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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE ridaj, Oct. 12, COURIER 1917. , Entered at the Poatoffice at Hyrum, Utah, a second class mail matter, under the Act of March 3 1879 J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manager Local News FOR SALE Cabbage. Apply to Hans Mikkelsen, Hyrum. Ady. Use KREAM KRISP in place of butter. for cooking Adv. We will give $55.00 in trade for a $50.00 Liberty Bond. Hyrum Clo. Co. Adv. A daughter of Mrs. H. Ma- thews of Tennesse, is visiting, with parent and - friends in Hyrum. Apples Wanted I do not care how large nor how small they are. Size governs price. Alvin Allen. Ad. hammer near Parkinsons corner on Main Street, Hyrum. Owner can get same by calling on W. A. Liljenquist. Adv. Mr. Roy Parker of Weiser Idaho has been home for a short visit with his sick mother at Mt. Sterling, the. past few days. FOUND A Marion Thompson, son of C. O. Thompson, was home from the naval training station at San Diego, Cal., for a short visit with parents and friends the past week. The many friends of Mr. Thos. Baron and family will be pained to learn that Bro. Baron lies seriously ill at his home in Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Goodhue, of the power city in Blacksmith Fork canyon, returned the forepart of this week from a trip to Salt Lake and Provo, Utah, on busi- ness and pleasure combined. Motor trucks are becoming quite general in use, even in Hyrum. Smith Bros. Lumber Co. now have a truck , to haul their lumber from the yard to different parts of the town, and Mr. James Christiansen has fitted up a motor attached to a wagon, and is hauling beets from the land to the dumps. Mr. Anthon H. Winger of Arco, Idaho, stopped off at Hyrum Thursday, on his way way home from attending a funeral at Brigham City, of the young man that was killed in Pocatello Valley the other day, by being run over by a heavy wagon. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Karren Winger of 1,00 REWARP 1100 4 HI? j? 4 ? 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 4 4? The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded risease that science has been able to cure in all stages, and that s Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure 13 the only postive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be lng a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroylng the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The propreitors have so much faith In its curative powers that they offers One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. & Co., Address: F. J. CHENEY Sold 75c, all O. Druggists Toledo, by announce to the people South Cache the opening of I $ of Chiropractic . Adjusting Parlors (Advertisement! Wherein I will be pleased to ably serve you when sick. A Suggestion Editor Courier: Permit me the medium of your paper to bring to the notice of the voters of Hyrum a matter which I think is worthy of their consideration. I would like to see both political parties this fall be gallant, chivalrous, and sensible enough to put two or more ladies upon the municipal tickets. I know there are many that think a womans place is behind the stove. If we admit this to be true, we know that there are many ladies in our city who could see that the stove was run all right and still have time and talent to give to any office from mayor down to the cop. The ladies are given the ballot then why not help run the City. Its time that Hyrum did something out of the ordinary, and I hope that we will be the first city in Cache County to give the ladies a chance to manage the affairs of the City where their homes are, where their children are raised and where they are taxed, but denied the privilege of having anything to say in the matter of the City Government. Very Respectfully, M. A. Gill. Time cfjOpening: through J. E. White Thursday from a trip to Salt Lake, where he attended the State Fair, and also paid a visit to his home south of Salt Lake. Mr. White informs us that he has resigned his engagement to teach at the South Cache High this city. School this winter, on account of Among the visitors who came to having accepted a government