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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH Lteut. Col. Theodore Roosevelt of Oyster Bay has agreed to be a candidate for the Republican nomination for assemblyman from the Second assembly district of Nassau county, N. Y., it is announced. The big navy dirigible commanded by Lieut. N. J. Learned with a crew of six men and two passengers Another Outbreak of Pest Is ExIMPORTANT bound from Cap May, N. J., to WashTHE OF ICORD' pected, Perhaps Within Next ington, exploded with terrific force EVENTS TOLD IN BRIEFE8T Few Months. Just after landing near Baltimore, and MANNER POSSIBLE. of the large crowd of spectators, seventy-fivwere injured. Agents of the department of justice CAPABLE OF GREAT DAMAGE Happening! That Are Making Hlatory and customs and revenue inspectors Information Gathered from All have seized opiate drugs valued at and Globe the of $40,000 and arrested a number of Insect Feeds Quartera Chiefly on Wheat Plant Chinese at Woodstock, HI.' The officers Given In a Few Lines. and In Smaller Measure on Barley said they believed they had uncovered and Rye Straws Break and one of the most extensive drug rings in Fall Before the Harvest INTERMOUNTAIN. this part of the country, Two persons were instantly killed, WASHINGTON. (Prepared by the United States Departhunone fatally Injured and a half ment of Agriculture.) An official announcement from the dred others received severe electrical office of the director of sales In possession f experts Knowledge the at shocks when lightning struck a crowd- war of the United States department of said department surplus stocks ed grandstand at a homecoming week of canned leads to the belief that the agriculture would sold in be vegetables celebration at Whltewood, S. D. carload lots to municipalities at cost Hessian fly, the worst enemy of wheat, three and stocks of canned Five hundred automobiles, meat at 20 per has begun gradually to Increase. The of Infestation, accordlug to hundred of which carried liquor, were cent below cost, provided they were percentage bethe fall showed a distinct Incount, stopped by the state constabulary resold to the public at the prices for crease over that of last year. The tween Brighton, Colo., and the which they were purchased. strte line during Monday A contract signed by the railroad principal controlling parasites are apabsent or very scarce, parThe and morning. Tuesday early night administration fixed annual compensa- parently In Anthe middle West. ticularly drivers of the cars were allowed to tion of $8,319,376 for the Denver & other outbreak of the pest is expectof lack of adequate Rio Grande. proceed because ed, perhaps within the next few facilities to handle offenders. The deficit Incurred in operation of months. The accompanying illustrawas imposed by A fine of $4500 railroads under government control tion, which is being distributed by the Judge It. Lee, at Helena, upon Ii. B. during the month of May amounted to department as a poster, presents the Smith, president of the Butte Daily approximately $39,000,000 net operat- means of combating it. Bulletin company, who was convicted Among insect crop pests in the ing income totaling $38,530,000. of sedition. The charge was based on United .States, the Hessian fly stands Problems adminthe railroad facing publication in the Bulletin of an ediistration will be the first busi- first in evil reputation and possibilitorial in which it was alleged the ness laid before among President Wilson on ties. In bad years, hundreds of thousands of acres of wheat may be totally authority of the state council of dehis return to Washington. fense was questioned. reduced as much destroyed or the until next as 75 per cent byyield Congress adjourned There is no necessity for submitting this parasite. the dispute of the telephone operators Tuesday, July 8, after enacting all Named for Mercenaries. and the company to arbitration, appropriation bills needed by the govThe Hessian fly is not a native of declared Postmaster General Burleson ernment agencies for the new fiscal America and nobody knows whence it came or how. It was noticed in in a telegram to Mayor Stewart of year. As war time prohibition took effect 1779 on Long Island, N. Y., in the JReno. An infernal machine . was found on July 1, the department of justice vicinity of the place where Lord Howes army, largely Hessian merInside a combined harvester at the announced that its agents throughout had camped three years bethe would not to cenaries, country stop attempt farm of Irvin Jacobs, near American fore. The 2 the sale of cent beer. popular belief was that per Utah. Pork, Jacobs blames I. W. W. the had brought the Insect Hessians members for the attempted destructStringent regulations governing the over ln the straw used by them as sale of alcohol for medicinal purposes ion of his property. bedding on board ships. Thus came