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Show poor copysl SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH South Cache Courier Freight Moving Week" Appointed Published Every Friday at Hyrum Utah. J. A. WAHLEN. Publisher. LAW AND ORDER OR FORCE! Governor Joseph M. Brown of Georgia hits the nail squarely on the head when he asks, who shall control the industries,' the labor unions or the government of our country? He asks, which is the symbol of supreme authority, the union label or the great seal of our country which stands for equality before the law of fcll citizens, union or nonunion? He says that like all other citizens they should be compelled to adjust their differences with other people by due process of law, and not by threats, force and intimidation. That is the meaning of the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, which holds that labor has a perfect right to organize but no right to molest open-sho- p employees. It is a remarkable fact that upon the rendering of that decision labor leaders virtually declared that they would pay no attention to the decision but would go on with their fight just the same. Governor Brown shows that these are the only organizations or combinations of people in the United States whose leaders defy laws, no matter what the Supreme Court decides. The recent decision of the Supreme Court is in substance, that if union labor ssrikes and quits work, it has no right to attempt by force or otherwise, to attempt or to prevent other persons from working. INDUSTRIES NEXT TO WAR The press accords to all the partments of the government en gaged in carrying on the war the fullest publicity and editorial supde- port. The question of expediting freight shipments is being taken up vigorously by Director General McAdoo in response to urgent calls for an educational campaign to' awaken shippers and the public in general to the necessity and importance of prompt loading and unloading of freight cars, and in response to this necessity, the Director General has, by proclamation, established the week of January 14 to 21st, as Freight Moving Week for the purpose of emptying loaded freight cars at their destinations, thus releasing a great number of empty freight cars for other immediate prepar-ednes- no favors. They help put over the draft machinery, to secure volunteers for army and navy, to boost the liberty loan and Red Cross funds. This is all done without money and withont price and no other line of business gives its help so completely without hope of reward. The press is loyally promoting the plans for food conservation, for shipbuilding, sugar production, oil and power development. The great industries that are back of the military preparations and the multitude' of little local industries are given support. The press realizes that the people must earn wages, must have money to support families and that payrolls are the basis of prosperity. Motion Picture Classic is the first movie magazine to realize how closely the theatre of garrulity and the kh, use. Freight Moving Week is fixed Y GO TO t ALLEN BROS. J HYRUM, UTAH Pia'ss.i y.-.- w wholeroii'r w go into effect under Government orders, and it should not be overlooked that following that week, Hi w o3 Mill: ai .d c oo cx cd. a'!, v r.;oths ft GA LUMET MSEdIts b j. n 'uneojLt v.' POWDER lst in ro t f ; ut' uct CaL t f r conin'' 7 -- c - r'""n4 t' u let ! r 'f and is u c nly auc A ifca ap fA .S. is V d .a. fva us Act,? Vf-'- horror i purity the i f use & fY 7 tT DEALERS IN with Cr.lumet ilaIJn'.s dont know wb'it a g;od ' cuse I have... i Help w so Helping Mrsc- f- Cnyro good! Good n ne too, be- - si; cause Calumet Bakings are fY Y Y Y I tf Tfite one week in advance of the date that the new demurrage charges the progressive demurrage charges up to $10.00 per day will be in force, so that it will be decidedly to the advantage of shippers to develop a regular practice of prompt unloading of freight cars from day to day. The Director Generals announcement on the subject follows: I wish to appeal to the people of the United States to observe the week beginning January 14th., and ending January 21st, 1918 as Freight Moving Week, and I earnestly request the Governors of various states, the public utilities commissioners, the mayors of cities and towns, the state councils of national defense, the federal and state food and fuel administrators, the chambers of commerce and other business organizations, business men and shippers generally, trucking companies, and all railroad employees concerned, to organize locally and make a supreme effort during this week to unload freight cars, to remove freight from railroad and to clear the decks for stations, a more efficient opperation of the railroads of the country. An earnest and united pull all along the line will achieve wonders in this direction. We can help ourselves and relieve an immense amount of suffering if we attack the problem vigorously and in the true spirit of rt w to, . Next to giving space to all the publicity the gavernment needs to carry on, the press gives space to the home industries. The preSs realizes that at home, maintaining the payrolls for the breadwinners and the producers, is most imUNLOCKING WESTERN portant. RESOURCES The farmers and the labor or ganizations have made suggesA new era of development in the tions looking to exemption from West ask by unlocking of natural remilitary duty but publishers s tf t? tf t General Merchandise Y t u! jt yv .(, j, y "v v. For the Best WASHER 5i' GO TO V. R. A. ELIASON Remember that we always have the Choicest of Fresh and Cured Meats on hand Special Notice An Income Tax Officer sent by the Government, will be in Hyrum on February 25th and 26th for the purpose of assisting all to get in their Income Tax Returns, with the Exemption lowered to $1,000.00 for single persons and $2,000.00 for married persons. The Income Tax will effect practically every small Merchant, Salaried man and Farmer, also every Corporation and nearly every partnership, either the Income Tax, Excess Profits Tax or both. What Expenses are properly See the Government man at the City Hall February 25th and 26th. A severe penalty is imposed for negligence. It is your duty to call on the Government, not the Government to call on the Tax Paer. All forms will be ready when you call. Tell your Friends and Neighbors. KEEPS YOUR HOME FRESH and?CLEANi Combination Pneumatic Sweeper DUNTLEY Sweeper cleans without raising dust,' and at the same time picks up pins, lint, ravelings, etc., in ONE OPERATION. Its ease makes sweeping a simple task quickly finished. It reaches even the most difficult places, and eliminates the necessity of moving and lifting all heavy furniture. 'JpHIS Swiftly-Sweepin- g, Easy-Runni- ng The Great Labor Saver of the Home Every home, large Or small, can enjoy relief from Broom drudgery and protection from the danger of flying dust. Duntley is the Pioneer of Pneumatic Sweepers Has the of combination the Pneumatic Suction Nozzle and sources will result from passing the revolving Brush. Very easily operated and absolutely guaranteed. In buying a Vacuum Cleaner, why not give coal and oil land leasing bills and the a trial in your home at our expense? , the Duntley water power bill. Write today for full particulars About 44, 000, 000 acres of coal Duntley Pneumatic Sweeper Co. lands in fourteen States, chiefly in 65th and State Street, Chicago, III. the West and Alaska, and many Quarterly Conference, Saturday water power sources in navigable and Sunday, Jan. 19th and 20th. and streams, will be thrown open to develoment. In addition, the government also proposes to spend millions of dollars itself in developing California oil resouces for naval use. Although the legislation provides that most of the development shall be by private enterprise, except the Federal development of California naval oil reserve, it also provides for government receipts from sales and rentals of coal and oil lands. Liberal ieases on tracts of coal and oil lands up to 2,560 acres are proposed in the pending bills. Due to the mild winter, we are overstocked, therefore we are offering Hydraulic development for power, light and irrigation purposes will Special Low Prices This Month be under federal permit on a royalty basis, If ever necessity called for passing legislation encouraging the development of our natural resources, fr non-navigab- le theatre of shadows are connected. Not only does the Classic carry a department of photoplay criticism, but devotes several pages each it is now. month to photographs and revues of the Sucessful Stage Plays of Use KREAM KRISP for cooking the Season. in place of butter. Adv. Our Annual Cle arance Sale ON Knit Goods, Mackinaws, Sweaters, Underwear, Etc. IS NOW OPEN to Reduce our Stock. Fonnesbeck Knitting Wks. AMMO BLOCK, NORTH MAIN STREET, LOGAN 4 4 4 |