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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE COURIER Fridaj. Oct. - 19, - zu: REPORT 1917. Entered at the Portoffice at Hytutn, Utah, ai second claw mail matter, under the Act of March 3 1879 Made to the Dank Commissioner of the State of Utah, of the Condition of the Hyrum State Bank, Located at Hyrum, in the County of Cache, State of Utah, at the , J. A. Wahlen. Publisher & Manager close of business on the 8th day of October, 1917: THINK! REASON!! that the human body is the most Tiighlv perfected MACHINE ever created? Do you know that the Creator placed within your bodv EVERYTHING necessary for health? Do you know that Nature (within the physical) is the Do you know resources: Local News Loans and Dis- - We will give $55.00 in trade for A $50.00 Liberty Bond. Hyrum Clo. Co. Adv. ONLY exact chemist, and manufacture Her own antidotes, antitoxins, etc. etc., if she is properly distributed throughout the Your $50.00 Liberty Bond is worth $55.00 in trade at the Hyrum Adv. Clo. Co. body? Do you know conduct human electricity (also called Spirit, Soul Innate Intelligence) from the brain, which is the human dynamo, to EVERY part of the body? Do you know that 90 per cent of all diseases are CAUSED by subluxated vertebrae which produce pressure upon nerves as the emit from the spine? And that pressure upon nerves decreases their carrying capacity, and the part that they supBEGINS7 ply starves, atrophies and DO YOU KNOW THAT EVERY MACHINE NEEDS CHIROPRACTIC. REASON! THINK! GET ADJUSTED BY ADJUSTING? son was born to Mr. and Allen last Wednesday D. A. Mrs. morning. All concerned are doing A fine so-call- nicely. I liabilities: Tne Second ward M. I. A. held there opening social on Tuesday Capital Stock... affair proved of this week. Th to be a success in every particular. ; w J Blacksmith Fork canyon. Remember, folks, that I am conducting a school Childrens" free clime from 3 to 4 oclock daily. Parent or Guardian Must accompany the child., Get your child. 1 ren adjusted and avoid future ailments, G. B. ROSE, D. C. State of Utah, ) County of Cache, Harry W. Oakes, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is Cashier of the above named bank; that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true, and correct statement of the condition of the 'said bank at the close of business on the 8th day of October, 1917. Harry W. Oakes, Cashier. Correct Attest: Thatcher Bank Building, Suite Hours: 9-1- 1 a. m. and 1-- Use KREAM KRISP in place of butter. Adv. Merrill 230-23- 4 v V Shamhart-Christiansen- s) and7:3Q p.m. House Calls by Appointment 44 4 4 444 444444444444 A ' o Preparedness! For Grip and Colds, Aches and Pains Tablets. Diemens Laxative Grip-Col- d White Pine and Tar for Coughs. Cherry Cough Syrup for Children. Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes, Denver For Croup Apply Mustard Ointment. is necessary for maximum KEEN EYESIGHT in every walk of life, whether at work, school or play. It is a Patriotic. Duty to do your level best now in every thing you attempt. Glasses may make you more efficient. It will pay you to at least have your eyes examined. My office is equipped with the instruments for a most thorough and complete examination. FRED B. PARKINSON, AND OPTICIAN. 0. D. Office over Utah Power 8 Light Mud. V 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I5 The Liberty Loan Campaign Has Reached THE - 57000 Mark 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5js- sjf. sjf afc Have Done 4 YOUR BIT 0 4 4 4 v 4444 4m4K4KK 4 4 music, and good music, advertise Hypromptness. They rum as no other oaganization has done. My best congratulations boys, on your progression. T. W. Hutton. up-to-da- te OPTOMETRIST Phone 138 HYRUM DRUG CO. 1. 1 will be refreshdancing General m. 44444 for cooking Shamhart-Christiansen- of the' season. The hall specially decorated and ments will be served. The public is cordially invited. admission 50c. (Over p.m. 6:30 p. 4 Utah, LOGAN, UTAH Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson Jr. hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of the returned home Oct. 19th, after Office No. 4'. statement of the above named comsix Store s months Over traveling the past pany, filed in my office this 17th day Phone, Idaho and of October 1917. Northern through Lines Diagnosis and Surgery W. E. Evans, Special Montana. On their way home they Bank Commissioner. cnttnntttKsattsgtintmntnrKrn visited Yellowstone Park and re- port having enjoyed a very pleasant Two children of Jos. Unsworth "Miss Mildred Pond of the B. Y. summer. C. Logan, spent Saturday and were operated on for adenoids this H. H. Jensen and Sons,' the blackwith her sister Mrs. T. W. week. smiths, have just completed a new Sunday ' Hutton. school wagon which will be used to A few of the intimate friends . I 'TSfc haul students from Blacksmith Fork The primaries for the coming city of Mrs. J. A. Wahlen very agreeher at her hollow to the high school in Hyrum election have been held, and both ably a surprised and return. The work and mater- the Republicans and Democrats residence last Friday evening, it A dainty ial is of the best, and will be in have put up good tickets. It is now being her birthday. every way substantial and comfort- - up to the citizens of Hyrum to luncheon was served and the able. select the men of their choice, and time spent in social chfit. She Let us take off our hats and go to the polls on Nov. 6th and vote received several nice tokens of salute our Hyrum Silver Band. for the candidates that will stand remembrance, and at the time of for a satisfactory, and progressive parting all wished Mrs. Wahlen They are in demand and compli- many happy returns of the day. "iKnented all over Cache County for city administration. sentation there, and present prospects point to the biggest success C. HaEAHesHanamssroain Dr. E. A special dance under the auspices of the M. I. A. Stake Board of the Hyrum Stake will be given at the Elite Hall Saturday Oct. 27th. It is expected that every ward in the stake will have a good repre- Ph P. S. G., CHIROPRACTOR Mr. O. E. Perryman, Utah RepreRobert Baxter, C. J. Christiansen, sentative of the Calumet Baking A. A. Allen, J. Powder Co. was in Hyrum the past Directors. week, interviewing our merchants Osteopathic Physician Subscribed and sworn to before and distributing some advertising Logan, Utah me this 15th day of October 1917. matter for that Co. Chronic Diseases a Specialty John W. Jensen, Public. Notary seal Office and Residency 127 E. 3rd N. Prin. H. R. Adams is home again on 1st commission day expires My Phone 247. from Idaho, where has been at work of Oct., 1918. 3$mtKztnxsKnmtK$2$2$nKKKin: during school vacation, and is now I State of Utah, J busy looking after school matters, Office of Bank Commissioner, c) SS preparatory for commencement of I, W. E. Evans, Bank CommisErnest P. Oldham, M. D. High School on the 29th of Oatober. sioner of the State of do -- ed DIS-EAS- E The Golden Hour Club met at the home of Mrs. Dr. R. E. Hubbard last Saturday. Dainty refreshments were served and an enjoyable afternoon was spent. Mrs. H. p. Anderson and family are planing to move to Price, Utah, in the near future where Mr. Anderson is engaged at the Carbon County High School. Mrs. Geo. Smith of Salt Lake City has been a visitor at the home of ' Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Selby the past Mrs. Smith is a daughter-in-laweek. of Pres. Joseph F. Stnith. Mr. J. H. Sandstron and family returned to their home in Salt Lake last Sunday, after spending a few days with . Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Goodhue, at the Power City in that the nervous system is the most im- portant system in the human body because the nerves Mr. W. D. Rose and 'children of Rupert, Idaho, was a Hyrum visitor the past week. ' that She can AND WILL Vb . Only a ' Few Days Left 84,.!iM,4,,- - |