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Show : r i lr I I ' SOUTH CACHE COURIER- - HYRUM, UTAH kikfoe Christmas Gift. Efisssnsfc watches or silverware. BOYD INTERESTS LOSE LAST DRY LAW FIGHT, BEING APPROVED. LIQUOR WAR-TIM- E PARK roVNMOl(M MAKERS OF JEWELRY salt imi WO MAIN STREET city Decision Rendered by Supreme Court Reverses Contention That Measure Was Outside of Emergency Powers of Congress. Typewriters By unanimous decision, constitutionality of the wartime prohibition act was sustained on Monday, December 15, by the supreme court. The opinion, given by Associate Justice Brandeis, held in effect, however, that the dry" period still may be terminated by presidential proclamation of demobilizaWashington. war-invoke- Rnted .Repaired, Soli S0 to $100. Utah Office and School Supnlv 32 W. 2nd South. Salt Lake City, Utah Price-$7.- d Get in the Cut Tire Business tion. The Tire Stores of Utah, a i?n. afe opening In rendering its opinion the court, however, did not act upon the validity of the Volstead prohibition act or on appeals Involving .the alcoholic content of beer, leaving those cases to future opinions. Mondays decision practically swept away all hopes of a wet Christmas, as the possibilities of the wartime act being repealed before constitutional prohibition becomes effective one month hence, were considered 100 Rate $100,000 tire stores conwra. in thestateof They want a live wire business either experienced or inexperienced in theraaB tire business, to open up a branch storcin tics citv The Tire Stores of Utah will conduct a retail chaiu of stores, selling first and second tiresat greatly reduced prices. These tires are all guaranteed for 3500 to 8000 miles, and are purchased from the world's largest tire jobbers in Chicago and New York at rock bottom prices This isa wonderful opportunity for ONE MAN in this city to get in on this proposition with a moderate investment. If you are interested wire, telephone or address AD. REINSBERg' President Tire Stores of Utah, lM155Reaent Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. All applications will be considered in the order rowed. Utah. remote. The cases decided were those of the Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse company of Louisville, Ky., and Blum and company of New York, Instituted for the purpose of compelling the government to release whiskey from bond. In both cases the court denied contentions of Ellhu Root and other attorneys for the distillers that the act in violation of the constitution takes private property without just compensation, that the period of the war emergency for which the act was passed had terminated, that the law was an interference with the state police powers and an undue exercise of the war powers of congress. Congress did not intend for the wartime act to terminate on the conclusion of the war, but at the end of the period of demobilization, in the view which held that the of the court, the war clearly did not jasolik3l6t:-Gmean cessation of hostilities. The wartime act, the court also said, Is not confiscatory, asserting that more than nine months were given distillers to dispose of their stocks, which time the court believed to be adequate. The act also was not repealed, the court held, by the prohibition constitutional amendment, which, it asserted, Is binding not only in peace but also in war times. Dry-foo- s, f SAYS Iowa PERIL FRONTS ROADS. Senator Scents Disaster Unless Action Is Taken. Washington. Congress was warned on Monday that if the railroads were turned back to their owners without euactment meanwhile of legislation for protection of the properties, of the roads would be In the hands of receivers within thirty days. and Speaking with earnestness frankness, Chairman Cummins of the senate Interstate commerce committee which drafted the pending railroad bill declared the senate could not afford to set it aside or delay its consideration, in view of the apparent determination of President Wilson to end government control the first day of the new year. two-thir- Daniels Praises Colored Troops. Washington. Speaking in behalf of a movement to erect in Washington a monument to negro soldiers and sail ors, Secretary Daniels declared that die world war was not the first time American colored soldiers had fought trained Prussian troops and given a good account of themselves." Reach Agreement With Brotherhood. Washington.