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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER- HYRUM, UTAH - Left wing Socialists have Issued a Belgium Recuperating. Display of Ribbon. call to radlculs throughout the country Tlie rapid growth of the railway When tlie war started and Gen. PeyDont Go From Bad to Worse! to attend a convention In Chicago on ton March, chiefs of staff, first ap- services in Belgium is helping restore and Are you always weak, miserable the com- peared before the senate military com- normal conditions ln that country, September 1 to organize Then its time you lounil out munist party of America. mittee in connection with military leg- wlilph was regarded ns having among what is wrong. Kidney weakness A third skeleton was dug up at islation, he wore a single ribbon on his the best means of communication becauses much suffering from backache, rheumatic and stiffness of fore lameness, war. the tlie At in tlie beginning Maple Hill, Kansas, Sunday, by the coat, denoting his campaigns danger brings if and neglected, pains, stute officials investigating the mys- army. Now, together with ribbons de- December, 1918, Belgium had available of serious troubles dropsy, gravel and 305 cars with a tonnage of 3,790. Dont delay. Use terious disappearance of four men noting foreign decorations as well as only Brights disease. Pills. They have toAt Doan's of tlie 1919, Kidney some June, beginning there during the last eight years. given him In tills country, should and thousands help you. helped had in service-0.10- 1 cars with a Ask In (lie second raid on food supplies gether with service liars, lie bus three neighbor! your of Now 1,056 freight 123,361. stored in the Detroit Itefrigeratlng rows of them over tlie left hand pock- tonnage The News Happenings of in a row would meas- trains run daily in Belgium. and if et, placed at An Idaho Case company's plant Detroit, agents of Agitation for" a plebiscite In Dutch the department of justice seized 7,040,-09- ure nearly two feet. Seven Days Paragraphed Mrs. J. W. Webster, Limburg under tlie direction of the eggs anti approximately 300,000 0110 Eighth St., LewisBelIn on is of Naiions v going I League ton, Idaho, says: Cuticura for Sore Hands. pounds of butter. trouble from my of had in where favor gium, expressions Awakened from his sleep and lured Soak hands on retiring in, the hot suds this movement kidneys of a dropsical are being made by nature. Mornings my INTERMOUNTAIN. outside of his home on the pretext nf Cuticura Soap, dry and rub in hands were swollen so Remove surplus every commune under tlie leadership Ointment. badly I could hardly Tlie strainer Editor, named by the Unit a rope was needed with which to of tlie 01111111(100 on national politics, close them and my This Ointment with is tissue of the paper. honor ia board low mi automobile that had broken liilipim; in feet were swollen, too set the forth that Belgians They will one do Cuticura of the of the United down, Dean Trnbbic, deputy sheriff only women The flesh under my things per men and tlie in Dutch are majority Limburg puffed up eyes was was launched at of Erie, Misli., was shot and killed Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used I had other anStates and Canada and never were and Dutch. Adv. for all toilet purposes. of from ambush by four men. noying symptoms Seattle on August 1C, In the presence com p a In t. kidney of members of the Pills Doan's ,, cheering scores Kidney WASHINGTON. Paradoxical Hopes. No Illuminations. fixed me up In good National Editorial association, gathereTlie house prohibition enforcement I am writing a sea story." shape. are Tlie dark of coining." the days dry all from Seattle parts d in hill, as redrafted by a subcommittee, it? Do can think land you yoti when enn will he dark 1919 lias l)oi!i ordered nobody They Get Doans at Any Store, 60c n Bo minify to attend the association's' favorably reported get lit i Baltimore American. up. imnention. to the senate by tlie judiciary comkid-1- ,, mittee. Citizens of Walsenburg, Colo., CO BUFFALO, N.T. Tlie golden eagle, like oilier good Silence is golden and some remarks schedun,cd three I. W. V. agitators Records made public August 16 show are tenors, is a rare bird. very brassy. led to speak at a mass meeting, and war contracts awaiting liquidation ,lia.ed them out of town. amount to more than $2,000,000,000, i Nineteen persons were injured when although 80 per cent of tlie emergency near coinmiimonts of the government have overturned a passenger train Chester, Colo., a defective rail being been settled. tlie cause. President Wilson lias vetoed the bill Mim operators of the Coeur dAlene repealing the daylight saving law. The district lime decided, not to attempt president sapl he returned tlie hill AN OHIO druggist writes to The Practical Druggist, prominent New York their properties, which without his in oper.itc utmost the with approval practically were closed down when tlie Drug Journal, as follows! Please furnish formula for Castoria. All the reluctance, because he realized tlie strike of rimers belonging to the Internvery considerable, and in some respects have worked with are either ineffective or disagreeable to administer. formulas ational Union of Mine, Mill and Smeltto serious which inconveniences very er Workers went into effect. To this The