One hundred train dispatchers have been issued by the bureau of the name and that guess Is as" good pledged themselves to pay $5 each Internal revenue. as as to how the fly got here. President Wilson signed the railroad All any month until the end of the strike, to that can be authoritatively .said Is help the commercial telegraphers at a appropriation bill, the Indian bill, that It arrived from some transatlanmeeting held at Portland. A com- some minor measures and other docu- tic country some time after the middle mittee was appointed to handle all ments which needed signature to be- of the eighteenth century. come law before July, in funds collected. of an The Hessian fly Is Inch long, of an obscure dark color, DOMESTIC. FOREIGN. ' By virtue of one of the speediest William Hohenzollern, the former and appears much like a very small and most battles which ever German emperor, will be brought to mosquito. It lays a glossy red egg of an Inch long, from which decided a big fistic vent, Jack DempEngland in a British ship and impris- Is hatched a maggot slightly smaller sey, on July 4, became the worlds oned ln the tower of London, accord- than the egg. This transforms Into champion heavyweight boxer. Willard ing to the Dally Mail., The death penthrew up the sponge at the end of the will not be sought, the newspaper third round, never having had a chance alty out, but If he is found guilty points to win. the allies ask his banishment for life Mrs. Arthur Kistler, wife of a farmpjt lives through to a remote island, following the prelAsmall dark er at Stoneham, her four brown cues children, the cedent of Napoleons exile on it. oldest 15 years of age, and her mother-in-laour Helena. were drowned while trying to Ignatius Tribich Lincoln, former ford Pawnee Iniprnfir creek, thirty miles east of member of the British parliament, who winded mo Sterling, Colo., since London has been in prison at in rows A monument to fly to Healthy wHset where they ly th'f the leavo the hatch tiny moU 'Hat rawl4own within the bate the American sold- 1916, as a spy, will soon iers who perished in France will be ubaki after cutting Tne'rUxseeds'remain be deported to Hungary. ttubblt Itfiowtd erected in May of next year near the RillYormaMConaHneretiflacflus Th MINIw of the of execution The the stubble e youths forty leave Utbutftwdyt. tomb of and f Lafayette In the Picpus cemr the and FALL Ft,c Budapest military academy "IZTtip Jr etery. Nv"' Withaythyinf officers was ordered by the Hunthree tAtirtjf. No one has claimed the body of Dr. garian soviet government as reprisals Walker Keene Wilkins, the THAND who attemptaged physi-eiawho hanged himself in the Nassau against and telegraph ed to seize the telephone county jail at Mineola, L. I., Sunday, who bombarded soviet TWO VITAL POINTS and stations sfter his conviction of first degree fer the CONTROL deto delayed according Of the Heialan. fly:' murder for killing his wife at their headquarters, Postpone Mwlngwinter wheat Row tinder spatches from Budapest. until theyari? ell infested wheat deeply stubble date - so that Long Beach home. none of the aummeror early plants will delivered in George fall this practicable Premier Lloyd gw jjounfitmUiafMr tiftflus Lemuel Ely Quigg, former member and does not interfere with the frowlnj or clover or yinjonthls data usually the house of commons on July 3, an of congress and Important forage grasses. in Republi- explanation of the peace treaty which prominent can politics in wltfxa&g&S New York for many he described as the most momentous while It is still young. years, died July 2. British the empire which document to Francisco Villa ordered all AmeriMeans of Combating Hessian Fly. ever affixed its seal. cans hanged when captured, following soldAmerican between Marriages like a flaxseed he crossing of the American expedi-e- iers and German women are forbidden a pupa that appears called. From the flaxseed so Is and according to a foreign resident ratiby the army regulations pending the adult fly emerges. Here are four ef northern Mexico, who reached the fication of the peace treaty by the forms so extremely unlike as to be border Wednesday. United States and Germany. confusing to any except the expert Violation of the law regarding farm The first duel to be fought in France entomologist. wans was charged against the federal war occurand banks as slpce the beginning of the and controlled red guided M. mayor when Garat, at y the federal Will Pay Big Interest. farm loan board by and Bayonne shots pistol exchanged deputy, the manure ln the soil and wpiesentative McFadden, Republican, Deposit M. Gemmes, vice president of the It will with pay big interest. . ennsylvania, under an extension of chamber of commerce, without result. remarks printed in the congressional Kill Canadian Thistles. The allies, according to the London record. assurances received have Mail, Lr. Anna Howard Daily Frequent cultivation