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Show 1 ' Courier OUTH NO. 19 Hyrum, Cache County, Otilii Friday, March 14, I919- - OL. IX. Appreciative Let- Paradise News Items Holland From ter Hearts Of The World Additional Locals Celebrates 89th Birthday BABY CHICKS for sale by vin Allen, Hyrum. Paradise, Utah, March 13, 1919. Anyone wishing potatoes should ' Paradise, Utah, Mar. 12, 1919. It has been sometime since you The following letter which It is not often that a moving send orders to either of the Farm itself was received by Miss leard from our town through the Adv. Editor Courier: ivMable to se- Bureau officers. picture producer We ansin Courier. this have of had some The members of the Wm. city, Ebba Petersen very cure the cooperation of a home McBride returned Russell hearty in of times a James Sr. family, gathered at pair trying wer to her address sent during the last few in making a feature rom a navy training station the nation big the residence of Mr. and Mrs. shoes about a year ago, when a call months, some sickness and some was orepart of this week. VoNvever, This, picture. Red shoes Cross sad for deaths. John H. Lofthouse of Paradise, very was made by the achieved by DavivV. Griffith in their fathers Miss Lila Hansen, formerly of and celebrated to send to France and Belgium: About a week ago. Aha Richman taking "Hearts wihe World a for Wm. was eighty-nLake Salt is from James this city, up birthday. Wijhe Ov., Holland, Dec. 4, 1918. a very promising young man about which is booked ttfiej-shown at ine years of age the 8th of Your pair 26 years of age, while unhitching a the Rex Theatte iMr one night visit with relatives and friends. Dear Miss Petmen: Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Allen of March, and on that day from of shoes traveled to Holland and so wild horse was kicked and in 2 days only, Wednesday, March 26th. in the morning until late came to me in Wijhe, to give to the was dead. Griffith went to . England and Salt Lake, paid her parents, Mr. early in the evening his guests were Mrs. O. P. Olsen, a short visit Hi3 funeral was held in the meet- laid" his poor French that were driven from plans .before Lloyd and calling upon him with congratutheir home and took refuge with us. ing house Monday, March 10th. George, Prime Minister of Eng- this week. lations of being so young a chap. We live here in a village with 4000 H. G. Shipley,' Alban T. Clawson of land. As a result all of the won Mr, W. A. Liljenquist, agent for The tables both for dinner and inhabitants and 450 refugees came Hyrum, Samuel Oldham and Geo. derful battle scenes in "Hearts the New York Mutual Life Jjsur-and- e supper and loaded with delicious here to be looked after. They came Richman of Snake River, an uncle to of .the World were taken on the Co., was in Salt Lake onousi-nes- food and everybody enjoyed themwith his company this week. by train fronrthe Belgian frontier, Aha, spoke words of comfort to actual battle fields of France in selves listening to the strains of but walked all the way from France those bereaved. the vicinity of Npyon and Ilam The E. Forrest Taylor Co. will be music from the Edison and piano. and were very, very tired and footThe same day March 10th, we undef the auspices of the British at the Rex Theatre next Tuesday There were present Mr. and sore. Their shoes were very used had another sad death, Sister Eliza- War Office. Incidentally it was night, in the presentation of the Mrs. John T. Roberts, Mrs. D. J. of course and so I wrote to the beth Lemon wife of Wm. T. Lemon at Noyon and Han, within the great modern war play, "The Man James, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. HowCommission for Relief who sent me passed few weeks, that the Ameri away while undergoing an past Dont fail to ells, Guy Howells, Mrs. May WinThey Left Behind. to Kaiser shoes to give them, when there came can Soldiers provc;l a She leaves husband see this play, operation. ters, Mr. and Mrs- Fred Miller I helped her and 7 a little girl for shoes. cnildren, the oldest about 14 Bill that the Yanks knew how to Wendell, the second son of Mr. and the Misses Emma, Jane and ' They' drove back the to try them on, and so found your years old. The funeral was held fight. Lula Miller of Hyrum, Mr. and little letter, written on March 20th. on Huns so effectively and with .such and Mrs. Silas Allen, has been ser- Mrs. Thursday March 13thJohn J. James and daughShe could not understand it, not that the German iously ill for several days from a ter From the way things look we will slaughter Ruby of Logan, Mrs. Cumor-a- h hordes were compelled to flee in disease which causes drowsiness and knowing English, and so I took Pearce and son