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Show SER. HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE HOW RAISES Prudence 600 CII1CKEHS After Being Relieved Says So of Or-gan- Trouble by Lydia E. ic Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. US' Oregon, 111." I took hams Vegetable Hy the meantime, Jim was acquit .In ting uimself badly. Ills face was pale. harness hook when we went out for I and "Oh, so I did. There comes Connie now. Carol thrust her head out of the window. Connie, run out to the and brlngmy hat, will you? Its the harness hook. And hurry ! Don 1 stop to ask questions, Just trot along and do as you re told. Carol returned again to her toilet. 1 iave tlme to Pwder "iYe11 ?, gus Ethel Hue st on He was nervous, ill at ease. He mered When he spoke. nes8 was not habituai to this young man o tbe Iowa farm He was not an awkward( ignorant, gangling farm- babd w meet in books and see on stam- - s- Larks grave face that day in the par-egg- s, Lydia E. Pink, Compound for an trouble which pulled me down un til I could not put my foot to the sonage when they had discussed the love of Jim, her unwonted gentleness and her quiet manners during this n visit, and one night when Carol, n weep-ofound her denly awakening, had had Lark her Into pillow. lng bitterly said lt was a headache, and was better now, and Carol had gone to sleep again, but she remembered now that And she Lark never had headaches often how lately very remembered i Lark had put her arms around her shoulders and looked searchlngly Into floor and could scarcely do my work, and as I live on a small farm and sud-bar- raise six hundred chickens every year it made it very tard I forme. He had attended the high stages "I saw the school in Mount Mark, and had been advertised in graduated from the state agricultural our paper, and tried was a He honors. with college high Pack the suitcase and the bag will it. It has restored i had been before so I can do aii my work and you Auntie, an- dhealtn .. . . as. his fatherfarmer to take any money, auntie, do you? We farmer, of the new "I already have," she answered, won,t be able to spend lt ln tbe coun. ? wlmenw D. M. Ing it to my friends. laughing at their frantic energy. R. K. 4, Oregon, 111. Alters,women And I put out these white dresses whohave suffered the tor- Only for you to wear, and " Gracious, auntie the back and have apiece. Well never - ,w fasten them," expostulated Carol, tie, was the smiling reply. It was a Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters. long ago. but a was not She Women everywhere in Mrs. Alters without diminishing her speed. perhaps, Carol the ln that family standing joke . . Jl this romance-madshould profit by her recomwas condition fll had been Onaddall, tard pressed ever St. early mendation, and if there are any com- The callow youths of Mount Mark, be time enough. sinCe she began using powder several Pinkhams yu LPac5ent overonto myheriw" Slications write Lydia E. for I wont have time to powder, called years previous. of the Epworth league, and the col- advice. Mass., Co., Lynn, back Carol from the bathroom, where Lark lege, were almost unanimous ln lay- Are you fon(j 0f jimi Carol? A,oke And be gure The result of their 40 years experience f reckshe was splashing the water at a TYT, i jumped away backward ln the conver- ing their adoration at Carols feet. But eooi and sore tbat j is at your service. less rate. "Ill wear a veil and pow- - sati0n, asking the question gravely, her Carol saw the elasticity, the buoyan- - fa se mv flowerv hn der when I get there. Did you pack eyes up0n her sisters face. cy, of loves like these, and she couldnt T.m ftlmoat sure shell HOW WAR MIGHT BE ENDED Hum! Yes, I am, was the light really count them. She felt that she any clean handkerchiefs, auntie? Im ygU down clear out. If you didnt put any ln, retort. Didnt Prudence teach us to was ripe for a bit of solid experience Carol stood ln the path and London Newspaper Suggests Trying Then Connies. borrow was now, and there i0ve everybody? nothing callow watched Jim as he leaped lightly over youd better go and the Effect of Ring of 111 Omen Dont be silly. I mean If he pro- - about Jim he was solid enough. And fences and ran through the sweet Lucky thing shes not here. on the Kaiser, Shining with zoal and soap, Carol poses to you, are you going to turn him now, although she could see that his meadow. She saw Lark spring