile, and in his clear eyes was a look of question and pleading. She turned away, her young blood thrilling with the premonition of romance and adventure. Again she felt his longing but hesitant gaze fixed upon her averted face. She flashed him a fleeting look of encouragement. Emboldened, he bent toward her, his eager breath fanning her flushed cheek and whispered, hoarsely: Say, cant you move over, lady, and gimme some more room? Judge. on the narrow seat of a What Most of Us Do. What does your father do when the If something is worth doing at all car breaks down? A Bostonian Lesson. it worth doing right. The right way Just stands around and swears. Pronounce Cannes with the Bosis usually easier, too. A man will fall In love with any tonian "a as in dance, to rhyme woman who will treat him as with aunts and not with ants." to a clever friend that Its impossible buy Boston Globe. is worth the price. though he were abused. Gom-per- t hand-mad- 4 ; - nine-tenth- i Finding a stolen mail pouch confining some $100,000 in registered near the ferry postoffice three turning it in to the authorities hasnt helped Frederick loves get a job, according to his oiy, even though he was commended cly at the time for returning the Pouch. The bandit who stole the Pouch killed a postoffice clerk in the noiuup and committed suicide the next ay. Applications to various federal u municipal officials, business lious-ancharitable for work have failed toorganizations him more give an temPrary employment, he said, Sovernment told him no r ,ie vvas paid for the return of stolen la 1 d re-a- Many people feel that they have to be agitated into wakefulness in the morning: They think that without the tea or coffee they take in the morning that they will not be able to meet the tasks and duties of the day. Nothing could be more false than this reasoning. Any doctor can tell you this. For a healthy body does not require a stimulant. It gets all the stimulant it needs from food. The thein and caffeine found in tea and coffee are irritating to the heart and nervous system. They jolt the nerves into undue activity. The result is a reaction. This is why regular tea and coffee drinkers think they must have their stimulant the first thing in the morning to wind them up for the day. back-to-Japa- months ago and t n What appears to be a movement of the Japanese California is noted in the last six months. There has been no explanation from any Japanese official of the fact that virtually every liner leaving Los Angeles for the Orient in recent months has been crowded with Japanese, Chiefly women and children. The latest strike the most unique of all. It is the strike of the headsman and executioner in Baden. This official Informs the ministry of justice of Baden that he can no longer chop off the heads of criminals at the present rate per head, in view of the increased cost of living. in Germany is J Why does any healthy person want to be kicked into wakefulness in the morning? w e, Instant O Postum fsax . If you will stop using tea and coffee for a week, and drink Postum for Health Postum, the pure cereal beverage instead, it will give Nature an opportunity to rid the system of the irritating substances that harass your nerves, upset digestion, increase your heart action, and make you nervous and irritable. Many people who have tried Postum say that inside of a week they wake in the morning without that all gone feeling that they used to have, and are full of energy, strength and - endurance. Order Postum from your grocer today, and make it according to directions. Your first sip of Postum will surprise and please you. Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Theres a Reason Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. |