James Ellis soon have spring and none to soon sleep, and his condition up to this actual terror your letter home, to tell you what Pearce of Sugar City, John Ilulse to suit farmers, as ieed getting kind of little girl will go to church all these wonderfu writing has been considered as quite Through of Nevada, one of the lerge mine scarce. in your shoes next ''Sunday. She very scenes Griffith has woven a love serious. owners of that State, Mrs. Isabell We have no flu in our town. The story that will live long after he found them so beautiful and was so FOR SALE 240 acres of farmAbbott. Mr- David J. James the health of the people is very good at himself is dead. It has been ing land in Pocatello valley. 60 happy with them. oldest son of Wm. James was in They are poor people, having present. There are a great many Pescribed as "The. sweetest love acres in fall grain and 50 acres Salt Lake under treatment for The contrast ready for spring seeding, located lived for four years under German .of our boys home from serving their story ever told. his eyes. Mrs. May Winters ' Apply to oppression, and now so far from country; some have gone to attend of this tremendously gripping one mile from elevator. husband is in France serving his Adv. their home. The climate is so fog- school, and some teaching school. story with the aHal and amaz R, A. Eliason, Hyrum. country. There was also present gy and cold and they are not accus- - A great many parents are still ing war' scenes, "yomethjng, so A Big Overseas Clothing Cam- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lofthouse, for them anxious y waiting the. return of appealing that itT'an not fully be paign will be conducted b the 'Henry, Bnch7andell,' True, go home their sons. We are waiting for a appreciated until seen. Red Cross from March 24th to Ruby and Chauncey Lofthouse soon. Hearts of The World comes March 31st. Everybody gather But there are not enough few more to come, then we are go (The elderly gentleman is fine coats, and there are so many soldiers, ing to give them a welcome home to the Rex Theatre direct from all surplus clothing and be pre- and sporty having lost all his the Orpheum, Salt Lake City, pared to deliver it to the commitEnglish and French, let loose in party. teeth, but the Lord is blessing where for three consecutive tee within that period. Germany, who want very much to go him with another set as he has Tuesday night we held our Farm to capacity busihome also, that I dont know if they Bureau Meeting; had a large turn weeks it played At a meeting held by the direct- just cut one iu his second childof one will go soon. created ness bigand the, out. H. G. Shipley gave us a splenors of the Hyrum Irrigation Co., hood.) He is making his home They live here in the school, so did talk on the poultry industry. gest sensations that city has eyer of the week, Mr. John with his youngest daughter Mrs., that the dutch little boys and girls Uncle Ben Eldrige spoke on the known in the way of Theatrical the forepart was appointed Water J. H. Lofthouse, and he is very can not learn and are very happy successes. More than fifty thous- P, Nielsen and County Agent dairy question Master of that company for the joky and cheerful and also kind. the to be able to run about. Their parwitnessed and persons And we all hope the venerable Wrigley told us wnat the organizainsuing year. Mr. Nielsen is a good World the ents are not so happy as they and tion is of "Hearts during doing for the farmers, and for the position, and we belseve, Hand cart pioneer and Paradise hope they will soon go to school we all felt Vaid for our being there. the engagement there and hun- maij builder will live to reach his will give' satisfaction. dreds were turned away because again and get very learned. As for 100th mile stone. Tonight we expect to meet to of the lacl? of seats. the future everybody must help to WHY WORK FOR OTHERS Journal Please Copy beet In the case also will be includ- when you can make 86 scientific reconstruct the world and that will hear something about the All the coming year. not be easy wi rk. ed those delightful screen favor- wonders at home. Cost you only Now if ever question for G. S. 0. come wiser along.