to her but she felt dashed out, and Lark dashed in. feelings stirred, nothing down, or not? out from the shade of an Could the king of Spain end the war excitement and curiosity. A proposal, feet and step "Are there any holes ln these stock-- 1 "What would you advise, Lark? then Jim took her in at once? and tree, I apple a was real she one! It Carol turned around, lifting Carols brows were painfully knitted, imminent, lugs?" his arms. According to a French writer this her skirts for Inspection. ."Well, Im Hes got five hundred acres of land, felt lt. Carol rushed Into the should be After I that, to am possible. Carol," he began abruptly, I change Worth at least a hundred an acre, and sorry, I wont have time house and up the stairs. She flung In Madrid, ln a certain public them. Did they come In the auto? a lot of money ln the bank his mother In love. bed beside the on knees her herself e Carol had not Good 1" She was brushing her hair as didnt say how much, but I Imagine square, stands a statue of Our Lady you? and buried her face In the white of Almudena; on a gold chain about talked. Yes, we had a luncheon, j several thousand anyhow. And he has pected him to begin in just that way. 11 the statue hangs a ring We played tennis that nice big house, and an auto, and Yes ; I have been for a long time, spread. pie, though. cho whinnered Lark She the necksetof wlth liamondsNobody to we were of the this morning; with the sweetest and dearest girl in Intending oh, everything nicel Think her hands and her shoulders richly ltEven thieves let It come home right along, or wed have fruit trees, Larkle I And hes good- - the world. I know I am not half good meddles wlth "Mv little twin she cried shook phoned you. We were playing with looking, too. And his mother says he enough for her. but- -I love her so I .mv alce old Lark Then ghe severely alone. even before much that I believe I could make her The reason is plain. For the ring George Castle and Frltzie Zale. Is lt ia always nA walked hack and shooS Is endowed with. a terrible power, as sticking out any place? She lowered breakfast, and thats very exceptional happy. her head backward for her aunUo see. you know! Very! I don t know that ..Ddo you? Carol wag her fist. Sometimes a little crooked Its history proves. Stick a pm in It, will you? Thanks. i could do much better, do you, gbe reflected that It wasntfrightened, Alfonso XII made a present of it to so Once she softened her smile a cute in I to to us look the pie punter auntie? Im sure Id Mercedes. Queen go They dared un ThThapectedr Therewas stomped her footYand then toughedTt cedeswife,diedQueen see which couple could sunborinet antf apron, milking the month later. Then the a In hls eyea and h woruerful hour an For gomethlng up ghe paced most pieces of lemon pie the couple cows So, boss, so, there, now I So, In blg voice- Maybe Lark wag to his sister, the bauble the gave on the king Then gbe turm dQwn right fuF all the A few days afterward Marla. Infanta 1 did hurt it she where to Oh, went the maybe and really light mirror, s Why, Carol 1.r betting, you know shouldnt have been quite so nice to she smoothed her hair and powdered the infanta died. The ring reverting to But there are objections, too. They hIm , kind of reward of merit, like a Sunday- the royal giver, was next presented to her face as carefullv as ever school prize. No, I wont put on my have pigs. I cant bear pigs Pooooey, his late queens grandmother, Queea I but I gh j young The filthy little things! I what l want and YfT can onl v havT slippers till the last thing, my heels pooooey Christina, who was dead within three Salfl sun"ns' ls and the gray suit sore, my tennis shoe rubbed the skin dont know-J- im 1 do rH vo,ce Hls " anythlng ' one on Mrs. Forrest. I think Ill go months. and the the eowu are verv broke off. My feet seem to be getting tena little He looked very han,d- - and have a laugh at her. And Fll pre- After that the monarch kept the wheS I think of Jim and der. Think Its old age? nice, but very grown'up very ring in hls own jewel casket. Withla tend I knew lt all along." Lark now emerged from the bath- overalls and onions and aome, Caro1 to run She wnnted the year he was dead. Ever since then ln a qulvered' woman found the She' lying of room, and both twins performed a fly- freckles I havePgoose flesh and She to wanted cryput her hammock on the broad piazza where a i the ring has hung about the