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Show SOUTH CACHE COUKiEK- - HYKUM, Ulan South Gate Oeurirer State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Published Every Friday at Byrum he is senior partner of the firm of ' Utah. F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State A. WAHLEN. Publisher. J. aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLA CLEAN HARVEST LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the Now that the nation is engaged use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICin a war in which food supply will INE. FRANK J. CHENEY. & CO , Props., Toledo, J. CHENEY F. be one of the large factors in de0. All Druggists, 75c. ciding the issue, it is necessary that Sworn to before and subscribed every possible means of conservation in my presence, this 6th day of Decbe adopted. Careless methods, ember, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, which might in part be justified In (Seal) Notary Public times of plenty, must now be Halls Catarrh Medicine is taken changed, and everything must 'be Internally and acts through the done to save ever pound of food blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. for man and beast. With the cultivation of vast areas Halls Family Pi'ls for constipation. f A1vrtwrnnt e and the use of large machines, methods of carefully harvesting the crop have been neglected. officers of the mining companies been, fair and It has ' been easier to increase the have always in reasonable extra to area of the farm than arranging wages give But care to a few acres. As a result and working conditions. dethere no was no complaint, such a thing as gleaning or making a clean harvest has become almost mands, no request for a conferunknown. When grain was cheap ence as to wages or anything and the supply abundant farmers else. The strike therefore, in time might find justification for a certain of war, is not against the comdegree of carelessness in harvesting but against the governpanies, the crop; but now that the price of ment of the United States. An all farm products is so high, and in abuundance of copper is a' help view of the nations in need of all to the United.States of great improducts, there seems to be no good reason why the greatest care portance, in its war operations. should not be taken to make an A shortage of copper is of ma-- . terial assistance to Germany. To absolutely clean harvest. At a recent interstate Cereal incite a strike in the copper mines Conference held in Kansas City, it is playing the game of the na-- i was estimated that in the United tions enemies; it is an act of States at least twenty million bush- hostiliy which should be met els of wheat, and proportionate sternly, firmly and without mercy. Eventually, it may be, the govquantities of other cereals are annually lost by waste in harvesting ernment must take charge of the and threshing. This waste can and situation and see that the mines should be, in a large measure, easily are operated and that the men avoided. A man' and team are who want to work can do so. The known to' have cleared from $ 27 to government must have copper $62 a day from cleaning up after and if the mines are forced to threshers. In another instance close completely it cannot be be$500 was gained by a man with a lieved that they will remain idle team and fanning mill in three for long. Anaconda Standard. weeks time, cleaning up after threshing machine settings. This carelessness' is not confined to the cereals but extends to all the . The Hyrum Millinery Store will crops. By going over the alfalfa be open for business only from 1 to field with a rake after the crop has, 6:80 p. m. the rest of July. Parties been removed it is surprising how indebted there please call and settle much can be had. On every farm as soon as possible before another And oblige', there are ditch banks and corners season opens. Mrs. Maud Liljenquist, Prop. where grass is .allowed to go to be could waste. This profitably eaten be Buy your Hats, Clothing, Shoes, could or by animals cut, etc. at Newbolds you get the best tethered where the feed could be and cheapest. reached. Adv. Each farmer should adopt the slogan that he will harvest every ounce of crop that is produced on his farm and use it as economically as possible, not only to increase his own profits, but also to add to the war efficiency of the country. F. S. Harris, U. S. Dept, of old-tim- Notice! War Orders Rushed magnitude of the great war in which we are now engaged,'has preparation. Mighty forces are marshalling, great stores and munitions are being gathered, and the energies of the nation are focused on problems incident to the war. At the very beginning of the war, the whole Bell System was placed at the disposal of the Government. No nation has entered the war with such a comprehensive and efficient telephone service. As our military establishment grows, the demands of the Government upon the Bell System are bound to increase and always they must take prece" dence over all others. Increased activity in commerce and industry as the result of larger demands for food and munitions from our allies and for our own use, means more need of telephone service by private business. But private business must always be subordinated to the Government service. in this patriotic service, and submit Each individual American will cheerfuly to inconvenience or delay in his telephone service, when he understands how vital it is that Government service shall take precedence over all else. THEfood unusual te j The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company Notice to Subscribers. In looking over our Subscription List we find that a number of subscribers are owing us for a year and over. In order to get our accounts in and straighten up our books, we send you a statement of the amount due, and earnestly hope that you will give this mattey your immediate attention, a we are financially obligated and need the money. We will also make it & point to call on those who owe us, personally within a few days. Respectfully, n South Cache Courier, Per. J. A. Wahlen. Pub. Copper production is a necessary part of the conduct of the war, in time of the mining and smelting of copper, so greatly needed in, military operations, is fighting for the country as much as making munition or guns equipment or going to the front An agitator or any one else who endeavor to close mines in order to curtail the output of copper is doing an act that is unpatriotic and disloyal and is operating as an enemy to the country. The strike in the Butte mines is not directed against the mining companies so much as against the government of the United States. In reality it is a blow ,at the country. If there was dis satisfaction over wages or working conditions those who were dissatisfied had years in which to have matters adjusted. The At Reasonable Prices. i " Notice to the Public! Andersons Confectionery is Now in a position to furnish you with Ice Cream in large or small - quantities and at prices as follows: 1 pint, 25c. gallon, $1.50. quart, 50c. 2 gallons or more, $1.25 per gallon. 1 of BUTTERED - .The Best on the Market for the Money. Andersons Confectionery STREET, HYRUM; MAIN m- June 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27 and July 4, 11, 18 and 25. August 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29. September 5 and 12, 1917. 30. Special low fares to Denver, Colorado Springs, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Memphis and many other points. LONG LIMITS, DIVERS ROUTES, ; IS FINE. POP-CORN-I- T All Kinds of Soft Drinks and Candies May 12, 16, 19, 23, 26 and 30. -- i.gggt Before going to the Picture Show, step in and get a sack Oregon Short Line Syste- DONE AT THIS OFFICE FREE DELIVERY- - Via Union Pacific OF ALL KINDS 1 Excursion East AGITATION AND JOB PRINTING STOP OVERS. I Will Pay For Hogs, 16c. For Veal, Me. For any Live Stock Good and Fat The Highest Market Price. FOR YOUR Wagons or Farm Implements OF ANY KIND GOTO, Ask O. S. L. Agents for rates and further details. R. A. ELIASON HYRUM |