-us makes you get this letter, you must answer ites, Lillian and Dorthy Gish, $1.90, and retail out at 140.10 me. I am the wife of the BurgomasRobt. Harron,Geo. A. Seigmann, Something New. Sells to EveryI wish to express my heartfelt Anderson Robt. ter of Wijhe, or do. you call it lord George Fawcett, body. This will get you off that thanks to my many friends for their and little Ben Alexander, the six small pay role. Send Stamp. mayor? I have two daughters, the kind help extended during the sickThis eldest is 16 and at a boarding school Adv. Ocean Park, Cal. year old child wonder. ness and bereavement of my husand the youngest is 12 ard goes to little boy wraps himself around The famous Silver Players made band Frank O. Gunnell; It is only school in the next town. the hearts of an audience in such When , The Health wishes of Board such experiences, as mine City cannot forget quite a run the past week. Last through that a home, she helps me to look after they way us to announce and' warn the peo Monday they furnished the music that one learns the true, value of himmy French children. She likes that efforts renew to their in general pie for the dance at Wellsville, on Tues- kind friends. I. also want to exvery much, but must do her lessons and take and precauproper steps day afternoon the playsd at a Sol- press my sincere thanks and apprefirst. But she does not like that Piano tion in preventing the spread of the diers welcome home party at Pro- ciation to the Metropolitan Life Invery much. Do you like it? Tell flu which seems to have taken vidence, and at night at Preston; surance Co., for their business-lik- e me how old you are and where you and manner in adjusting the claim of a new hold in Logan, Millville We have in the vicinity of Hy- Wednesday night at Hyrum and live. on my husbands life, which other settlements, t rum a slightly used player piano, Thursday night at Lewiston. This $5,000 If in later years you come to taken has not any While Hyrum musical organization is surely get- did not cause me a moments worry for and in first-clapaid Europe, perhaps you could come partly or even a postage stamp. Their loto close the town, yet the condition that we will sell cheap ting popular for ball room enterand see me, and so a pair of given steps advise cal the public health authorities agent, Mr. Thos. Brenchley, and reliable party. Write us for tainment, their services having been to away shoes, Would make us friends. not in general to he careful, and asked for, not only in this but neigh- other officials of the company came Wouldnt that be a nice affair? particulars, Consolidated Music to my home and gave me all the make make visits oftener than neCo., Salt Lake City, Utah. Ad. boring states on several occasions. With hearty greetings,, town other or any encouragement and advise needed cessary to Logan Mrs. Coterie met at Club Mrs. H. Schimmelpenninck. The and in such matters, and too much canwhere the "flu is now raging, Wijhe Ov., Holland. avoid as much as possible, any pubMf. Alvin Allen was a Salt Lake Dr. R. E. Hubbards residence on not be said for the companys busiMarch 8th. The special guests were ness methods. I would advise all , lic gatherings in outside towns. business visitor this week. Mrs. T. W. Petersen, Mrs. Dr. motheis with families to encourage Strangers and visitors from towns Remember the E. Forrest Tay- Eliason of Logan, and Mrs. Meda to take care of husbands their affected by the present epidemic, lor Co- at the Rex next Tuesday Hochstrasser of Idaho. The after-- v their insuranse, as the check I reare not allowed to attend dances noon was pleasantly spent in play- ceived was to me a night. furuntil c Auto-malior other public gatherings Our Wurlitzer Electric partial reaction and dainty refreshments of -- Mr. W. H. Shaw, Pres, of the ing 500 health board. the husbands inasmuch as notice loss, my ther by and Flute Pianos, Violin, 4 Paradise town board was in Salt were served. 3 or his has is only While still with me earning power Hyrum Orchestra instruments will not On March 13th the club me at and our children. on business week connectthis the if Lake only increase your patronage homes under quarantine, yet to Mrs. H. B. Nielsens residence, With kindes thanks to all, but also add to your profit. In- people will not abide by the rule ed with proposed water system installed at Paradise, and also where Mrs Hochstrasser was the be health the Riven by Mrs. Elsie Gunnell. advice and struments operated with nickel The was spent time call to at guest. special to headquarters incidentally become necessary in the slot. Sold on monthly board, it may Wellsville, Utah, Feb. 24, 1919. of the C. W. & M. Co., of which he in card 'playing, music and social terms. Write us for particulars close town again. Mr. Robt. Baxter was in Salt is local representative in South chat. Refreshments were served and By order of the Board of Health, Consolidated catalogue, afternoon and a very pleasant spent. Lake on business this week. Hyrum City, Utah. Cache. Music Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. ex-lai- Al-Ad- v. ns s - - - - Card of Thanks. The Flu Not Bad in Hyrum - Player Cheap ss Confectionery Billard Halls - |