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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH OCTOR URGED Nervous- Headache: - AH OPERATION Four Bottles of Peruna Made Me Well took Lydia L Pink am, Vegetable Compound and Wat 'Cured. ste&d I Mrs Effie Hill, Blanchester, Ohio, writes as follows: I cannot tell how much I suffered in the past twelve years. I have been treated by physicians and no relief only for a short time. I was in such a condition from nervous headaches, such heavy feeling as If my brain was pressing down, and so nervous I could not get my rest at night. Would have sinking woman. I cannot thank you enough spells and then so weak that I could for my recovery." not do my work. I began to take Peruna.' Have taken four bottles of Psruna and have gained in strength Those who object to liquid modi and flesh, and can say I am a well cines can secure Peruna tablets. I Cannot Thank Baltimore, Md. "Nearly four years Buffered from organic troubles, nervousness and head- You aches and every month would have to stay in bed most of the timo. Treatments would relieve me for a time but my doctor was always urging me to have an operation. My sister asked me to try Lydia E. Pink- ha ma Vegetable Compound ff consenting u) operation. Enough For My Recovery before to an I took COLT DISTEMPER bottles of itand I five it has You can prevent this loathsome disease from running through your stable and cure all the colts suffering with It when you begin the treatment. No matter how young, SPOHNS Is safe to use on any colt. It is wonderful how It prevents all no matter how colts or horses at any age are distempers, All good druggists and turf exposed." houses and manufacturers sell SPOHNS at 60 centa goods and $1 a bottle; 16 and $10 a dozen. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Mfr., Goshen, lad., IT. S. A. ( completely cured me and my rork is a pleasure. I toll all my friends fho have any trouble of this kind what jydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com-tou- nd Nellie B has dona fop me. 609 Calverton Rd., BaltiSrittingham, more. Md. It is only natural for any woman to read the thought of an operation. So nany women have been restored to lealth by this famous remedy, Lydia E. inkhams Vegetable Compound, after m operation has been advised that it will pay any woman who suffers from Such ailments to consider trying it before submitting to such a trying ordeal. LINCOLNS ONLY WAR EXPERIENCE Future President Twenty-Thre- e When He Joined the Black or CAKES UDDER in COWS can be overcome by feeding cow tonic to purify tbe blood and applying CARGET Dr. David Robert.' BADGER BALM Hawk Expedition. T and healing ointment. Excellent for core teats and inflamed udders. Read tb. Practical IHonie Veterinarian. Bend for free booklet on Abobtion In Cows, If no dealer in your town, write A smithing . Divld Roberta' Vet Co., 100 Grand Awmio, Wwkiika, Wit W. N. U., 4 Salt Lake City, No. The Reason. By LILIAN STAIR SCHREINER. ONE of the most Interesting events In PRESCRIPTION FOR WEAK KIDNEYS Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that bo many products that are extensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are goon forgotten? The reason is plain the article did not fulfil the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says, Take for a example Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roopreparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent results, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy that I know of has so large a sale. to sworn statements and According verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Rois due to the fact that, so many people claim, it fulfils almost every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments, corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Roo- t Address by Parcel Post. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. i t, ot also-menti- Inefficient. Woman Cannot you find somethin to do? Tramp Lady, Im as Incompetent as a crowned head, honest. BOSCHEES GERMAN SYRUP will quiet your cough, soothe the In- flammation of a sore throat and lungs, stop Irritation In the bronchial tubes, insuring a good nights rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration n the morning. Made and sold In America for fifty-tw- o years. A won-derfprescription, assisting Nature In ullding up your general health and throwing off the disease. Especially useful In lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale la all civilui ) ized countries. Adv. The characteristics of youth will .endure as long as old men engage in childish quarrels. , - Important to Mothers fetolly every bottle of ASTORIA, that famous old remedy tor Infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use for Over3 Children Cry' for i With Him Were Men Destined to Figure Prominently In Countrys History Spot Where Army Erected Fort Now Suitably Marked. They put everything on me. Im That Is because always the goat. you will persist in butting in. OLD CHOSEN CAPTAIN OF COMPANY Fletchers Castoria If you do not want your feelings urt cultivate due consideration for the feellngB of others. . the life of the great war president occurred at a time when he was little known to fame. This was in 1832, during the Black Hawk war, a war which, In proportion to the number of lives lost, caused more widespread fear and consternation than any other In the history of onr country. When the story of the battle at Stillmans Run, where a small band of savages put to flight a whole regiment of soldiers, and also that of the massacre at the Davis farm, where fifteen women and children where murdered, was spread through the country there was scarcely a farmhouse all through the middle West that was not deserted. Both of the places mentioned were in northern Illinois and soon stockade forts were thrown up and there the people flocked for protection from the vast horde of savages that they believed to be on their trail. Governor Reynolds of Illinois on April 16, 1832, issued a proclamation for volunteers to organize against the savages, and Lincoln, then twenty-thre- e years of age and living at New Salem, Sangamon county, Illinois, was one of the first 'to respond. The company was allowed to choose Its own captain and much to his joy Lincoln received the largest number of votes. Of this Incident he spoke in later years Then came the Black as follows: Hawk war and I was elected captain of volunteers, a success which gave me more pleasure than I have had since. i In those early days Lincoln showed that same observance to justice and the rights of others which characterized his later years, in evidence of which may be noted the Incident of the Indians coming to General Cass with a letter recommending him for his services to the whites. Some of the men in the company wished him shot as a spy, but Lincoln promptly Interfered, saying that this peaceable Indian should not be killed. There is po record to show but what his judgment was correct and his leniency well advised. One of the most interesting facts In Lincolns history