neck cornel Wheres that other Y,Lorv away ing exchange of dresses. arms hlm Almudena. tel1 was around of hlm and Our she door of from Lady the open broad shaft light hert t she very- Who won?" never fe,i up0n her. Carol stood beside her, The French suggestion is this: hy very. sorry. and she would JeLi J . .. out Lark and George ate eleven pieces, again after It, do u d smiling brightly. h I shouldnt the present king of Spam g and Fritzie and I only nine. So Frltzie breathless. Did I rub the powder all breathed. send the ring to the kaiser? know a she Mrg p0rrest, said, T paid. Then we went on the campus 0ff?' she asked, anxiously, Of course, he went on, I am not I secret. tell Shall delicious 1 what-mumble-te-peperfectly or and played The low honk of the car sounded a fool. I know there Isnt a girl like V0U7 Strong, Indeed. ever you call It. It is French, outside, and the twins dumped a mis her In ten the thousand, but shes CuPld has been at work, she said , What remarkable feat in the way auntie. cellnneous assortment of toilet artl- - one I want, and Carol, do you reckon softly, and your own son has fallen of lifting has the strong man e Did they ask us to stay a whole I cles into the battered and i is any chance for me? You L vlctlm. pushed lately? week, auntie? Inquired Lark. the tattered hand bag. Carrol grabbed to know. Lark doesn t have Forrest sniffed slightly, but she I believe he succeeded at last In j,irg Yes. Jim was wearing hls new her hat from Connie, leisurely strolling ought secrets from you, does she? Do you jooked lovingly at the fair, sweet face, raising his salary. London Answers, gray suit and looked very nice. Ive through the hall with lt, and sent her think she 11 have me? ..j am SUPe j cannot wonder, she an- never been out to their home. Is It flying after her gloves. If you cant Certainly this was the surprise of gWerecl In a gentle voice. Is It all nice? called find mine, bring your own," she He who loves and runs away will very Carols life. If it was romance she settled ? This was from Carol, after her. "Dm, swell fewer bills to pay. have She wanted, here lt was In j suppoSe so. At any rate he Is Lark being less slanglly Inclined. Aunt Grace and Connie escorted stopped short in the daisy-brig-plenty. lane pPoposing to her ln the orchard, and They have about sixteen rooms, and them triumphantly down the walk to and stared at him. and them call j am pretty sure shes going to accept two maids they girls be waiting car where the young man Jim she demanded, Is lt him. electric lights, and a private water sup-- 1 jn be new sentimental gray suit stood Lark Forrest, you want to marry, or me? Mrs. Forrests arms fell away from ply, and and horses, and cows oh, begjde be open door. Hls face was Lark of course 1" she ejacu-- 1 Carols shoulders. "Lark been awfully Weve always Its great! boyishly eager, and hls eyes were full Carol closed and her opened lips iated. about ' fond of Jim. The nicest thing j o a satisfaction that had a sort of them. She did it again. Finally she Yes didnt you know It? Carols him Is that he always takes a gir j excitement in It, too. Aunt Grace spoke. Well, of all JLhe idiots! If voice was mildly and Innocently sur--j home when he goes to class things and looked &t hlm and slghed- Poor you want to Lark, what in the prised. ,, Mtow who ocla!a. I can', endure He ,s nicel Carol world are marry oy ,hlught out here proposing to you Lark ; Mrg Forrest was plainly walks home by himself. Jim always is a mean little thing I me for? we If and me I I thought lt was dumfounded. and first, asks Larkle He smiled at the twins Impartially. "Im not proposing to you, he ob- - you j -are taken he gets someone else. Most Shall we flip a coin to see who I get jected. Im just telling you about it." Me Carol was Intensely aston-"Bboys, If they cant get first choice, pike in front? he asked them, laughing. what for? Whats the object? lshed. family Me? Oh, dear Mrs. Forrest, off alone." Hls mother leaned out from the back Why dont you go and rave to her?" smilcoffee Aunt said In Grace, made the think whatever world Now, Carol, you corat the girls very seat, and smiled He smiled a little. "Well, I guess that? so nice on him. Hes Beeasy ing. dially, "Hurry, twinnies, she said, I thought telling you first was one way It would be a Bhame to " Why I dont know, she faltered we must start, of well be late for of breaking it to her gently. I Just naturally