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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. IIYRUM, UTAH to be safe as uay ordinary occupatlcu ; MOTHER! but the observations of the United HAPPEN ON FARM Falls and Refractory Antmals Cause of Hurts That Be Avoided. told H1VERS MISHAPS DELAY WORK Careless Use of Unprotected Machinery Takes Toll of Limbs That Would Be Prevented With Use of Safety Devices. Prepared by the United States Department of Assioulture. ) Farmer Brown was driving the doe-- i ttor back to town, after he had set; .neighbor William Johnsons fractured ribs., leg and dressed three caved-iJohnson seemed .to be in bad luck eon- (Stantly, and the neighbors were circulating a subscription 'paper for Ihim and arranging a 'bee" to do up bis unfinished work. Earlier in the season a broke on a hill. '(The horse ran away, throwing Johnson '.to the ground and confining him to bed several days ini a busy period. A little later .one of his little boys stepped on a garden rake which had n hold-bac- k l States Department of Agriculture and the National Safety council show that every year hundreds of people are maimed and killed In farm accidents, a large part of which are preventable. I don't know where some farmers find economy In keeping a horse that will shy at anything and kick anybody who comes near him. Perhaps they like to feel their mastery, but the horse tasually gets his Inning in the end. And of coarse there i3 danger to Inexperienced persons. No bull above two years old should be permitted In a pasture, even if dehorned, as all bu"d3 should be. Even aa Ugly ram has been known to kill a man. Farm machinery, such as corn shredders, take a toll of limbs that would be prevented to a large degree if the most (ordinary safety devices were Installed and kept in working order. Waking Thrashing Safe. In some states the boiler inspection laws 'do not (apply to steam tfhrndhers. Every thrashing machine owner ought 'to have tils boiler inspected nnce a :yea if whether there is a legal 'requirement or not. I couSd talk for another 'hour or so on farm accident breeders 'that might A country 'doctors 'be eradicated. practice is full of them:; hut here we are at fhe house.. Come dn rto dinner before you go hack. Mudta obliged, returned 'Brown, as lie cramped his flivver (around in the roadway. "I guess Fll Ihurry back to the farm and fix up a few things before the neighbors have to get up a bee to 'tide me over a' broken leg. WINTER IS SPLENDID tv, V t. TIME FOR REPAIRING 4 S$'f Tfce Kitchen Cabinet United .States Department Agriculture;) . over-dooke- The free use of soups and fresh Soups may be either nutritive or A nutritive soup like Stimulating. cream of potato Is a meal In itself, while a bouillon is simply stimulati- j ' - croutons. Nourishing (Soup. Take ne cupful of lentils, cupful of barley, one onion, ttwo cloves, one grated carrot and two quarts of water. Wash the leatils ;und soak them over night In water 'to cover. In the morning put them with the barley, the onion stuck with 'the cloves and the grated carrot, Into a saucepan; simmer for two bours, add salt and pepper to taste. Thirty minutes before serving remove ithe onion and add two cupfuls of imilk and four tabiespoonfuls of butter. Corn Chowder. Cut of a pound of suit pork into small dice and cook In ,a sauce pan until 'brown, then add two .((hopped onions, cook until slightly .colored, add two cupfuls of diced potatoes which have 'been par-- , boiled for .five minutes, one can of corn 8Dd four cupfuls of water or stock; cook thirty minutes. Melt two .off 'butter, stir im one of flour and when well blended ada itwo mnd cupfuls of milk; cook five minutes, add the corn mixture, stilt end pepper to itaste and three tdblespoonfuls of rolled cracker crumbs. Serve hot. for .dreaming. all-whi- te BEEF CATTLE BENEFIT FARM Possible for Fanner to Make Greater Ute of Dry Roughages Need Little Attention. well-balanc- The use of beef cattle In connection with general furming throughout the corn belt, says the United States DeDepend on Early Pullets. folof offers the The partment Agriculture, pullets, only, can lowing advantages: be depended upon to make good recIt is possible to make greater use of ords. They should begin early in dry roughages produced on the farm. November. early-layin- g