- -' Under an agreement between the railroad administration and the four brotherhoods of train and enginemen, announced Monday, - time and a half for overtime in slow freight service will become effective as of December 1. Mrs. Judge Lindsey Injured. Milwaukee. Mrs. Henrietta Lindsey, wife of Judge Ben B. Lindsey of Denver, was one of, seven persons injured when a Chicago & Northwestern railroad train was accidentally de railed at Mequoin. Ranger Killed in Snowslide. Ogden, Utah. narold M. Morrison, forest ranger In the Cache forests, who left Ogden Friday, was killed in a snowslide near Logan, according to the advices received at the forest service headquarters in Ogden. AFTER Igin, SLEEP OF CENTURIES for the Christmas tree is one of those things which seems to explain itself or not to need any explanation. But why the mistletoe, that in so many homes certainly no home where there are young people is without at least one bunch advantageously hung is as much of the Christmas scheme as the tree itself? And why is It perfectly proper and quite the thing to kiss under the mistletoe? Why, the mistletoe is dedicated to love and kissing, of course, Is a sign of love among civilized nations. This must be so, for there is a perfectly satisfactory legend In Scandinavian mythology that tells all about it. O&ce upon a. time there was a god named Baldur, who had charge of the sunshine and all the bright and beautiful things that sunshine helps to make. His father and mother, Woden and Frigga, for whom Wednesday and Friday are named, were very proud of their yellow-haireboy ; for he was so handsome and good natured that everybody loved him. Everybody? Well, not quite. There was one dark god named Lokl, who had care of fire and all the terrible things it does, and this Lokl hated Baldur bitterly. For, in the spring, you know, the people all left the hearth fires that Lokl looked after, and went out to rejoice because Baldur had brought back the glorious sun. And for this Lokl hated Baldur more and more each year, and longed to hurt him in some dreadful way. It seemed, however, that Baldur could never be Injured or made miserable. When he grew up he married Nanna, which means Blossom in English, and every day he looked happier than before. But one morning he awoke greatly troubled; he had dreamed of dying! What could It mean this dream of death to the god of joy? And the next night It came again, and the next, and the next! His father and mother were so worried that they could not sleep, and at length his father, Woden, went far down Into the land of night to talk with the evil ones there and find out what they Intended to do to his boy. And what do you suppose he found? A table set for those who must come to the land of darkness, and one seat was prepared for Baldur! Almost wild with sorrow, Woden hurried back with the sorrowful message to his ' wife. Meanwhile, however, Frigga had been thinking and thinking, and just as Woden entered she gave him the Joyful news that she had hit upon the very plan to save their son. And the plan? Well, it was this: they should send out messengers all over the world and ask everything the trees, the rocks, the mountains, the animals, the waters, everything to promise never to harm their Baldur. Woden was delighted with Friggas plan. So the messengers went out all over tlje world and asked everything to promise never to harm Baldur. And all the .world seemed to think It was a fine plan, for everything gladly gave the promise never, never, never to .hurt the god of sunshine. Yes, everything in all the world promised except just one thing. The mistletoe that hung on the great oak outside Valhalla, the home of the gods, was feeling out of sorts when the mesPromise you will senger arrived. never, never, never harm Baldur, the snld the messenger. god of sunshine Why should I make such a promise? (Hiked the mistletoe. Ecclesiastic May Be Said tc turned to Earth for a Brief Moments. There was a little gathering In the green graveyard of an old priory church, there was the rector and an old antiquary in nisty black, a few neighboring squires, the county police sergeant, the sexton and a laborer or two, while an ancient stone coffin, recently unearthed, lay on the ground. Who do you suppose it is, professor? Inquired the rector. The old man In black polished Wi glasses and adjusted them carefully. It must be Thomas DeBoehmg, he Thomas who was prior here in said. the time of Henry HI. about 1220. But we shall see. A hush fell on d yellow-haire- 1 d Have Re. Few the group as the men set to work with hammer and chisel. All ready, the sexton reported and presently. They took off their hats the policeman removed his helmet The aside ponderou lid was slowly pushed ealm, the at were and they gazing In rich strong face of an ecclesiastic 700 his in silk vestments, wrapped years sleep. the Yes, its Thomas, murmured recoone of air professor, with the Very like the gnizing; an old friend. vellum. contemporary portrait on the spelgaze, to As they continued The happened. weird a thing lbound, colotheir vestments gradually lost coffin ring and then All that the to talned crumbled before their eyes mere handful of ashes. Dust to dust, whispered the tor. the Uie Very subdued and silent Times. London company dispersed. con-- So the messenger told about Baldurs Hodur, who was so unhappy because dream and Wodens visit