Practical Druggist replies! We do not supply formulas for As a result of an electrical storm on tlie daylight saving law subjects tlie forest fires are farmers of the country. Sunday night forty-onproprietary articles. We couldnt if we wanted to. Your experience with imitative Plans for old age pensions for perhurning in tlie Cascade districts in sons more than Go years of age were formulas is not surprising, but just what is to be expected. When Castoria is . Oregon. SenThe Independent mill at Victor, Cola bill in introduced hy proposed you make a substitute, is not fair or wanted, why not supply the genuine? orado, was robbed Thursday night, ator McXury, Republican, Oregon. liandits overpowered two watchmen Under its provisions persons with inright to label it Castoria. We can give you all sorts of laxative preparations for and escaped vvitli a quantity of gold comes of not more than .$6 a week concentrates. Tlie watchmen are "in would children, but not Castoria, and we think a mother who asks for Castoria would "ceive a weekly pension of $4. a hospital at Victor. No estimate of Replying to a senate resolution, Difeel kindly toward you if you gave her your own product under such name. the amount of loot has been made. rector General of Railroads Ilines DOMESTIC. child will overlook the signaNo mother with a spark of affection for (lie senate that while there A. 35 to (in per cent increase in hud been some car shortage in the wages is demanded for 117,000 fireture of Chas. H. Fletcher when buying Castoria. bituminous coal districts, he did not men and hostlers on railroads in the ih transporanticipate any shortages United States and Canada in a wage tation which will be in any sense ex.scale adopted before adjournment Sunceptional or abnormal or which will day by 000 general chairmen of the justify oppressive prices for coal. t brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen -1J FOREIGN. and Enginciiien in session at ClevelNet Cnntanfs 15 Fluid Tkachm Canadian cannon which firecl tlie and. j . . shots at tlie Germans on armistice o! , Two American aviators, Lieutenant last November 11, 1918, were presentday, Paul 11. Davis and Harold G. Peterson, Mons with elabxi(gS are reported as having been captured ed to tlie village of Mff orate ceremonies. "8 by bandits m Mexico and are being of tlie Italian Thirty-eigh- t officers held for ransom, a number of civilians are S3 Tlie 1200 striking Northern Pacific army and who Italians the among prominent slmpnien at Tacoma returned to tlieir will lie decorated with the American places Saturday morning, following Service medal by Genorders issued by their officials. The Distinguished 3 -on his forthcoming visit SgtaflJw eral ALCOHOL 3 PER CJ2NT. Pershing Milwaukee shopmen went to work AVeefablePrcparationforAs to Italy. earlier in tlie week. similatintheFood by Alexander P. Iswolsky, veteran RusTlie sugar and Bowels j. shortage in this country sian to ambassador and diplomat ioon will lie relieved, according to the France at the outbreak of the war, is Inited States sugar equalization board, 8!, dead. He was 54 years old. "inch announced Why do we so often call your attention to imitations of Fletchers Saturday that it had ,j5J PromotinDteesb.Ql1 Tlie Italian cabinet, the Popolo Romore than 100 Thereby Because it is a babys medicine and imitations are always Castoria? ships engaged in bringi- mano Cheerfulness andRestContains says, has decided not to levy a ng sugar from Cuba. nr dangerous, particularly imitations of a remedy for infants. Infieither Opium, Morphine Drivers of retail milk wagons in tax on inheritances at this time. Your druggist may not keep an imitation but they are to be found stead the government will force Mineral. NotMarcotic Few York City have formulated dedrug-stoon shelves. Reliable druggists think only of the welfare to to loans the persons wealthy grant mands for .$50 a week and a inof their customers. a low of rate The other kind only of the greater profit to be at Sts government very Jhmp&mSwi to (iay he presented to tlieir employterest. made on imitations. jjVi es when tlieir t present contract SSS was The forwarding of mail detained at JniseStttt the last of October. Your own judgment teUs you that Fletchers Castoria having for London war the tlie by during postal Wholesale hoarding of foodstuffs in over thirty years at great expense held up its reputation, must jealyamStat censor will be completed August 30, tlie hastily improvised N (lanftitolgP warehouses ously guard it. Then, it foUows that this company must use the very storage war office announces. The mail was ,l2ri5njmwi flavvP hy amateur of material. Must employ experts in the selection of the herbs. best speculators has been dis- held because its transmission would covered at New York Remedy for. Must hclpM A retain skilled chemists in its manufacture. by agents of the have assisted the German military and department of justice. Constipation and Diarrhoea, naval Your same good judgment must tell you that these irresponsible plans. Petitions for the recall of and Feverishness aol I imitators are Mayor Australia strike of seamen has come Sleep1 T inith and Finance Commissioner oss trading on your credulity and the reputation built up of u to an a Mr. ihefefrom'inhjfenty from end, special dispatch Fletcher, during all these years, for his