will help kill a Shaw, honorary that the Dutch government in the last of Canada thistles. es dent of patch the National American the surrender to refuse not will resort omens Suffrage association, died at former German emperor for trial. Calf Scours Infectious. or home In 2. Moylan, Penn., July German prisCattle breeders should remember She was 71 It is expected that all years old. , calf scours is an infectious on their way be will that war Six weeks from now the American oners of Gerln Germany will number not home within a few days. The e than 6000 mans held prisoner by France will be Profits From Pasture. providing the authorities an locution In the mean- turned over to the German to be derived from good The profits and Coblenz. Mayence at Cologne, faithfuHy will to per for the building of carry out the terms er tlie In a short time. Order has been restored in San Jose, pasturage peace treaty. fences reliable good Resignation of Herbert Hoover as capital of Costa Rica, and President are reported to have mau Early Apple Varieties. the board of directors of Tinocos troops forces across t. revolutionary the varieties of apples should driven The early amlnl&tratlon grain corpora- the tlnn border. overlooked when varieties are Nicaraguan be not tirm anreorg&nlzatlon of the corpora Demonstrations' by the populace of being selected for the orchard suitable Under the nnmo TTnifxsrl fifm for home use. ,anp,ro to double houses coffee of proprietors Toad Is Gardener's Friend. the first three months of the the price of the national drink, coffee, common toad is the gardeners The cents. 5 year fewer persons were about kllina an numfriend, because he lives upon the small During the last six months the fewer injured on the counf Wales Insects that troublo the garden crops. and rys railroads than during the ber of deaths in England A few toads in the garden will help the number of births by 116, Responding months of the preceding exceeded It free of Insects. . HESSIAN Fly IS VERY INJURIOUS C-- , e Wyom-ing-Colora- mid-oceih- one-side- u one-tent- The fly usually deposits Its eggs In grooves on the underside of the leaves of wheat. The larva, shortly after hatching, makes Its way down the leaf and behind the sheath, continuing in young wheat to the roots of the plant. In older wheat It Is able to go only to the joint below, ' Larvae are frequently so numerous ns to be packed one against another and overlapping, Two generations a year are piodueed. Overwintering Is accomIn flaxeS'ed stage. the plished Destructive to Wheat The Hessian fly feeds chiefly on the whent plant, nnd ln a smaller measure on barley nnd rye. The oat plant Is Immune. The effect Is thnt if Infestation begins while the wheat Is young, the plant grows without stem and becomes a mere mass of overgrown leaves. If Infestation comes after Jointing has begun, the straws break over and the wheat falls before harvest. The distribution of this pest Includes North Africa, western Asia, all of continental Europe, the British Isles, New Zealand, and portions of the United States and Canada. In the. United States Its range extends from the Canadian border ns far south ns northern Georgia, and west to western Kansas, and the middle of the Dakotas. It Includes, also, a nurrow strip of the Pacific coast from Puget Sound to a point half-wadown the California coast. y (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) Help for American farmers ln answering the question Shall I Buy a Tractor? has been provided by the United States department of agriculture in a number of publications which give the experience of users in a number of states. These bulletins, which may be obtained free from the department at Washington, are: Farmers Bulletin 963 Tractor Experience ln Illinois. Farmers Bulletin 1004 Gas Tractors ln Eastern Farming. Farmers Bulletin 1035 The Farm Tractor In the Dakotas. ' Bulletin 719 An Farmers Economic Study of the Farm Tractor ln the Corn Belt. 174 Bulletin Department Farm Experience With Tractor. The HESS ,Thii enwrv Careful With Poison. Receptacles containing poison bait should not be left around where children, live stock and chickens will have access to It. From self-confess- at Regular Hours. should be fed at the same time every day and should be given water to drink before meals and not directly after eating. Feed Stock As a hay crop, Sudan grass Is handled In just the same way as sorghum, on. eggs, although It cures a little easier cause of its smaller stems. in the st &TQ,MUnU fAv uncYfl, look top n , where Is a, dls-qps- . , 000. tep e. BOYD PARK FOUNDED 1002 MAKERS OF JEWELRY WO MAIN STREET SALT IAKE CITY Typewriters All makes Rented, Repaired, Sold. Write for prices S7.o0 to 9100. Utah Office and School Supply 32 W. 2nd South. Salt Lake City, Utah towns need barbers; good opportunities open lor men over draft age. Barbers In army have Get prepared good' as officers commission. In few weeks. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 43 8. West Temple St., Salt Lake Olty. GAVE NAME TO NEW ENGLAND Result of Capt. Smiths Exploration of Shores of North Virginia" in the Year 1614. ciated with Virginia, but he was also the first to discover the beauties of the southwestern half of the Maine const and the first to draw a map of it, an exchange recalls. In 1614 he explored the shores of what was then known as North Virginia, but which he called New England, a name that has stuck, as have many others given by him. In A Description of New England," printed ln London ln 1616, Smith wrote I have seen at least forty habitations on the Sea Coast and found about 25 excellent good har- bors. and more than 200 Isles. From Penobscot to Sagadahock this Coast Is all Mountainous and Isles of huge Rocks, but overgrown with all sorts of good woodes for building houses, boats, barks or shlppes: with an Incredible abundance of most sorts of fish, much fowle and sundry sorts of good frultes for mans use The Salvages compare their store Is the Sea to the halres of their heads; and surely there are an Incredible abundance upon this Coast. The most Northern part I was at was the Bay of Penobscot, which la East and West, North and South, more than ten leagues. The northeastern half of the Mains coast was DUt on the map by Champlain. Ten years before Smiths voyage he had visited Nova Scotia, discovered and named the St. John river, add cruised as far south as the mouth of the Penobscot, which he, too, en- tered. Handling Sudan Grass. from Our reasonable prices make buying easy. sev-era- ll h one-fiftie- th Famous for Quality Capt. John Smith, famous for his romantic career, particularly the Pocahontas episode, is generally asso- EXPERIENCE OF OWNERS d Known for Service NERVES THAT TIRE EASILY be- Sense of 8mel! One That la Quickly Nerves PractiFatigued-H- eat Never at Rest. cally Birds Pay Their Way. The birds on your farm may take The most easily tired nerves ln the toll of grain and other crops, but they are likely to destroy enough Insects body are the nerves of smell. As you for what they pass a rose In, the garden the quanto pay you three-fol- d eat. tity of perfume that gets lntoj.your nostril must be many millions of bilGive Plenty of Feed. lion of times smaller than the tiniest Feed the animals and they will feed grain of sand. But rub the strongest you. Animal husbandry promises very perfume on your upper lip, and in a little without plenty of feed and care- few seconds you fail to notice it, the ful attention to the comfort of the nerve of smell Is so quickly fatigued. animals. The. heat nerves and cold nerves, which are quite distinct from the nerves of ordinary sensation, also give Plant in Wrong Place. A weed is any plant In the wrong over working very quickly. A bath place. Vegetables too close together that seems quite hot when you get Into are as Injurious to each other as weed3. it very soon ceases to cause any parThin them out before they are large ticular feeling of heat. Nerves of hearing and sight can go enough to crowd. through an enormous amount of work. Make Use of Pasturage. For sixteen hours a day they Writ At present prices of grain feeds hard, and are still willing to do more. every effort possible should be made The nerves of the heart are the most to make profitable use of all available untiring of all. From the first dawn pasturage. of life until the last gasp they work without stopping for one Instant. Keep Cockleburs Out. Useful plants may taller grow, but A Gallop In the Country. cockleburs must be kept out. What pleasure Is keener than that afforded by an early morning gallop Forage Crops for Hogs. in the country? Choose a bright, fresh Alfalfa and sweet clover make the May day, a little after sunrise, when best forage crops for hogs. dew and flowers and and--- , g e and all the sweets and Time to Cut Sorghum. are Sorghum hay Is generally cut late ln perfumesYour at their best; mount and away. good horse will know In or October. September early what you are going to do, and will show the liveliest Interest, for he likes Big Value of Birbs, . Few people realize the value of these early flights as well aa you do. . . He hears the too. birds In keeping garden Insects under Maurice Thompson. control. Even the despised English sparrow sometimes makes a mistake 8even Daye King. and eats a worm.' The seven days king .was Mas aplello (Thomas Anlella), born ln The Habit. The habit that some sows have of 1622. He headed a revolt agalnat the eating their pigs can be forestalled ln Duke of Arcos, at Naples, July T, most cases by proper feeding and care 1647, forced him to abolish the tax at farrowing time, and in the period on provisions, and for seven days was master of Naples. He was most arjust before farrowing. rogant and bloodthirsty and was as aasslnated July 16. . 4 bird-son- wind-rustl- bird-son- Pig-Eatin- W g g, ' |