attend the funeral of Wallace position. He leaves for St. AnLiljenquist were Mr. and Mr. Otto thony, Sunday to 'report for duty. and George Liljenquist of Rexburg, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Louie Petersen of Pocatello Valley, Mr. and Mrs. John Hyde of Downey, Idaho, Mrs. Thomas Baron of State of Utah, City of Hyrum Brigham City, Mrs. Sumner P. I have in my possession the folNelson of Ogden and a number of described lowing estray animals friends from other points. which, if not claimed and taken Miss Lettie Sorenson very roy- away, will be sold at public auction to the cash bidder, ally entertained at her home, at my corral inhighest this city, on Friday, Friday night of last week, in the 19th day of October, 1917, at the honor of Mr. Merrill Baxter who hour of 1 oclock p. m. Estray Notce. left the following Sunday for Description of Animal: Idaho. A delicious luncheon One Holstein bull calf, about 4 was served covers being laid for months old, no marks or brgnds A large crystal bowl visible. twelve. Said animal was impounded in filled with grapes and peaches The this city on the 8th day of October, formed the center-piec1917. evening was spent in music and N. C. Anderson, games, and a' delightful evening Poundkeeper, was spent. 4 4 4 Monday, Oct. 15th, 1517 Place: Thatcher Building, Suite of Rooms, 8, 9, 10, (Over Hours: 9 to J a. m. 11 Shamhart-Christiansen- and 11 Store )' s to 4 p. m.; 6:30 to 7:30,p.m. 1 4 Efficient Service, which will Relief them that Suffer. Aim: 4- - Your $50.00 Liberty Bond is worth $55.00 in trade at the Hyrum Buy at Adv. ' Clo. Co. Purebred white FOR SALE Leghorn laying hens. Apply to Mrs. H. P. Andersen, Hyrum. Ad. i ' .LOST a gold watch attached .to fob, along or near Main Str., Hyrum, a few days since. Finder leave same at this office and rewarded. : Adv. 1 money. be We Hade Just Received : your fall Clothing and Shoes Newbolds, hell save you Adv. 1 At about 6 a. m. this Saturday morning, fire broke out in the residence of Michel Jensen located on depot street, and completely burned it to the ground. He lit a fire to A beantiful line of Box Paper Tablets and Correspondennce Cards. t? Flash-Light- ; tv fV See our line of Fountain Pens, Watehes Clocks and s. $ A BIG STOCK f HYRUM DRUG CO. SS0 prepare breakfast, and went out to his- - chores, and upon his return do returned Mr. 4 Chiropractor 1 j 4? 4 4? New Time Table discovered the house, which was,of old and dried up lumber, a rflass of ffiames. As there was no water anywhere near he was unable to do anything, and only saved a few valuable articles. ' The fire was caused by a defective flue or chim-ney- . September 26, 1917. ,The ELECTRIC Way Winter Schedule Southbound Trains Leave: A.M. 7:45 7:59 8:03 8:07 8:16 8:24 To Our Patrons There are quite a number of our Subscribers that have not paid for their paper for a year or more. appreciate it very much if those that owe us would make an effort to pay up, as we need the money to pay our obligations. We are now sending out statements to every one that owes us and we hope that those who receive them will call and straighten up their account, and save us the trouble of calling on them person- P.M. We would ally. r, 11:51 11:55 A.M. All Trains Make Direct Connections at Ogden With Bamberger Trains to and from Salt Lake City. Daily Freight Service in Both Directions. TRAVEL No Smokel THE ELECTRIC WAY No Dust! No Cinders! Comfort All the Way. . Respectfully, South Cache Courier, Per. j;;A Wahlen. Pub. W. A. WHITNEY, J. W. ELLINGSON, Traffic Manager. General Manager. e. Dr. E. J. Merrill ammnttmrnmimajmmmmrnnamtft Ernest P. Oldkam, M. D. Osteopathic Physician LOGAN, Logan, Utah Chronic Diseases a Specialty Office and Residence 127 E. 3rd N Phone 247. UTAH Office No. 4. Over Shamharf-Christianse- Phone, Special Lines Store ns 230-23- See Here! We have some nice, blue serge pants for school boys. We also have some swell gray suits for small boys, we will sell at 30 per cent off. 20 per cent off on Ladies and Misses Coats. " OUR FALL LINES ARE NEARLY ALL IN. Now is the time to get what you need. Buy at home, there are many reasons why should. REMEMBER THE PLACE. 1. Diagnoii and Surgery these ALLEN BROTHERS, Hyrum you |