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Show ' UTAH NEWS REVIEW SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM. UTAH In Suits and Coats IJeutenant Russell L. Maughan, Utahs leading aviator during the war, now an army aviator at Mather field, Circular Lines Noted in the New terial set on a low line at the back is attached to the sleeves, an indiCalif., la visiting his mother, Mrs. P. Fall. Garments for vidual silhouette resulting. Wfl Maughan at Logan, on a leave of The same material in the same absence. color fashions a delectable suit, the Stltcherles Accentuate the Flaring skirt section of the jacket adopting The Cache valley, fair, which closed Outlines; Cape Effects in Evia circular contour, accentuated by the Thursday at Logan was the most sue Sumpdence in Sleeves. application of self cords. cessful exposition In the countys his tuous gray fox In generous manner tory. Large crowds attended each day. Among the suits and coats which makes the collar and cuffs. The awards of til prizes has been made have been added to the original early by judges of the various exhibit departments. The entertainment program was fall collection of one New York house THE CRAZE FOR MONKEY FUR are several which make a point of the a great sucess. dared accent, observes a fashion corThese effects are not respondent. By proclamation of Govenor Mabey, Issued Thursday, October 9 has been designated for observance as fire prevention day. Every citizen is urged to take active part, while appeal is made to churches and schools to lend aid to a campaign of fire prevention education. The marriage of Captain Francis C Tyng, formerly a physician of Sal; Lake, now stationed with the A. E. F. at Coblenz, Germany, to Lillian, Baroness Herbudt con Rohden, at Luxem- burg, on August 27, 1921, Is announced In a letter received by Charles Tyng of Salt Lake, a brother of the captain. ' By reason of a contract signed Thursday with the Milner corporation the Utah Steel corporation of Salt Lake Is assured of a supply of as muck as 10,000,000 tons of 'the finest iron re on the continent for jise in the blast furnace and additional iron and steel manufacturing facilities the company plans to erect at Its plant at Midvale. e produced in a flagrant manner, but In the same easy fashion that characterizes all the productions of this house. Lovely soft fabrics of the pile family are chosen in the makeup of a great many of the garments, with the finest quality velvet employed In the Instance of the more dressy type of wrap or suit. Stitcheries are utilized to advantage on several of the coats and suits, the design In many instances following the outline of a sleeve or of an interestingly cut side, back or front section. In the Instance of the flare tnode, the lines of stitchery are applied In such a manner as to accentuate this effect. Many of the models are derivations of imports. One coat is for . the original handling which has been given the sleeves. Cape sides falling from the shoulders to the waistline almost entirely con-- 1 ceal the sleeves. Sable fitch Is Jhe fur chosen to fashion the collar for this coat One of the most striking numbers Is a Jenny coat for evening wear developed in American Beauty chiffon velvet, the fronts treated with alternate bands of mole and gold brocade, the color scheme being most effective. A wide fold of the ma- - Never say Aspirin without saying Bayer. WARNING! Unless you see name Bayer on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Colds Toothache Earache Accept only Bayer Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain package which contains proper directions. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets- - Bottles of, 24 nnd 100 All druggists. ,Aptria is tbe trade mark ot Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacideater of Salley lkac Id Agents, 200 Profit A Wonderful Native Herb Laxative Tablet , Has a national reputation for quick selling and repeating qualities. Write at once for our proposition. Lock Box 1422, St. Louis, Mo. CLEARLY NOT UP TO DATE Art is the mirror in which Nature beholds her faults. Dam Dont Forget Cuticura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites, An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume, rendering other perfumes superfluous, You may rely on It because one of the Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum). 