to the land he could not see that he seldom smilof night and the plan to save Baldur. Come Promise J said the messenAll the world is promising. ger. I will not promise, said the mistletoe. And he didnt, in spite of all the messenger could say. But who cared? What could anything so frail as the mistletoe do to harm Baldur? His refusal was forgotten in the general rejoicing over the fact that all the world had promised never to harm Baldur. And the- rejoicing was great. And when the rejoicing was at Its height the gods, just for a lark, began to throw things at Baldur, knowing nothing could hurt him. What fun they did have! One would throw a ock, another a spear, another a ball of fire, and two or three getting together would hurl a whole tree trunk; but as soon as anything drew near him, it leaped to one side or the other, and refused to strike him. Now, wasnt that wonderful? One day, as the young gods were shouting over the way they couldnt hit him, an old woman, seeing Frigga at her spinning wheel, asked what the laughter and noise were about. answered Frigga, proudly, Oh, the gods are amusing themselves trying to hurt my boy ; but they can never do it, for all things have promised never to harm him. Is that so? exclaimed the old woman. Everything? in the world except Yes, everything the little mistletoe, who, of course, couldnt hurt anybody. Well, I am glad to hear iit, said the old woman, ns she turned away. The old woman was Lokl in dis! - ; guise ! He hurried straight to the old oak, climbed up, and cut a piece of mis. tletoe, and, running to his dark den, turned the slender bit of vine by magic Into a long, sharp spear. Then, with the evil weapon, he rushed to where the gods were playing. Everybody was still shouting over the fun except Baldurs blind brother. ed, and almost never laughed. Why dont you play? asked Loki, , 1 How can a blind god play? answered Hodur, sorrowfully. Lokl laughed loudly. Why, Ill show you how, he said. GOOD ADVICE Stand here and throw this spear with PHANTOM GAVE all your might. to Frew Hodur took the spear, aimed it as Apparition That Appeared Some Loki directed, and hurled it with all Shepherd Wae Poesibly latlon to the Leprechaun. the power of his strong arm. It hissed through the air; it struck; Baldur, abovi Every Irishman can tell you the god of sunshine, fell dead! The man little forgotten little thing, the mistletoe, the" Leprechaun, the caJ) a peaked with in red dresses . had killed a god! e ditches. Only Silently his' body was put' upon his lives in the at a time, and if e can see him sendwas and all made ready for ship, never . catch sight of him, must ing the vessel out to sea, as was the his nio. a single for off eyes custom among the gods. Then came must him carefully, he Nanna, his wife, to see him for the Watching siu'cee be and catch him, and if last time ; but when she saw .the beauram so the Leprechaun will doing tiful yellow hair about the white face captor his she could not bear the sight, and fell himself by, leading At least, so buried of creek gold. dead beside him. And so, side by side, the legend. .lh.rd i they lay upon the great ship as it Some years ago a French fol. was set afire and floated out into the sheep. two far-of- f ocean. And of evenings, when of Aveyron lost a' a , a flgurg in the sun is going down, you yourself lowing evening head tonsured with and , ,oS( may see Baldurs ship still burning in to look foi him told and him, west. the distant rav. members of Ills flock in a But ail nature refused to be comthei would lie adding that forted; it mourned so bitterly that Altes, more , ,nli than sheep. Hela restored Baldur to life at Easter the next The shephej. day time so that sunshine came back to the cave mouth exactly as dea'. ())lj the world. were his two sheep. Moreover, to put the mistletoe on Its Inside he came upon a chapel oarvei good behavior the gods decreed that rock and containing chalices, forever and forever it should be Frigsticks all nide candle and gas sacred plant and evermore should silver, and of very considerable J aUe.; stand for friendship and love. A letter found In a missal slm uf But that' Lokl might never have m! had been used as a the place r anything to do with the mistletoe, the worship during the Reign of g.i gods declared .that it must never come 1793. The shepherd took tne a down to his kingdom, the earth; and ments to his parish priest so to this day it grows far up in the find. well rewarded for his trees, and at Christmastlde is hung In Min above our heads in the house. r Good Thing to Keep And, since the mistletoe is the sign When you are talking of friendship and love, and Christmas f people, even In the strictes Is the time of peace and good will r keep this In no is home why, complete without the veallng business or odd green bunch with Its waxen white I may private affairs, which berries. -- ; t -- " v njjj someday? ' |