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Show I CJ ,iiA.aj Courier OUTH VOL. VIU. Hyrum Cache County, Otah, Friday Aug. 24, 1917. ( 0 39 NO. Y Make Use of Traveling Down He Was Sure How Can One Funeral of The Portneuff Merchant UnderParcels Post Asael Allen Surprised sell Another Hyrum, Utah, Aug. 20, 1917. Editor Courier: Just an- cu- Send your surplus apples, Funeral services over the remains other line if The Surprise was on the other Mr. Rassmussen, of Rasmussen can make room beans you but the intentions were Bazaar was asked this question and cumbers, tomatoes, plums, of Asael' Allen were held"1 in the in fellow, little , messengeryour all other kinds of fruit and The, average his answer is compare ur prices and First ward meeting house last SaturAfter leaving Chesterfield, Ida., good, anyway. vegetables by parcel post to your day at 2 p. m. Bp. L. D. McBride I followed down the Portneuff Dane will face a combat Jwhen and see. That is the final test. such and fair, but 'when We make it the first. And that riends that live where presided and the ward choir under to the Lava Hot and you play even Sprihgs, cannot Fifty grow. double on him he is likely to closes the argument. But how can things the leadership of Mads Rasmussen, right here I had my annual bath. you of the can to any go pounds to do when we do it? furnished appropriate singing. I certainly had some swim. I do as the Danes ha'j named places for 54c: five attacked them There were a great number of was told There can be hut three ways: here that the state of the Germans Idaho Falls, Shelley, to one in 1849 at Dannevirke We must either buy cheaper, Rexberg, people in attendance and the many Idaho is $30,000 improvspending beautiful floral offerings adorning minimize overhead expense, or take Blackfoot, Driggs, Montpelier, the Springs with bath rooms, they retreated. ing Almo, Albion, all, in Idaho; Af-to- n, a song in less profit. And the casket expressed the high es- hotel and composed they other buildings for the Wyo.; Grover, Wyo.; Lake-tow- n commemoration of the event, - That is plainly a matter of simple teem in which the deceased was accommodation of who travelers, and Randolph, Utah. If a chorus that ran like figures. held by his fellow citizens, and the come here to seek relief from which had out on rural routes ikke bange, Men deep-fel- t Now here is exactly how we do people live, sympathy of the communailments in the mineral this: Jens var jodily will be delivered to the parcel der var for mange, (Jens was it: ity for the bereaved family. waters of these springs. Parties who there were too The choir sang Though Deeping We buy fully five times as much their mail boxes. I left the Springs the next not afraid, But of a apples and Trials. merchandise as most other mer have large crop Prayer was offered by many. little the morning following up President A. M. Israelsen; the choir stream And when twenty ladies, the chants would require in a given tomatoes would do well to write known as Fish Creek. It down on Mr. line on some of the lines in which their relatives and friends living sang I Need Thee Every Hour. is a very long roVd, but the beau- other day, swooped as he was cogi we specialize, fully ten times as in colder climates, stating the I. C. Elders James Unsworth, tiful moring rendered some charm Robert Petersen, price such articles can be purwomen each much. Thoresen of Salt Lake city, O. M. to the environments of the lone-- y tating on how many for here, and the amount would have to care for after Can any one doubt our ability to chased Wilson, C. F. Olsen and Bishop L. traveler. All I could hear was man D. McBride, all spoke of the excellor some other philosophi- own the merchandise at a figure for transportation. There is no i:he hoot of the owl and the yelp- war, would be a lot of ent character of the departed and cal problem, why that is substantially lower than our doubt there of the coyote to break the ing stuff sold in this way. Call food offered consoling remarks to the Robert var ikke bange, competitors. of loneliness. I turned silence at the pOstoffice and get further Men der var for mange mourners. A piano solo was. ren- Our selling costs are very low oose and sang the Trail of the Dont let food dered by Miss Lucy Lijjenquist and and discretion became the better very, much less than the average information. and believe me, lonesome Pine; waste to this go year. People in a vocal solo