25c each everywhere. Thea Schweitzer of Bingham recentProfiteer Saw at Once What Was ly appointed a general prohibition en-- ; iforcement agent with headquarters in Lacking In Dictionary That No one who has plenty of good Agent Was Offering. (Washington, arrived in Salt Lake on friends can be called poor. Thursday and expects to remain Archer Milton Huntington, the famfor some time- He was recently Important to Mothers ous author and collector, said at a at: Examine carefully every bottle ol assigned temporarily to the offices THOUGHT FOR EARLY AUTUMN The craze for monkey fur still Is at dinner to CASTORIA, that famous old remedy Baychester: Baltimore, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, its height after two years. Here is When a war profiteer begins to for infants and children, and see that where he has participated in a nunw a Parisian coat of Astrakhan which the spectacle Is amusing. Bears the ber of raids. is trimmed most modishly and ex- collect, A ac-iti- ve - i 11 The pensively with monkey fur. new style In fur is to have a comparatively small armhole and snugly-fittin- g (Payment was made to the state of Utah Thursday by the estate of Col- sleeve. onel Enos A. Wall of $G7, 010.91 inheritance tax. Receipt for this payment however, was not issued, and it is (thought probable tlit mandamus proceedings will be instituted In the supreme court of the state against Harvey Cluff, before the receipt does TO HAVE LINGERIE RIBBONS Novelty May Be' Crocheted Fom Pale Pink, Blue or White Mercerized Crochet Cotton. e. Lingerie ribbons crocheted from pale pink, blue or white mercerized crochet cotton are inexpensive, wash well, and keep soft and flat after laundering. Make a chain the length required, allowing something for working up. At the end of the chain, turn and make a single crochet in the tenth chain from the needle. Then make four chains and fasten them down with a single crochet in the fifth stitch along the original chain, and continue doing this over nnd over again until you are back to the start of the original chain. This gives a double row of chains fastened together in every fifth stitch dainty and durable for threading lingerie. Gift set3 may be made witli the ends finished with tiny balls crocheted of the cotton. Shipments of' fruits and vegetables .from Utah during the season ended September 3, aggregated 664 carloads of potatoes, as compared with 25G cars ;,In the same period in 1920, and a total of 539 cars during the year of 1920. 'These figures are obtained from the 'bureau of crops estimates of the department of agriculture. Mormon settlers, through the Diaz Colonization company, are to be restored a tract of land covering 100,000 acres near Colonia Diaz in the northern part of the state of Chihuahua. The Mexican government will do this as a result of protests filed with the state- department by United States Senator W. H. King of Utah'. The property, prior to confiscation by the Mexican government was being developed by the settlers. A Distinctive Blouse. White crepe de chine and white georgette In combination fashion a blouse In the waist line. The blouse proper is developed In georgette, the Taxes to be paid in Utah this year heavier fabric forming a panel at the by car companies, meaning the owners as well as the Peter Pan collar. front railof private cars operated on the is afforded in the slim strands Contrast roads traversing the state, such as the which hold the fullness ribbon of cire Pullman company, Pacific Fruit Exsides. the at fall costume for This suggests early press, and many others, will total a skirt slightly longer than the curThe state board of equalizaYellow and Henna Shades. Soutache braiding and tions acts in this instance as tax as- rent mode. Yellow and henna shades lead in for combine dull smartly gold fringe sessor and collector and distributes the cut trimmings. serge. navy the simply money among the counties in proportion to mileage of railroads. The total collected last year was $28,035.58. ; $47,-SG2.9- . SEPARATE SKIRT STILL IN VOGUE Strawberry High Line Canal company of Provo has filed suit in the Fourth district court against Payson City, eighteen members of the Upper Holliday Field Ditch company and five members of the Lower Holiday Field jDitch company to have the right, titla and interest of the defendants to the waters of Spring creek, including all of jits sources and tributaries, and the use thereof adjudged, determined and settled. I n Various Combinations of Blouses, Garment Serves to Make Different Costume. We have gone all around the cycle, and are back to the separate skirt declare that, sport Some again. clothes are responsible for the return of the separate skirt, but women generally will welcome this old friend, no matter who or what is responsible for This has been a season e the vogue. and silk and sleevewool sweaters of Ernest Kohler, 5 years of age, son of with these garwear for and less; of Mr.' and Mrs. Ernest Kohler, Odgen from suffered the loss of his thumb and ments, skirts have been fashioned tailored the when severely flannel, three