Castoria. by L're, Street Commissioner resulting Roy Sydney, N. S. IV., to the Vancouver fowl and Police Commissioner Dean MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF JaeSiraiie Signatured FLETCHERS CASTORIA Province announced. The strike was Puiger, have been filed at Omaha. called two months ago. Concession Tlie ninth annual convention of the by the ALWAYS government ended the walkout, atioual Old Trails association came tlie special said. to a close at Durango, Colo., on August A womans demonstration at Berlin without selection of the 1920 confor the speedy return of German pristention City. Tlie selection was left oners of war on Friday ended when executive committee. tlie women were dispersed by the W hen tlie police arrested Frank yl's of Sioux City, la., in a Chicago police. , The Suez canal lias been blocked by ootel as a suspect in the robbery of the Exact Copy of Wrapper. a mnk at sinking of the Italian cruiser BasTHE CENTAUW COMMWV.NeWVO.K CITV. Dempster, S. O., they found ilicata after an explosion, according thousand dollars worth of to advices from Port jf'eral Said. The cruisnickels piled on the floor. er sank near Tewfik. Pive persons were Why Is it we always need a handIf the toothache doesnt worry a instantly killed Tlie German government has rejectPARKERS Ueia some fellow most on the day we forget kerchief other because man mu, O., when an automobile Its ed the demand of the allies for the it? which they were A toilet preparation of merit; ju riding was struck recall of Gen. von Der Goltz, com- has it. Helps to eradicate dandruff. it Western For Restoring Color and ' Ohio traction car. mander in chief of German forces in to Gray and Faded Hair, Beauty A A man does not amount to much One strong point of many a woman 50c. and i 00 at druggist's. jury m Mount Clemens, Mich., Hie Baltic provinces. can It. he unless Is of tlie end Warded Henry Ford six cents at the prove hatpin. s French pilots and observers killed fuourtiB comiorc t "l f against the Chicago Tribune for and wounded during the war aggrefeet, makes walking easv. 15o. bv mail or at milling him an anarchist. gists, Hiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N, gated 69 per cent of tlie total flying Revocation of railway rights of way personnel of slightly less than 13,000. Its Species. Hough Indian reservations or lands - Did the The Japanese government has infind you a good genealogist ' le Knmtees over a period of five formed the government of Admiral family tree? tdls ,mve failed to construct roads Kolchak that ! Sure. Its a peach Japan is unable to accede hi utilize other land granted them to its Kidney disease is no respecter of per- signals that the kidneys need help. to several send divisions request viis sons. A majority of the ills afflicting You should use GOLD MEDAL Haarrecommended In a report sent to of The Exception. The troops to assist Kolchak in the eople today can be traced back to the lem Oil Capsules immediately. ougress by Secretary Lane. 111 wind wnr nguinst the Bolshevik!. soothing, healing oil stimulates the An idney trouble. brings no one good. Die funeral of The kidneys are the most important kidneys, relieves inflammation and deAndrew Carnegie I am sure the doctors would not The coal miners of Yorkshire, where the germs which have caused it. the are of ,l' held at Shadow the They stroys body. organs lJrootc, ids suui-- 1 more than 200,000 men have been on wish. for a well wind. of your blood. If the poisons Go to your druggist today and get a )U,e ln the which are swept trom the tissues by the box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Berkshire, August strike since July 21, have decided to There was no eulogy and there resume In twenty-fou- r hours you blood are not eliminated through the Capsules. work. me no kidneys, disease of one form or another should feel health and vigor returning. The service was pallbearers.. After you feel somewhat improved will claim you as a victim. Three silver iox skins for which ! s "t'le as were the tastes aud habits I Strong and Health Kidney disease is usually indicated by continue to take one or two capsules .$2500 lias been refused in London the nmn jn ilfe s so to as each the Mr1 they Tire, Smart, Ih I keep day, nervousness, of sleeplessness, weariness, Fully t, were obtained in Archangel for six Dura, despondency, backache, stomach trou- condition and ward off the danger of persons present were meiu-ri- s bottles of TOUrESES Soig Irrit ble, pain iu loins and lower abdomen, other attacks. whiskey by a British officel, of the household. The others se Murine often. Safe for Infant or A Ask for the original Imported GOLD gall stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica MEDAL who has just returned from northern nr i intimates brand. Three sizes. Money reof the family. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye I and lumbago. Russia. are nature funded if they do not help you. s All these derangements Hurino Eya Remedy Company, U. half-sick- ? Bel-riu- . m -- 0 Cu-ticu- rn -- 1(1 1 doans sax? FOSTER-MILBUR- - - - v j . Imitations Are Dangerous. a I e it If not' a her Fp Children Cry .. 'll l"V iIf Mothers Must Use Care. m re six-ho- I ex-ldi'- es If ji Wil-uu- GENUINE new CASTORIA - Hair balsam daiii-iuo- ITS NOT YOUR HEART; ITS YOUR KIDNEYS . I 1 ' one-lia- first-clas- Va Chicago, |