by Elder Leonard Larof valor, and he retreated. cost of selling. some singer when I am alone. part Im sen. Bishop L. D. McBride, in beBut Miss Walborg Petersen had This gives us another tremendous places where they havent any g I finally made the divide half of the bereaved family, thanked to be surprised; and, not being at advantage when it comes to price fruit will be glad to get it. the beautiful valley in out that part making. all who had in any way rendered which lay Bancroft, Grace, and home to help carry to service them of the program, Mrs- Aaron any during the other little Naturally we take a smaller mararound. . villages out in her car gin of gross ' profit, sharing our short sickness and sad and sudden From here I came down through Christiansen set of the surprise. economies with our customers, anc death of Brother Allen. Choir sang During the recent sickness of at to find the object Gentile Valley. Arriving in found God Be With Us Till We Meet was The net on Logan, our business low, lady building Albert J. Williams, some person Preston I gotmy first glimpse of and duly surprised. prices. We do not claim to make or home,' Again, and the benediction was brought persons went into the yard at dear old Cache valley. In my a C. ParkinW. was Pres. it mer less enjoyable other net by very than Well, pronounced profit his home and politely helped little ramble I came to the conand Mr. Petersen chants. We do not aim to. Anc themselves to three of the boxins, son. affair after all, clusion that beautiful Cache has A large procession of automobiles finally recovered from the over- we probably take a little more than knocking them out of the wheels all the others beat. followed the remains to the cemesudden attack. most of them. We earn it by our of his delivery wagon, and broke Just before pulling into Hyrum whelming and of eatables policy, our investment, and our one of the front wheels in trying ok eh the Shat' where An tery tsaog inviting I stopped and unhooked my anito get the fourth and carried We Meet Beyond the River. with social work. The , fed him some grain and was enjoyed, together mal; thtfm away, inc,,1t,ction with chat and expressions of good will Our prices, then, are lower the burs grave was dedicated by Jllder Lars brushed him of the wagon. I a then little. up Petersen. toward Miss Petersenbecause we can buy cheaper simply reahave also been doing Thieves for a on clean the shirt, Bro. Allen was in all things an put ladies who will have to and sell cheaper the logical result a great deal of The damage to water son that I had been away for sevexamplary young man, and enjoy- eral months and wanted to look bear the responsibility of any of doing business on a gigantic scale melon patches in different parts ed the love and respect of all who after effects upon Rob and and neither give credit nor deliver. of town of late. my best. When I landed in town i Advertisement) A liberal reward is offered for were immediately acquainted with sole object was to gladden I looked the rig over carefully, whose arrest and conviction of the the werevas and knew him. friend of their and came to the conclusion that the heart parties who damaged Mr. WilAbout five years ago he filled an follows: He has pretty liams wagon. I had seen worse looking ones Mrs. . honorable mission in the Centra Mrs. T. N.Liljenquist, evidence good against some of than this. In nearing home the C. Mrs. Mrs. States. At home he had held many these Adams, Adams, perpetrators and they had folks must have seen me before I come and make things better in different C. N. Mrs. positions the organi- did Nielsen, because when I pulled L. Anhder, them; On before and of last their names are givFriday Saturday right zations of the church, which he W. C. Nielsen, Mrs. N. J. there stood some Mrs. at the to over en the up gate, County Sheriff. filled with credit and honor. Asae Mrs. D. O. Nielsen, week Dr. L. S. Campbell, of the of them eyeing me up, and the Nielsen, held the position as ward chorister, C. F. Olsen, Mrs. E. J. U. S. Department of Agriculture first thing I heard them say was; Mrs. The Golden Hour Club, was enterand was serving his second term as Mrs. Jos. M. Smith, Mrs. and Fred Hanson from the office of that old outfit in Haws, Dont pull State Gem tained Veterinarian the by Mrs. H. B- Nielsen last paid P- - L. Petersen, Mrs. Jas. C. JenCity Recorder at the time of his take it down town anyhere; deathT" He was