fingers of the left hand and the bu1: mostly from silk three first fingers of the right hand type demanded, weave and color. conceivable of every were badly lacerated late Thursday by so attractive, never were skirts The the explosion of a giant cap which he both in t and material, design found concealed under a culvert. The seasummer of the The silken styles boy was removed to the Dee hospital, son give way to those of fall, and if iwhere he received medical attention, one doubts the popularity of the sumlit was announced later that the mer one has but to look at the styles, (amputation of the injured fingers skirts for fall showing, and she will would not be necessary. The boy said see all the old friends, fashioned in jtliat he found the cap which he laid new materials. Plaids that were used on a rock and struck with another rosk. , I , earlier In the game have given way stripes, and every kind of stripe tb could originate in the brain of .m has resulted. Roman, pin, blazer, e broidery, herring bone, aiid others t numerous to mention, all are here, a plaited to bring the darker stripe Ir prominence. Combinations of plai too, are used to vary the monotony the plaited idea. Large and smi plaits in combination vjih the knl variety are to be. found in the sai skirt, and often the material will its own combination, the bottom of t garment fashioned so that the strip run around instead of up and dou forming a border. Separate skirts of Roshanara crej made tunic fashion, are to be h for afternoon affairs and to be wo with georgette blouses, and most the barred silks that found fav for sports attire are to be had in t darker shades for fall. The separa skirt has .fine advantage, In that va otift combinations of blouses serve make a different costume. New York profiteer was visited by a book agent who tried to sell him a very elaborate dictionary for his library. This dictionary, said the book agent, has all the latest modern Improvements, sir. It Includes the newest technical and scientific terms, and there Isnt a feature lacking that goes s to make a work of the kind. a look at her, grunhave Lets ted the profiteer. He examined the dictionary a moment, then he handed it back. Young feller, he said, you cant work that book off on me. Whats the matter with the book? said the agent She aint got no copious index, said the profiteer. Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria Helping Him Out. 'While visiting friends in Cleveland, a young Detroiter was presented with a quart of rye vhisky. He decided to take it home in his suitcase. As the steamer neared the dock he became more and more nervous. Finally, in desperation, he confessed his fears to a fellow voyager. This suitkindly indMdual offered to trade cases and assume all responsibility. The young man was vastly relieved and the change was made. The luggage was not searched and a few minutes later the two met on shore. The young man was 'exceedingly grateful. To Fit the Crime. By the way, he observed, as they Mrs. Youngbride We hadnt been exchanged again, you must have a lot married a week, your honor, before he of things in your suitcase ; Its awfully hit me with a piece of sponge cake. heavy. I have Judge Disorderly conduct. Ten dolYes, said the stranger. In mine. lars and costs. Harpers twelve quarts Mrs. Youngbride And Id made the Magazine, cake with my own hands. Assault with a deadly True love forgives, but It is seldom ( Judge accused of forgetfulness. weapon. One year. first-clas- . Whose fault is it when your husband is cross at breakfast? If you hit your thumb with a hammer you wouldnt blame your thumb for hurting. Then why blame your husband whose nerves may have been pounded by coffee, and whose rest probably has been broken by the irritation of the caffeine it contains? If you stay awake half the night you dont feel any too cheerful. The caffeine of coffee and the thein of tea are known drugs. If their use is persisted in, sooner or later the nervous system may give way. Then you may have insomnia, or disturbed sleep. Your nerves and tissues will be robbed of that stability essential for normal and happy living. You can avoid this possibility if you'll stop drinking tea and coffee and drink instead, rich, pleasing Postum. Postum is the delicious cereal beverage with flavor. It a coffee-lik- e affords the advantages ol a hot drink, without the ill effects of tea or coffee. Order Postum from your grocer today. Try it with the family for a few days, and see what a dif-- ference therell be how it will permit Nature to bring sound sleep and strong, sturdy, quiet nerves. Sold by grocers. Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly In the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. ittfi LnJHIKilfo |