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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH The Quarterly Conference of1 the We understand thot Mrs. Eugene Wells-vill- e Petersen has been very ill the past Hyrum Stake will be held at on Saturday and , Sunday Oct. 1919 few days. Frida, Oct. 10, 18th and 19th respectively. MeetMr. and Mrs. Niels Jeppeson of Entered at the Poistotfke ,.yrnm, Utah ings at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m- of each as second doss mail matter, udder the Act Arco, Ida. are Hyrum visitors for a day. A good attendance of officers ' of March 3 1879 day or two. and members is earnestly desired Lewiston of Mr. Denton Rogers on both days. Stake Presidency. J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manager is visiting his mother, Mrs. Rogers, 80jand 160aere farms for sain of this city. by SHEPPARD & CO., Idaho Fal Mr. and Mrs. Niels Monson of acre. $10 an acre down. SOOTH CACHE COCKIER - Local News , , q FIND - Women a great Laxati vemiicL pleasarirc3, and tain so thoroly cleansing puryfying that Constipation disappe!!' and when your Constipation goes your Complexion improve- s- you wJi! better eat better feel better. 9 Give it a thoro trial and you will recommend it to all your wo men friends. 35c a package, at Hyrum Drug Co. Hollistors Rocky Mountain Tea I Dont forget to Register next Tuesday, Oct. 14th. Goshen, Idaho, are visiting relatives and friends in Hyrum. WANTED Chickens, highest Mrs. Julia Lewis and daughter cash price paid. Jensens Grocery, Onita of Logan were guests of Dr. Adv. and Mrs. Hyrum. Worley last Friday. APPLES For good winter apFor Transfer and Express Service ples go to Hiram Hall, Sr., 1st ward to anv part of town or valley, call AD. Hyrum or call phone 47. on C. H. Nielsen or at Hyrum UnAd. Mr. Hiram Hansen of Shelley, ion Mill. has been visiting his parents Mr. Go to the 3rd ward Bazaar next and Mrs. 0. H. Hansen of this city. Tuesday afternoon and evening and FOR SALE a limited number of see the fine displays of handi-woryoung pigs, will be ready to take done by the children. All kinds of Oct. 20. Prices right A. D. Allen refreshments will be served. or H. P. Anderson, Hyrum. Ad Mr. Parley Savage of Logan, was Mr. Robert Baxter has just ina Hyrum business visitor hstThurs-dnv- . stalled a new water wheel at his Mr. Savag has some valuable mill south of town, and is now real estate and 'and for sale. See ready to clean and grind grain for his ad in anther column. his many customers. We received the following item a Miss Hazel Call of Afton Wyo. few davs since which we overlooked: returned to her home last WednesA baby boy arrivedaf the home of day morning after a pleasant visit Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gibbs at of two weeks with her parents, Mr. on Wednesday Sept. 24. Providence and Mrs. D. J. James of Paradise. All concerned are doing fine. We have under construction a Mayor Jensen, H. G. Johnson and dozen beet racks, same as used by son Orland and Ezra terson, rethe sugar companies, and pronouncfrom turned the Camas on market. Meadows, the ed by them the best last Wednesday, where they Anderson & Sons Co., Hyrum. Ad. daho, been investigating some land lave Marcusen was Mrs. Magnus propositions. Mr. H. G. Johnson operated on for the removal of while there took a run down to tonsils and adenoids last Tuesday by to his visit son George, who Weiser, Dr. Worley at the Logan Hospital. moved to that last spring. place i3 The along k lady very nicely. - Girls Ladies reported getting Tuesday evening Oct. 21, at 8:30 in the Third Ward Meeting House, Miss Drew of the Utah Conservatory of Music presents a part of her Hyrum class in a recital. The public is invited. Mrs. Barney and children of Me-naIdaho, were Hyrum visitors the past week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Christensen. Mrs. Barney is a daughter of Mr. ' Christensen. n, Dr. Worley reports the following new arrivals: A son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alma A. Jackson of Avon, land a baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hall of Hyrum. All concerned are doing nicely. Messrs. Ernest and T. W. Peterson shipped ten double decked Carloads of choice lambs to St. Joseph Mo. A carload of cattle and one of hogs were shipped by Allen & Anderson to Ogden, with the same train. farm for sale in Pocatello Valley, the best dry farm district in the west. 400 acres under cultivaGood tion, 200 acres summer followed early and seeded with Turkey Rec wheat, 80 acres good pasture with spring and reservoir, ail kinds of farm implements including combine harvester and engine, also ten heac of horses 2 wagons, white top anc light buggy. Also 220 of high lane 50 acres under cultivation, some machinery and 4 horses and harnesses. Easy terms on all, 6 per cent on deferred payments. Inquire Jno. O. Adv. Hansen, Ridgedale, Idaho. The E. Forest Tavlor Co made a decided hit with tha presentation of the pleasing corned v drama The Girl form the Golden West at the ilex Theatre last Wednesdy night. The house was filled to its capaeity, and as usual the play was well staged and ably presented, keeping the large audience interested from start to finish. The Co. will be here again in about three weeks when they expect to give Hyrum people another treat in the fascinating play Mv Irieh Rose. each'yearsAcrops thereafter .purchase,' price unt paid One-ha- lf for. No sand, lavaii gravel. All excellent soil. No leveling. All plowed and ready for spiing cropGood 5 miles to market. ping. Adv. Water Right. Acres LEGAL NOTICES. Consult the County Clerk or the Respective Signers For Further Information. Withn ampie of 'water r"" Probate and Guardianship Notices. IN THE DISTRICT COTjjua THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF UTAH, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CACHE. NOTICE Close to Sugar Factory TO CREDITORS In the Matter of Estate of Elvira Carlm, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Hyrum, City, Utah, nn or before the 30th day of October, 1919. Date of 1st publication Sept. 5th, Parley Savage REALr ESTATE 1919. Office, Harris Block, Logan, Utah Phone 809 W. Aaron Christiansen, Administrator of the Estate of Elvira Carlson. Adv dcjaed. Dan tPay Excessive RATES !! Get the Policy Best Adapted FOR.TOU pH HUM -- SINCE THE BOSS GET THE IDEA? SEE ME FIRST POT GOODRICH TIRES ON HIS CAR ITlS MADE A BOM OUT OF ME All Kinds of Insurance H. W. OAKES HYRUM, UTAH - Guard Against Flu. Already the Board of Health offices in different states in the East are warning the people to guard against the Flu. They predict a return of influenza again this winter. The medical profession admit their helplessness while Chiropractors can show by figures their success' in handling Flu cases. Out of every 886 cases of Flu they lost only 1. If you want to protect yourself from the Flu call in once a week and let J. W. Dunn, the Chirodractor, give you an adjustment. J. W. DUNN, D. Office, over Postoffice Hyrum, Utah. - C. Houfs: 10-1- 2, 1-- 5 7-- 8 OUT OF A JOB Hyrum Garage The ! ftf fT f t t t Ohio, City Of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City Of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH VVfl Co. Place the Guarantee Holds Good t t State of MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed 1ft my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A, W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Halls Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Halls Family Pills for constipation. Beet Farm , A f Batteries Loaned While You Wait v Utah . Call Phone 130 W. - Hyrum, $ |