a willing and faithMrs. J. J. Hall, Mrs. Israel Jersey Farm a visit and tested the Thursday, seven members were where but here; if you cant do sen, e Jerseys for present. The special guests were ful member of the church, a gooc Brown, Mrs. A.Savage, Mrs. W. entire herd of thirty-onbetter hide it somewhereany Mrs. Aaron tuberculosis. Eery animal was Mrs. Petts from Missouri, and Miss citizen, and his loss will be keenly I thought they handed it to A. Liljenquist, Well, be to found entirely free from any Grace Autrieth of this city. Avery felt by the whole community anc Miss Zina Liljenme a little strong. But when Christiansen, symptoms of the disease. Dr. Camp- pleasant afternoon was spent. and Miss Ebba Petersen. especially his wife and children who insisted that my quist further they bell has been in the government are thus bereaved of a kind ant Bp. Louis Maughan of the Hyrum outfit was nothing but a joke, acservice for nineteen and is years 3rd Ward and wife, his parents Mr. loving father and affectiqnate hus it got my goat, and I pulled down quainted with conditions throughout and Mrs. D. H. Maughan of Wells-villband. a pannel off the fence and beat the entire country. I He said. Bro. Allen was in his 27th year and Miss May Maughan, chief' to it. After all, I got the them know of dont section another anywas an energetic and ambitious Editor Courier: Kindly permit operator of the Hyrum Telephone animal loose from the buggy, where in States the so United free to Rexburg me through the the columns of your motored young man and had a bright future exchange, walked down to the house, and sat from Valthis disease Cache as heartto him. valuable paper express my Wednesday, for a few days visit befory down in the shade- As I was While in the valley he tested with relatives and friends in thanks to all who in any way ley. felt that thinking and reflecting over my assisted us during the sickness and seven registered herds, one hundred part of the great Snake rivtr, past experiences and the narrow death of my dear husband. Especi- and seventy-fou- r dairy animals, and country. Miss Veda Anderson has Mrs. H. P. Nielsen went escapes I had had, these beautido we thank the Sunday School found but one reactor, a cow re- charge of the exchange in Miss Fort Douglass last Monday ful words came to my mind: ally see her son Acle. and ward choir for the beautiful cently shipped to Richmond from Maughans absence. She stated sweet home, there's no Home, New York. Mr. Israelsen can justthat she saw all the Hyrum boys flowers, for the sweet singing, and like home all who contributed to make the ly be proud of his splendid herd of SECOND ANNUAL RAM SALE and that they all felt fine, were place I spent a few pleasant days funeral one of solemness and im- healthy Jersey cows. glad to see her and gave her Salt Lake City, Utah. among friends, coupled up my We pray that the Lord pression. hearty handshake. She spen and once, more turned my to 31st, 1917. Mr. J. W. Fryer, in company Avgust 28th, one forenoon in seeing them dril rig, will reward them liberally when Old town I love so on the back in similar circumstances, and with several of the other O. L. & Special round trip rates in effect which was very interesting to well and lit out, headed for the placed see. But the most interesting we assure all that their kindness I. Agents in this valley, went to August 1917, from all of Wyoming. state Salt Lake City, last Sunday on a O. L.&I. ELECTRIC DEPOTS shall not be forgotten. part was to see them march in Oscar Liljenquist. line to receive their dinner Yours sincerely, short pleasure trip. They visited with finat return limit September Rates from Hyrum Mrs. Asael Allen, several places of interest in the ,1st, 1917. They are well treated and ge to see WorkTs nicely progressing on the in behalf of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. city, went to Fort plenty to eat, and if they don DtHjta. have to go to war it will be our soldier boys a excellent service and travel the new residence of John W. Jensen, Allen, and family. of the 1917. school for on 1st West street. the boys. good ELECTRIC WAY. thorough inspection camp. Hyrum Utah, Aug. 22, Adv. - fol-owi- ng . over-ookin- $ Secret Service - Yad - H-R- Gov. Inspector Visits Local Herd - - Card of Thanks e, - ; 27-28-2- Grand Ball at Elite . Music by Hyrum Silver Orchestra. 9, Mall, Saturday, Sept. 1st No Dance at Wetlsville That Night. f Y.'l-- - |