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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH RED CROSS CHRISTMAS has happened. A and simple thrilling thing that brings something of real greatness to our lives, humble as they may be. It is the observance of our first Red Cross Christmas. One cannot have even the thought of its appropriateness and its significance in this world of anguish without having touched the highest thoughts of all the world that which was given Something the birthday we are celebrating-Behol- d, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all on and that which was exin the Red Cross Treaty pressed made by nations, which established that in warfare the sick and wound ed of the enemy should be sacrod to the Red Cross. This is a Christmas when we cannot see our new young soldiers, strong and straight of back, without visioning those otheis whom war has made helpless. We cannot see the happiness of our children without thinking of those little ones in Europe who have starved to death. Perhaps we cannot deck our childrens Christmas trees without remembering that He in whose honor they are was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. In the Red Cross campaign for 10,000,000 new members during the week preceeding Christmas there is scope for all our tenderness, all our richest imaginings, all our new-bor- n power of simplicity of heart, all our possibilities of service. The Red Cross Chapterss have asked all members of the American Red Cross to take part in a simple ceremony on Christmas Eve the placing of a lighted candle in the window shining through a Red Cross service flag on the window-panThis flag is a piece of white people; . State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 75c. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public Halls Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and acts through the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. Halls Family Pills for constipation. ing and Selling The Handsomest Lot of Christmas Goods This Town Has Ever Seen CHRISTMAS Thy Birthday? Whose? O Christ, whose Christ art Thou? So vast the waste, so limitless ' our woe, We may not know. (Thank God, we cannot know!) The scope of half the wolves of war have wrought, Each neath Thy Cross. Calling on Thee, they fought: And now Whose Christ art Thou? Will venture thats what you will say when you see the showing here. Come now and look them over. If you see anything you would like, we will lay it away for you untiljwanting time. rf N, This will give you a chance to choose early. And you know early choosing is always best. Our Line of Xmas Cards and Greetings Are Particularly Attractive The Kaisers Christ? The spire of Rheims replies. Look The White Czars Christ? where the Moujik dies! Mens wounds and womens shame And slaughtered children, towns aflame All In His Name! Out of the sodden earth the blood of millions calls. Against the Christ of Kings and . Generals. transparent 'paper, with the sign of the Red Cross, five inches square in the center, and smaller crosses to be added for each of the household who is a member of the Red Cross. It iff an expressblue-bordere- Only a few more Shopping Days Until Christmas. We are show- A1vertumnO e. d, ion of service in this unexampled time a symbol so instinctive that the Red Cross will glow from the windows of our homes over the length and breadth of the land, sending out the Christmas message to the world, and telling not only but our own hearts, the passer-bthat just as our boys and men are finding new strength in their new sacrifices, so may we through our new service. LOW RATES Ogden, Logan and Idaho Railway Christmas and New Years. Tickets on sale between all points December 20, to 25th, inclusive; 29th to 31st, inclusive and January 1, 1918. Also again January 2, 1918, to Salt Lake City only. Return limit on all The tickets January 7th, 1918. Adv. WAY. ELECTRIC thing: Whose Christ? I saw the monarchs cloaked with awe, Make Holy War, whose victories were loss; And, in a roofless hovel, then I saw A women kneel before a broken cross. Christ? Not theirs not Whose theirs, I know but hers Hers since all Time began; Christ of the poor, Christ of the sufferers We are still in the game, good not of Kings, but Man! Christ, Newbold the goods, low prices. Adv. By Reginald Wright Kauffman. Clohier, Logan, Come With the Crowds to Eliason Sisters i . V We Save You Money on Everything You Buy , SHOP EARLY X Hea dq uarters fer Hoverman Famous Dolls, Toy A , and Useful Holiday Gifts. . : X ELIASON SISTERS. Logan V The Rexall Store The high Democracy of suffering. Mankind is mad, but blood-ma- d though we be, Foregive our blasphemy; Be born again and set us free; Live,' for we must have such a Goc as Thou: The world had never so much need of Thee As now. Ten Day Big Cut Price Sale W-- RITER BROTHERS DRUG CO. And yet a Christ! O, Thou still unrevealed After all. revelation, hear the cry From ruined city and from ravished field. From dead hearts and from hearts that cannot die! Upon a thousand points at odds Self, and the will of earthly gods Giving each other blow for blow. Even in that difference we know Ourselves as brothers in this final y, uimm mi X 33S3 I. & HAYBALL MERC. CO. XMAS PRICES ON Christmas Prices Dry Goods GROCERIES 22 Bars Clean Easy Soap 22 Bars Crystal White Soap 22 Bars White Naptha Soap 7 Packages Blue Ribbon Raisins 16 Packages Corn or Gloss Starch 20 Large Rolls Toilet Paper 5 Cans K. C. Baking Powder, 25c size.. 7 Cans 20c Salmon 9 Cans 15c Pork and Beans 11 Cans I2V2C Sardines 4 Pounds Hills Coffee 5 Pounds M. J. B. Coffee 7 Cans 25c Asparagus Tips. 9 Cans 15c Pineapple 75c Tea, 2 Pounds $1.00 Bottle of Lemon or Vanilla 50c Bottle of Lemon or Vanilla 5 Packages 25c Cocoa or Chocolate $1.25 Can Crisco 60c Can Crisco 1 $2.40 Can Crisco .$1.00 - $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.69 $1.00 $1.00 75c 50c 25c $1.00 $1.00 50c $2.00 OUR ENTIRE LINE OF LADIES HALF PRICE SUITS ALL LADIES AND MISSES COATS AT 20 PERCENT DISCOUNT SILK AND GEORGETTE CREPE WAISTS....20 PERCENT DISCOUNT LOT NO. 1. FANCY SILK 50c PER YARD LOT NO. 2 FANCY SILK PER YARD 3 FANCY SILK, PER YARD LOT NO. ALL SULK GOODS. 75c , AND AND PLAIN $139 WOOL 20 PERCENT DRESS DISCOUNT FURS, FURS, FURS During This Sale At 20 Percent Discount V TOY LAND a TOY LAND Toy Land is Now Open. Bring the Kiddies to Santa Claus DEAR REAAERS: In your search for Christmas Bargains, patronize the merchants that are represented in his paper, and you are sure to be satisfied. |