ui an (the 4 vnth opportunity .each day is teeming,. That till you deign to waken, wiJll 'not' WONDER In Alabama they tell of a prosecuting attorney who was so uniformly successful with his cases that he bein came befh the terror of the vicinity and the admiration of all, especially the dusky portion of the population. Upon bis withdrawal from office he was at once sought out by those charged with crime. Much to his disgust, the first two cases that he defended resulted in the conviction of his clients. An aged darky, named Joe Clinton, who had watched his prosecutions with wonder and who looked with equal amazement now he conducted the .defense, met the attorney just after his second defeat Uistali Cal, said the old chap, In awed tones, yo shore is a wonder. No matter which side you is on, they goes to the pen jest the same. Milwaukee evil-doe- Not for a While. He was a bachelor in the forties and she was a sweet young thing of twenty, but he loved her and was courting her vigorously in all the ways an old bachelor knows how to woo a young maid. Then one night lie decided lie would sing to her. Going to the piano, he picked up some loose sheets of music and began to play. Finally he came to one which pleased him and began to sing: The best Grow old with me of But the sweet young thing had inI won t terrupted him very forcibly. do It, she tossed back impudently, at Brooklyn least not for 25 years. , Standard Union. rs Senfindt No Offense. - , ' ' Be then talent, for .all around you .call- ing Are voices, to piess onward., beard by Sew; Heed them, :and venture, with no iezr of falling Don'it idly dream, but do! George Birdseye. Chairman Lasker of the shipping' board said, in an Interview : These men are taking needless offense. They were taking offense where none iis Intended. A tall,, gaunt, vinegar-face- d woman walked into Wawa station one day and said to the ticket agent : Gimme a tioekt for Chester , Heights. Single'? said the agent. The vwotmans eyes flashed steelly i , sparks. Nane &" yer darn business, she hissed. Gosh knows, though, I might ihave married a dozen times The Height of Deception. over if Id been willin to grubstake Why were you not suspicious or some sMMeas, putty-facemonkey like that thief who grabbed a tra.v of diayerself. monds and darted out of the door? lie disarmed suspicion, said John's Discouragement. Little John sat upon the stairs lookYes? ing disconsolate. He said he wanted to look at some Whats the matter, Johnny? asked engagement rings, and the fellow acted Cousin Isabel, kindly, the part so well lie actually stammered1' Well, you see, Cousin Isabel, they and turned red. Birmingham Age- -. et me hold the baby on my knee, Herald. sometimes, though he can't even hold bis head up straight. And they weigh A Lesson to Him. ' him every single day, but since they bored ten feet into a minRafferty began it hes gained only two pound's claim and then abandoned it. Anand three ounces. And Ive just been ing other took it up and at feet struck thinking that Ill be an old, old man gold. When heard Rafferty the news before that fellowll be of any use on he exclaimed : Ill never leave anoththe team. er claim until Ive gone a foot Life. Taken in Turn. Lets see, whom were we discusThe Frank Man. I forget I Who went out of sing? And am I the only girl you have ' the dressing room last? London ever . ' Mail. Wait a minute, Molly. Before you ask me that, do you want me to lie An optimist may be a person who in- and flatter you, r tell you the truth vests in a gold brick every time the und satisfy your curiosity? opportunity presents itself. ourean would Any national board New flannels and small boys have probably do better if it were composed been known to shrink from washing. of one man. d . - ' ' MAKING CANDIES There is m gift that ds given or received with greater pleasure than realJy fine box ol! home-mad- e can- It is both pleasant and economical to make it in the home. In fast, homemade eandy U dy. welcome 1 Labor Saver. A traveling man was eating in a stuffy little restaurant one very hot day where there were no screens at windows or ' doors. The proprietress herself waited on her customers and shooed flies from the table while doing so.' Her energetic but vain efforts attracted the attention and roused the sympathy of the traveling man, who