at this time, and which shows what queer pranks fate can play, Is this : Gen. Winfield Scott, then In, command at Fort Snelllng, sent two young lieutenants to muster la the Illinois volunteers. In the language of a memoir of the times, one of these lieutenants was a very fascinating young mac of easy manners and affable disposition, while the other was equally pleasant and extremely modest. It Is further stated that a tall, homely young man dressed In blue jeans presented himself to the lieutenants as captain of a company of volunteers and was duly sworn In. The one who administered the oath of allegiance to the "young man In blue Jeans was4he lieutenant of the fascinating manners above mentioned. This was Jefferson Davis. The young man In blue Jeans was Abraham Lincoln, and the other young lieutenant of the extremely modest demeanor was Robert Anderson, commander of Fort Sumter at the beginning of the Civil war. And no premonition told them, as they stood together on that pleasant spring morning, of the Important parts they were each to play In, that great drama of blood. In that part of the war that was carried on in Wisconsin, Lincoln was with Earlys company of rangers In General Atkinsons command. On June 30, 1832, this company crossed the territorial line into Wisconsin and camped on the bank of the Rock river, about a mile above the Turtle village of the Winnebago Indians, and which Is the site of the present city of Beloit. The company was often alarmed by the rumors of Indians ahead, but had no actual engagements. They marched north and on July 1st camped at Storrs lake, a short distance east of where the village of Milton now stands. Striking the main trail of Black Hawks army they followed it In a northerly direction toward Lake Koshkonong. They recopnoitered here but finding no fresh evidence they followed the trail up Rock river to a spot not far from where the city of Fort Atkinson Is now situated. The country at that time was a wilderness, and this army of General Atkinsons had to fairly cut its way through the underbrush, tall trees and clinging vines. He had an. army of nearly two thousand regulars. He built a fort on the river bank near Its junction with Bark river, and his army remained here a part of the month of July, reeonnolterlng and following up trails of the Indians through the swamps and woods. Lincoln, a member of Earlys company of rangers, took an active part in all the maneuvers, and when word was brought on the 8th of July by some Winnebago Indians that Black Hawk was hiding in the swamp on an island In Lake Koshkonong, five miles down the river, it was Earlys company that was sent to reconnoltcr. They crossed the river on rafts to the island, Lincoln among them, but the wily Hawk had flown. This happened on the 9th of July. They returned up the river to the mnln command, and on the 10th of July Lincoln was mustered out of service. The next day he started ont with his companions for his home In Illinois. That night his own horse and that of one of his comrades was stolen, and the rest of the distance was made on foot. Lincoln was very fond of talking In later life of his experiences In the Black Hawk war. On one occasion, In the fall of 1859, he was making speeches in Wisconsin. After speaking at Beloit he was conveyed by carriage to Janesville. They traversed the same route as that taken by the army in the Black Hawk war twenty-seve- n Lincoln recogyears before. nized it and talked freely about the events of that time, telling in his humorous way of the difficulties encountered in his journey home after his horse was stolen. Gradually, however, in the three quarters of a century and more that have passed since the time when Lincoln and his comrades camped in the wilderness. the stockade posts rotted away until theijf was nothing to show where the fort had stood. Then the Daughters of the American Revolution of Fort Atkinson took the matter In hand and placed a memorial to mark the spot. It is a massive boulder of native stone with a tablet of Massachusetts granite upon which this InNear this spot scription Is engraved : in 1832 in the Black Hawk war, Gen. Henry Atkinson erected a stockade fort. To mark this historic ground the Daughters of the American Revolution of Fort Atkinson erect this ed? Unthought Of. Was Van Gotroxs death unexpect- Oh, quite Dolly had refused him only the day before. What a country this would be for cannibals. Could have their fat men either fried or stewed. 1 Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days if PAZO OINTMHNT fall to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles First application gives relief . 60c. DrnftKlits refund money Meddle only with those people who meddle with you, and not always with Dont waste lime trimming a brush , them. to paint the mistakes of yesterday. AT AN END the female complaints and A FIGHT FOR LIFE weaknesses that make woman's life a misery. Theyre relieved by Dr. Pierces Favorite PreIt has been fight or die for many of us In the past and the lucky people are scription. For all the derangements, disorders, and diseases those who have suffered, but who are now well because they heeded nature's warnpeculiar to the sex, this is the only remedy certain to benefit. ing signal in time to correct their trouble with that wonderful new discovery Its a legitimate medicine for You of Dr, Pierces called woman, carefully adapted to should promptly heed these warnings, her delicate, organization, and some of which are dizzy spells, backaehe, never conflicting with any of Irregularity of the urine or the painful her conditions. It regulates twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lumand promotes all the proper To the make An-u-rl- c. possible delay may bago. dangerous forms of kidney disease, such as BrightB disease, diabetes or stone In the bladder. To overcome- - these distressing conditions take plenty of exercise In the open air, avoid a heavy meat diet, drink freely of water and at each meal take Dr. Pierces Anuric Tablets (double strength). You will. In a short time, find that you are one of the firm Indorsers of Anuric, as are thousands of neighbors. Step Into the drug store and ask for a slxty-cepackage of Anuric, or send Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial pkg. Anuric is many times more pont tent than lithla. functions, builds up and invigorates the entire system, and restores health and strength. Are you weak, nervous and ailing, or and overworked? Then it will bring you special help. Its the mothers friend. It lessens pain and insures life of both mother and child. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription has a record of years of success. It is a most potent invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine. It is made of the glyceric extracts of native medicinal roots found in our for- and contains not a drop of alcohol or Iests drugs. Sold in Tablet or Liquid by dealers. Tablets 60 cents. nin-dow- n LOSKV STODKE KSAISOTE YOULL full of enjoy this real cigarette. Its flavor-j- ust as good as a pipa ITS TOASTED The Burley tobacco is |