supposed lt Carol threw up her eyes In horror. weakly, In wont with Come you, me, Im perfectly disgusted with you." was you. 1 asked him once where he "Im shocked, she cried. Then she supper. Larkle? Carol went on, perfectly. Here Ive ieft hls heart, and he said, At the n dimpled. "But I wouldnt hurt Jim for What a greasy schemer she Is, him. Do of fond to propose to me sonage, and so of course I thought lt you expecting anything. Im very I thought Carol, climbing into her place all week, and erwas you.' you really think there are any This wholesome bevwithout delay. to you stars Propose a My adications Carol "What Joke, laughed gayly. Jim placed the battered suitcase and erage Dont interrupt me," Carol snapped, she cried. But you are more fortu-- 1 Oh. I dont know anything about It. seat and no beneath the the tattered bag of the rest Last night I lay awake for hours- r- nate than you expected, for lt Is my Im lust judging by the drew the rug over hls mothers knees. look at the beneath my eyes" precious old Larkle. But dont be too community. rings he went to Larks side, and I dont see em, he Interrupted glad about It, or you may hurt my Lark was performing the really dif- Then upset heart or nerves about her feet ficult feat of putting on and buttoning tucked lt carefully goomore and its smiling lngs." broadly. Its awfully dusty, he said. You am surprised, I confess, but her slippers standing on one foot for shouldnt I out a Just Well, the good thinking is flowery dness so. I dolled Shall have thing up the purpose and stooping low. Her the ln my pocket? Dont rejection for you, and then you trot I believe I like Lark as well as I do in your purse put my exertion. the from flushed was one to course face Jims the to feed the chick- me out here and propose to Lark you, and of hot of Do you think hes crazy about you. forget you promised senmore Is 1" Lark decide. If nerve say that isnt People on you to do it for Well, Carol? she inquired, rather seriously, ens Im counting Jim laughed loudly at this. He was sible than you are, but lt takes a good me.' shoe the from drink and without looking up man to get beyond a face as j Then he stepped ln beside Carol used to Carol, and enjoyed her little bit of a o proud she was so laboriously buttoning. as kind Im yours. outbursts. think I on cant pretty what Into her bright face, and the Oh, I dont know. There are a few laughing of JIm I good-by- s rang back and forth ns the earth made you Imagine Id want to to seem which point circumstances to he hls you, said, shaking rolled away beneath the heavy propose that way. Take that new gray suit for car head as though appalled at the Idea. I After Fairys wedding Carol leaves of oak ln that roofed arch know Now yourself, you Instance. eyes twinkled at that, but rally felt lonely. They had been Buch gray suit, Maple avenue. Lark, he didnt need a new brand-nenot did she permit him to see it. constaut companions that the parting The twins fairly reveled In the gloand when a man gets a Carols I think so? Didnt was sorrowful for both. shouldnt Why of the the ries can country through golden suit for no apparent reason, you a new gray suit? And havent thoughts frequently dwelt on their and get you waxthat followed, that hes enjoyed every It down days generally put hls mother minute of every day, and begrudged I the best complexion in Mount Mark? days of mischief ln the old parsonage ing romantic. Then theres me his good the hours they, spent In sleep. The Dont all the men want to propose to before Prudence was married, remem-- a all shes begun telling Iberlng especially one April fool Joke was complexion like mine? when he time slipped by like banana skins, points, and how ente he me one I then that was decidedly on the twins. he Carol and to declared refused sobered. of He showed hls again, she laughed crossly, and was born, (TO BB CONTINUED.) will explain her comparison. And the last Do you think Lark curls and a lot of hls baby pictures (Copyright The Bobbe-Merrl- Company.) U 1 I I Com-poun- d 1 I I 1 I maif-eate- r, I I A-a- re ex-sh- good-nature- I 1 LwhJ - I - A d I I Mer-an- d I - 'VStajn8 fii, 1 1 1 I I I I L.iL, I ; I Tit-Bit- s, I 1 g, I . accora-ther- e suit-cas- I 1 ht I I I 1 Wakeful . Nights go out of style that but now uses I 1 in the once drank ut INSTANT POSTUM par-bee- 1 1 I . feel-agai- n, 1 natu-Caro- ls w of delicious flavor contains drug elements to cheery just a table |