said : Wouldnt it be better to have your windows and the door screened? Well, yes, I suppose that would ' help some. she replied, after a moment's reflection, but dont you think Harit would look kinder lazylike? pers Magazine. ' Mo A stay. . eight-penn- y Experienced raisers of geese assert the goose Is one of the most profitable and easy fowls to keep, and express belief in a bright future of expansion for the goose Industry, The Toulouse, African and Embden are the three most popular breeds, the Embden betype, considered Idea! ing the for market purposes. ls table-spoonf- lf No time (to drone and loiter ... ,v way,' two-inc- h ties of these feeds than any other class of live stock. Beef cattle can he used profitably on rough land unsuitable for crop production ; also on low, wet land unsuitable for either crops or for other classes of stock. Beef cattle use the total production of grain and roughages on the average farm, without the purchase of other feeds, more efficiently, than any other class of live stock. Beef cattle on the farm favor a distribution of labor throtigh-ou- t the year. They require very little attention during the summer and fall, wlifen crops need attention, and during winter and earlv spring, when there is little field work to be done, farmers can utilize their time 'to advantage by caring for the breeding herd, wintering the stockers and feeders, or fattening some steers. table-spoonfu- A But Old Darky's Admiration Must Have Been Embarrassing Under the Circumstances. h Dont Mly Cream! There is no time d ATTORNEY SURELY lf one-ha- y GEESE RETURN GOOD PROFIT as beef cattle consume larger quanti- Hurry, mother! Even a sick child loves the fruity taste of California Fig Syrup and It never fails to open the bowels. A teaspoonful today may prevent a sick child tomorrow. If constipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, has cold, . colic, or if stomach Is sour, tongue coated, breath bad, remember a good cleansing of the little bowels Is often all that is necessary. Ask your druggist for genuine California Fig Syrup which has directions for babies and children of all ages' printed on bottle. Mother! You must say California or you may get an Imitation fig syrup. Advertisement. Broth. Beef Cut two pounds of lean beef into small dice, wreak the bones and put .them with the meat Into a saucepan, (cover with two quarts of water; when 'boiling add one carrot, one tumija, (one onion, all diced, .and one bunch' of herbs. Simmer for three Iwjujes, add two tabiespoonfuls of cooked iriee and sene hot with two-by-fo- i seasoni- ng. I. lot-se-s attract- and ng d i veg- SOUPS AND OTHER DISHES -- Fowls Are Quite Easy to Keep and Breeders 'See Bright Future for the Industry. Newspaper Union. ive as to s Dareham Drake, the a had day had busy very film villain, ' at the studios. In the performance of part nineteen of The Master Crook hevhad deftly cut open with Us electric saw five formidable safes, mastered swiftly the mysterious combinations of nine more, and with a nonchalant air had picked the lock of his prison cell. And now, his days work finished, he breathed n sigh of relief as he alighted from his car and reached the . door of 15s flat. ,,, locked. was It Anxiously he searched every pocket of his olotl es for the latchkey, but failed to unearth it. Heres a fix! ho groaned. After another vain search the Master Crook walked around to the nearest locksmiths shop, flung a $20 bill, onto the counter and begged the unshaven man in charge to come and open his blessed door! world-famou- f etables is wise for those persons who have a tendency to overindulgence m eating. Jordan. .one-ha- FIG SYRUP CALIFORNIA OFF THE STAGE Master Crock Had to Seek Ordinary Mortal to Perform What Would Seem Simple Task. CHILDS BOWELS WITH --s-s one-fourt- ithe (Preparedly tot Overhauling the thrashing machine during .the .winter means 'dollars in time and .grain saved mext. year. Proper repairs be .made .and the whole .machine put into thorough working 'order before 'the beginning of the working season. While certain adjustments .must be made during operation, .it iis :possibie ifiy putting up the madhiue iprqperly .at the (dose of the season to .have all parts .In such vOffi-condition ithat the .necessary operatBe Should j (Farm Steam Engines can be made (readily, adjustments Once Least Eweijy ing at cially Inspected Year. accurately and with little delay. Many times defective parts. are been left back (dawn on the ground, or meglected, In.tlie' hope that and ran a tine through his fooL IClie, tthey will last (through the season, child was taken it tthe doctor to ilui.vc .when they Should ihe replaced during the 'wound dressed,! hut not until the season of 'disuse. When they fall set In, and he would always, iin the midst .of the working season. be a, trifle lame. Delays Farm '.Work. A 'hired man stepped through a loonej board of a bam Wt, farm anvil household work was (delayed while flue .. recovered. Thisilatest mtsforteme was the worst; Jvidin-soof the season. had been' a the common) bam, shingling using prop sealfolding, made by placing wooden brackets against ithe side of the bulging and supporting them with scantling, set at an angle .of 45 decrees and anchored. the foot .with stalaes and stones. USe had rto carry a bumeh shingles rto the roo. An upper rung, iprevious-Hbroken ffirom the ladder, lb ad been (replaced wMi a shingle band, mails. The jialled on wlflh Thrashing Machine in .Operation. wood in the vslde of the ladder was often result before the dozy and the nails gave way under serious Johnson's weight. The Jolt s he repairs .cat be made. During rr just Struck the nest rung upset the ladder, before tthe thrashing season new parts ivrid down tumbled Johnson, 1 adder, are difficult to get promptly because scaffolding and Shingles, ail to a keap of the unusual rush of orders from the many w!be have put the matter oil on the ground. until the last minute. e observed Johnson, Pretty tough In a series of bulletins on the care Brown. They taTk about farming beand tout a repair of farm implements Issued ing :safe and healthful pursuit; IM bet tie didn't fiUnk so when that by the United States Department of bunch 9f shingles pursued hlui and Agriculture Is e on grain separators, known as Fanners Bulletin 1036, smashed his ribs. may be had free upon applicais said the old Copies healthful, Farming doctor, "providing people would take tion to the department at Washington, ' reasonable care of themselves. It ought D. C. iiafiae-"tionlha- 1921, Western Copyright, DIFFERENT, MOVE any- where and at all times. , It Is unnecessary to have an expensive equipment, unless one wishes to go into the business professionally. There are those who like grainy can dies, but a really fine eandy should be as smooth as velvet, as svell as colored appropriately, flavored and Only vegetable color should be used In foods, and It ia procurable Ja most places. Creamy candies, such as cranin' candy, fudge, fondant and' the like, should never have a trace of grain, or crystals, however small. Cream candies are kept from graining by the addition of cream of tartaf or a few tabiespoonfuls of white corn sirup, fnpld honing and splashing of the sirup upon the sides of the kettle will cause grains. If this occurs, wash down the sides of the kettle with a skewer wrapped with a cloth and dipped in cold water. Successful fondant Is never mnde on a dnmp day. Choose a clear, bright day, and ' carefully follow directions,' and you will have enr.dy as good as a professional's. One nice feature of this kind of candy is that It may bo made even In the summer, packed in a jar, covered with buttered paper and, sealed from the air. and it will be per fectly good to use months later. Marshmallow Fudge. Boil two cupfuls of sugar with one cupful of milk; of a cake of chocolate! add or its equivalent In cocoa ; boil to the stage, adding three tablespoonfuls of butter as soon as the candy boils. Pour over a pan of marshmallows arranged short distances apart in the buttered pan and, when somewhat hardened, cut Into squares. Add any desired flavor. deco-rate- ' ... il fur-the- j Never say ; without saying Bayer. WARNING! Unless you see name Bayer on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for one-quart- Aspirin ; . soft-ba- ll ' , , Colds Headache Toothache Earache Neuralgia- Neuritis':. Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only Bayer Handy tin boxes of Asilria Is Uie trad 12 mack of : Rheumatism package which contains proper directions. tablets Bottles of 24 and 100 Mauufucture of Moooaceticauiaaster All druggists. of Salicjjlctcld A r! |